Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, August 16, 2021



Folks, I think we can all agree the world has "gone nuts."

And, expect more of the same.  

Please think deeply on what I'm going to say, "prepare, prepare, prepare."

This message will resonate with those who are concerned with what they see happening.

Those who love their families, their communities, their country.

Please get in a supply of food including canned goods, protein bars, dried milk, water, paper towels, toilet paper, and any medicine you may need.  You'll need some flashlights, and lanterns in the event we lose electricity.  

It's a good idea to buy some card games you and your family can do together while sitting around waiting for the electricity to pop back on again

If you can afford bulk dried food (in which you only add water) do that as well.

Think for a moment how you and your family are going to live without power which will affect every aspect of your lives.    

How are you going to heat your home this winter?   

Keep yourself and your family focused positively as they transition through these very trying times by assigning them jobs to do, group chats, question and answer sessions, meditation and prayer.

If you haven't made friends with your neighbors, now might be the right time.  Together is better than isolating yourself and you're going to need all the help you can get.    

Take care of your body.  

Your physical body houses your soul.

If your body breaks down it will have a difficult if not impossible time protecting your spirit as it will become weakened, sick and die.       

The evil cabal that has had this planet in its maniacal grip of fear for thousands of years is finally weakening and disintegrating at a rapid pace but not without a whopper of a fight before we are all able to hear its death rattle.  

This is why we are seeing such a push to do anything and everything to further weaken us including a vaccine that is anything but, targeting innocent people and accusing them of creating all the chaos we're seeing, aligning themselves with powerful people and organizations who are more interested in harming humanity than helping it.  

Understand, though, that when we finally get all of this behind us (and it is not going to be an easy task but we will) we will be entering a New Age for Mankind on this planet.

This morning I asked the question, after I watched a video in which the presenter actually asked this question, "are we in the Age of Aquarius?"

The cards drawn were the Knight of Cups who represents a passionate and ardent lover, someone who isn't afraid to show his love for others and the Ace of Cups (which was just frosting on the cake) in which it shows a cup that cannot contain all the outpouring of love it is receiving and overflowing with emotion.

There is much disagreement between astrologers, soothesayers and others regarding just when this new Aquarian age will present itself.

For me, I personally believe it is already here.

I have provided an article I think you will find informative and interesting regarding this subject.   

I love you all, 

     ~ Nightshade



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