Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Everyone, Stay Strong ~ "We're All in this Together and We'll Get Through This Together"
I have Covid and, believe me, what I'm going through is hard to describe. There are many symptoms I'm dealing with and I won't go into them at this time other than they are very debilitating from severe lethargy, dry cough, headache and other things.
It is going to be difficult to do a weekly Tarot reading until I feel I'm up to it. I've tried several times during this period but nothing is manifesting and any message coming through is being blocked by the virus.
Thank you for understanding during this very difficult time.
Friday, October 29, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Your Time is Up
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"Wishing Won't Make it So" |
Folks, the only way we're going to turn this planet around is if We do the work necessary.
Wishing our problems away is not going to work.
We have to take control away from an evil cabal hell bent on keeping us on a leash.
If not, we're going to continue to wake up to the "same ole, same ole.
Many of us are in awareness now as to how controlled we've been and still are.
Our awareness is showing in parents taking on school boards, people refusing the "vaccine", running for office against corrupt politicians.
We're starting to come together like never before to finally claim our sovereignty as free human beings which is exactly what the Creator wanted for us.
But He knew we would have to do this ourselves and would send additional help from above in order for us to accomplish our mission.
And we need to keep it up.
Aren't you tired of being a pawn on the globalists' chess board?
We're only going to succeed if we jerk the reins away from those who insist on keeping us enslaved and neuter them.
This is our time.
This is our home.
This is our body and those are our children.
Your Time is Up.
In order for the Light to penetrate the darkness we first must remove the darkness.
We are not individual units but an assortment of divine creatures and together we make up "One Body, One Species - The Human Species".
We belong to an interplanetary group of sentient beings who are walking the walk with us.
Whether we can see them or not makes no difference.
Just rest assured they are here on different missions in order to help our ascension out of the abyss and into the light.
Isn't it great that no one can bullshit us anymore.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for October 24, 2021
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The Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
1st row Past - Left Card: IV of Swords
1st row Present - Middle Card: XVI The Tower
1st row Destination - Right Card: XV The Devil
2nd row Hidden - Right Card: Knight of Wands
2nd row Advice - Middle Card: V The Hierophant
2nd row Outcome - Left Card: King of Pentacles
The Top Card is The Shadow Card and is the overall theme of the reading: Anxiety, worry, confusion, nightmares, insomnia, fear
1st row Left to Right
The Past is The IV of Swords meaning in need of rest and recuperation, meditation, recharging your batteries and finding your center
The Present is The XVI The Tower meaning something unexpected will happen; an unexpected turn of events, upheaval, chaos, turmoil, life overturned
The Destination Card is XV The Devil: Troublemaker
2nd row: Right to Left
The Hidden Card is The Knight of Wands and means wise planning is in order and to "think before you leap"
The Advice Card is V The Hierophant (government bodies, religious institutions) and means: Do not just blindly accept and/or submit to all knowledge without first questioning what the consequences of your decisions will be
The Outcome is The King of Pentacles. This one I had a hard time with as it can be interpreted in so many different ways as an individual, a time in history, a health issue or a relationship.
Actually, as I was doing my research, it was slowly determined that all of the above are an integral part of the answer.
On the Left is The X of Pentacles (Confirmation Card) and is a snapshot of where we're headed meaning: Family, bonding, unity, helping each other, working together, love and compassion
Subject: Malefic (Malignant Influence)
Whoever this individual represents and I believe it to be a male, his time is up.
This is The Pretender; a figure head, a puppet, a deceptive and false, ruthless, cruel and corrupt Emperor who thought he still had a job but may already be in the process of leaving or being made to leave
The altar his head rests on represents a structure on which offerings are made to a deity - the Hebrew word for altar is mizbeah from a verbal root meaning "to slaughter." The Greek word means: A place of sacrifice.
Old and feeble, his time is up and is near death or dead already (in mind, body and spirit).
His sickly white and pasty veneer (skeleton face with linen mask) is an attempt to hide his spiritual health (but if you look closely you can see scars and/or mutilation marks) that he is endeavoring to cover up.
The two talismans hanging on either side of his face are protective gear, full of images supposedly imbued with supernatural qualities.
The diadem on his forehead is both black (used to convey authority) and white symbolizing the eternal struggle between day and night, good and evil, right and wrong.
The metal talons on his crown signify the powerful grip external forces have on him/over him.
The lion on the talisman in heraldry means holding the position of "rampant" - violent in action or spirit, raging and furious
The red icon in the center of the crown could be a Harpy. In Greek it means "spirit of the wind" particularly a hurricane and symbolizes ferocity under provocation
The two vultures in the background one on the left and one on the right mean that scavenger birds do not kill their prey but only collect what is already dead.
The two white roses in the background, one on the left and one on the right I felt were not that important to the interpretation of the reading to note.
Interesting side note:
The romans and Greeks had respect for vultures.
Saturn, the G-d of Justice rode a vulture.
The Quran mentions a pre-Islamic G-d by the name of Nasr which means "Vulture" that was worshipped during the Time of Noah.
The numerical value of this reading is a 4: A break or rest period. In order to move forward you need to contemplate where you've been and where you're going.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Internet Down Weekly Tarot Message Delayed
My ISP has been down for two days and just came back up today. This week's Tarot Message I hope to have done tomorrow if not, it will be posted on Wednesday.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for October 17, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Top - Shadow Card: XX Judgement
1st row - Left Past: III of Wands
1st row - Middle Present: Ace of Wands
1st row - Right Destination: XVI The Tower
2nd row Right Hidden: IV of Cups
2nd row Middle Advice: III of Pentacles
2nd row Left: Outcome: VII of Swords
Confirmation Card: The V of Pentacles: Financial Loss, Destitution, Health Issues
Subject: Accountability
The Shadow Card XX Judgment gives the overall meaning of this spread. It stands for atonement, a spiritual awakening regarding a decision made and the outcome.
The Past Card is the III of Wands: You've done all you can in order to land a new job, marry the right person, start a family or a business. Now you must wait for the results.
The Present Card Ace of Wands means you've succeeded and a new beginning is waiting for you - your due diligence has paid off and you're being rewarded with a raise in pay, getting that job you wanted, or a new relationship.
The Destination Card is The XX Tower which means something unexpected is coming that will knock you off the path you're on, difficulties, endings, remorse and regret.
2nd row Right is The Hidden Card IV of Cups and means you're not happy with where you are now. Because of what happened you are now beset by a number of problems. You're angry, you're mad. You had everything going for you and then something interfered with your plans. See XX The Tower Card. However, instead of being despondent and depressed this card means there is something positive in the situation you now face and to look for it.
2nd row Middle Card is The Advice Card III of Pentacles and means it took teamwork to get to where you are now. You've always been recognized for getting the job done. It reminds you that you create your own reality by the decisions you make. You can either create a monster or a masterpiece It's entirely up to you.
2nd row Left is The Outcome Card VII of Swords and means you are thinking about or are planning on doing something unethical. This isn't you, at all? Is it because you're unhappy and can't get over after all your hard work you didn't get what you wanted? This card warns against doing something you are going to regret. Remember, your decisions can create a masterpiece or a monster. Choose wisely.
The bottom Card is The Confirmation Card: The V of Pentacles: It's time to do an assessment and figure out where you want to be down the road. You need to ponder how your decision will affect not only you but others: Your loved ones, relatives and friends. Will it affect your ability to make money? Will it affect your health and/or cause psychological damage? Then ask yourself, do you really want to do this? Understand that you will be held accountable for the end result no matter what it is.
The numerical value of this reading is an 8: Rebirth, re-evaluation, spiritual fortitude, recognition
Monday, October 18, 2021
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Firestorm |
I had a dream yesterday morning and it was a message from my Dad but deciphering it turned out to be a problem.
I could see his handwriting and signature in the upper left hand corner of a magazine page he wanted me to see but was unable to make out what he wrote as I was prevented to get close to it in order to read what it said.
I don't know why as I believe it would have shed much more light on the meaning of this dream.
He had flattened the magazine he wanted me to look at like a pancake and left it on a table.
He wanted me to look at the picture on the left page before I would be able to view the one on the right.
There definitely was a certain protocol involved.
I looked at the picture on the left and it immediately looked like an old WWII poster.
There were three people, a blonde haired woman in the foreground and two men in the background (I think both of them were in uniform) and all of them in their late twenties or early thirties.
The woman appeared to be a civilian saluting or maybe just shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked upward.
There was a warm glow I could feel emanating from the poster.
She was wearing a dress reminiscent of the 1940s - soft cream color and dotted with petite pink flowers and a white lace collar around her neck.
The overall colors of this poster were creams, pale yellows and blues.
I now knew I was looking at a poster depicting life 80 years ago.
I could feel the warmth of the sun as it shone softly down on them and the optimism of the people.
Then I turned to look at the one on the right.
This one showed a massive fire, a raging firestorm, burning embers filtering through the air, sizzling and crackling sounds from the inferno, orange and red flames shooting up into the air like geysers along with ash raining down.
I asked, "what does this mean?
I then saw these letters - CST.
I think I saw another letter (R) in front of the letters CST or maybe it was right after but don't recall if it was before the letters or after.
Right after this a word entered my mind and I'm not going to say what it is other than it could be defined as "otherworldly."
I have some thoughts regarding what this all means but will not post until I do further research and try to come up with at least one plausible explanation.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Dream Interpretation:
My Dad passed in 2005 at the age of 87. He was first a horse soldier in the Army Air Corps, then put himself through college under Operation Bootstrap in which he got his B.A. He was a WWII, Korean War and Vietnam era Veteran.
He saw his "fair" share of savagery, bravery, tragedy and carnage while overseas and many of what he endured he kept to himself.
I like to think he's providing us with info he feels is important we know. Maybe he has a better seat now and is much better at seeing our comings and goings.
The sun represents male energy and the sun's zodiac sign is Leo. Leo means masculinity, dynamism, fearlessness, strong energy and getting the job done.
Page on the Left: The blonde haired woman in the foreground belongs to the suit of Cups (which rule emotions), an emotional and spiritual woman, motherly with good maternal instincts.
She is using her hand as a shield (shielding her eyes from the "glare" of the sun) because she is blinded by the Light of Truth. She is unable to see what is happening to her and around her because she has limited views, is avoiding or denying the facts surrounding her present situation.
A shield is a signal you need to start making preparations in order to protect those things that mean the most to you - your family, friends and future.
Her cream colored dress represents being in a state of neutrality.
The petite pink flowers dotting her dress are gentleness, joy and grace which defines her suit.
The two young men in the background and to her left are Tarot Pages who are still developing a sense of self and unafraid to face challenges, full of energy, excitement and confidence.
The deep blue (indigo) color of their uniforms means the unknown, deep emotions, strength and the ability to effectively analyze and deal with multiple situations.
The feeling is they are (hanging around and waiting in the background) to be called into action at the appropriate time.
Page on the Right: The raging inferno colors of orange and red indicate war, anger, aggression and primal urges.
All in all I would say that this dream is telling us that something coming, an unpleasant event or situation, something that many of us are still unwilling to talk about or even consider, have not given much thought to, but one that is rapidly approaching.
We are being asked to confront our fears, realize the truth of what is happening not only to us but the world in general and to start preparing the best way we know how.
In order to prepare for something you first need to know what it is in order to deal with it. Once you acknowledge that things are not right and are getting worse, some of your options are getting in a supply of food and water, buying survival gear, counseling family members, praying together, meeting with like minded people or seeking spiritual counsel.
Fire is Power. In Tarot it is represented by the suit of Wands and identified with three zodiac signs: Aries (the G-d of War) encompassing the fiery energy of the sun and the indomitable power of Mars; Leo (The Lion) is governed by the sun and represents an indomitable spirit, courage and determination; Sagittarius (The Archer) ruled by Jupiter (faith and optimism) and skilled in hunting is independent and fearless.
To see a raging inferno such as depicted in my dream means that people are trying to destroy you.
Fire also means trauma, transformation and great change.
10/23/2021 Note: When I receive or begin to understand more of this dream, (I will be talking to my Dad and I believe he already knows the part I'm having trouble with, not being able to read his handwriting) I will be posting additional information in order to fill in the blanks.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Weekly Tarot Reading for October 10, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
Cups define emotions and relationships
Wands define spontaneity, passion, creativity
Pentacles define investments, business and finances
Swords define the intellect and communication (thinking, strategizing, arguing) conflict
Top Card (The Shadow Card): VI of Wands
1st row Left The Past: IX of Pentacles
1st row Middle The Present: Page of Wands
1st row Right The Destination Card: King of Wands
2nd row Right The Hidden Card: IV The Emperor
2nd row Middle The Advice Card: VI The Lovers
2nd row Left is The Outcome Card: VI of Swords
The bottom card is the Confirmation Card (that sums up the reading and adds validity to it). I didn't include it with this reading but you can see the definition below.
"Coming Full Circle"
1. The Shadow Card VI of Wands shows a Warrior Knight on his horse named Endurance with an ugly witch hovering over his head, wielding a broom.
Victory will come but at a high price. Our ability to endure will be of immense importance as we will not win unless we all are committed to doing so.
The witch represents The Dark Side of our Psyches (Our Shadow Side) and came across as "Fury" along with "All Hell's About to Break Loose".
Normally a witch is pictured riding a broom using it as transportation but, not here. This time she is raging and using the full force of her broom as a club, (clubs are the equivalent of the Tarot suit of Wands) as a weapon (payback? revenge? blackmail? a trap?) or planning a surprise attack (as she is above the Knight and he is unable to see her).
Make note of this. This is not vague symbolism but a strong message indicating that she (whoever "she" represents) is willing to do anything, use any means and resources necessary in order to defeat the opposition.
1st row Left Past: The IX of Pentacles shows a woman oblivious to the world (secure in her own little comfort zone, ignoring the plight of others), with no worries at all as she has everything she wants: money, food, luxury items, security shelter and protection.
But note the spider pin in her hair. The spider symbolizes awareness but, for some reason, she is oblivious and unaware as she is unable or unwilling to see the storm churning in the sky behind her.
A trained falcon is also perched on her hand. Falconry is the hunting of wild animals by means of a trained bird of prey. I thought this interesting because a falcon can attack with no warning at all (it just comes out of the blue) and up to speeds of 200 mph as it hones in and dive bombs its prey. This meaning came through as drones, missiles, directed energy and sudden death.
1st row Middle Present: The Page of Wands is sending a message. It is asking us to become aware and prepare. It also represents Precognition as The Page can see what's coming, we can't. The minute I turned this card over the message immediately came through, "Buckle Up Cupcake."
1st row Right Destination (Where We're Headed): The King of Wands stands for taking matters into your own hands, focus, determination, bravery, valor and getting the job done. This card is telling us in order to succeed and overcome we need to prepare and do whatever is necessary.
2nd row Right Hidden is IV The Emperor: The Emperor stands for authority and power. He will, like the King of Wands, get the job done and is unafraid of anything that gets in his way as his motto is, "Failure Is Not an Option." He could also be defined as The Punisher.
Note the chandelier hanging behind him as it represents status, glamour, class and wealth. Also note the skulls lying at his feet. Skulls symbolize death and danger, something he is prepared for.
2nd row Middle Advice: VI The Lovers Card depicts two people one of which definitely has misgivings about the other. Note the moon in the background which looks like an all seeing eye in the act of studying them and conducting a deep and penetrating examination of their psyches. Maybe she caught onto this message and has decided she's not going to be railroaded into doing something she isn't 100% sure of as all is not what it seems.
Note: I'm really unsure as to how this card plays out with respect to all the others but know there's a meaning hidden in here and it will come to the surface at the appropriate time.
2nd row Left Outcome: VI of Swords means after a difficult journey, a smooth passage awaits us as we are able to move on and away from our difficulties.
This is a very positive card.
The bottom card is X of Pentacles (The Confirmation Card) and sums up the reading. It shows a young couple who obviously enjoy each others company. It looks like they have been on the road for some time (as he is wearing a backpack) and have finally completed their journey, doing what they wanted and seeing all that was to be seen and are ready to come home. We see a rather interesting old man, completely harmless, opening the door to let them in. We see the warmth emanating out of the doorway as they wait to enter. A dog (loyalty) walks out to greet them.
They have come full circle and are now ready to finally come home.
Maybe this is the VI The Lovers Card where the man and woman out their differences, came together and formed a relationship.
Message: We will come full circle as we forge through what lies ahead of us, learning to cope and endure and growing as we grapple with all the things being thrown our way. And, We will prevail.
During this difficult period we will learn the important things in life as we grow closer together and come together, embracing each other without looking at what color we are or where we came from.
We will learn the true meaning of Life on this planet and it is all about Love.
The numerical value of this reading is 4: Something that lasts: Structure and Foundation the result of desire, imagination and work.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Friday, October 8, 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Wednesday, October 6, 2021
Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle
October 4, 2021 was a day I will not soon forget.
I learned we were in a Mercury retrograde that started September 27 and lasts until October 18.
This is when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards (which it isn't - it's just an optical illusion).
Whenever we're in a Mercury retrograde, however, we're advised to not sign any contracts, accidents can happen, things can get really nutty, people are prone to angry outbursts and telecommunication and electronics can go awry.
The Planet Mercury symbolically controls communication.
In addition to this retrograde, the next day, October 5, 2021 was the beginning of a New Moon.
New moons are more powerful than full moons because of the position of the earth and sun in regards to the moon so the energy is stronger.
A new moon occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun so the side of the moon facing the sun isn't facing earth so we're unable to view the moon's face.
On October 4 the morning started out normal but then I began to notice some things.
I'm not sure the exact time this whole episode started but think it was 7:30 a.m.
I started receiving scam calls on both phones, my cell and land line. I would no sooner hang up on one then the other one would start ringing.
All told I think there were a total of 10 - 12 calls. It was absolutely nuts.
Then, all of a sudden, people began showing up, unexpectedly, in my driveway, so I had to go outside and find out if they were lost or what.
During all this, dogs were barking, crows were cawing, phones were ringing, the atmosphere was getting really intense and things were getting pretty interesting if not downright crazy.
Then, in the middle of all this turmoil and commotion I sensed something new happening.
An energy manifesting (enveloping) around me.
It felt like what it would feel like if you were in a cloud, soft and non threatening.
It slowly became stronger and stronger not in intensity but in expansion.
Along with this I found my hearing had become heightened (elevated) as I was now able to hear every little sound and a lot louder (as if someone had turned up the volume).
At this point, with everything going on, I found I could not stay seated anymore because of everything going on. I couldn't finish my breakfast or concentrate or do anything as I was completely caught up in all of this.
I then asked, "why is this happening, is this a precursor to something else, something much bigger coming in, happening or, going to happen (because this is what it felt like).
It literally felt something was being released, like someone puncturing a hole in a tire and releasing the air very slowly.
In retrospect, I believe this was a very powerful message, of some sort even though I have no idea what it meant.
Like forces in the universe coming together, coalescing into one unified body and realigning something maybe us or maybe our world or both.
There was no fear associated with any of this.
The energy force that started manifesting around me in the morning began to subside by 2:00 p.m. (I could feel it dissipating) and then continued to do so until I couldn't feel it anymore.
At this point I felt like I was somewhat back to normal but, you know what, I don't feel I'll ever be "normal" again after this.
This experience definitely impacted me.
I am here to share this with you because I believe it's important, worthwhile and gives an interesting alter perspective on what one can encounter while living on this planet.
We normally don't come in contact with energy fields or vortexes.
One thing for sure, though, there are forces in the world and the universe we don't have any understanding of.
This, definitely, was one of them.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Weekly Tarot Message for October 3, 2021
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Bohemian Gothic Tarot Card Deck |
*Cups in Tarot mean Relationships/Emotions
*Wands mean Drive and Creativity
*Swords mean The Intellect, Communication, Strife, Conflict
*Pentacles mean Money, Possessions, Goods and Services, Finances/Investments
Card layout:
1. Top (Shadow Card - Ace of Cups defines the overall meaning of the reading) - Love, happiness, fulfillment, joy birth, new beginnings
2. 1st row left - The Past (VIII of Cups) details what we did in the past leading up to where we are now - Moving on; letting go; self analysis; looking for the truth; reaching our limits
3. 1st row middle - Present (X of Wands) details our situation - Endurance; an uphill battle; burned out; overloaded but we must learn to endure in order to win
4. 1st row right - Destination - II of Swords - Stalemate; truce; being at a crossroads or a fork in the road which is another life decision
5. 2md row right - The Hidden Card (the energy affecting the situation) is the IV of Swords - Overwhelmed; mental overload; fear, stress and anxiety
6. 2nd row middle - The Advice Card (VII of Cups) gives us a heads up: We are facing many choices in our lives (to do or not to do, etc.) beware of folly; behavioural changes including madness, paranoia and psychosis
7. 2nd row left - Outcome - Queen of Wands - Taking charge of things; organizing your life; helping others
Message: "Baby Steps"
1. The Shadow Card Ace of Cups represents hope, new beginnings, hearts opening and brighter days ahead.
2. The Past is the VIII of Cups and means we've moved on, let go continue to move forward having done an in depth analysis of self in order to find the truth
3. Yet, The Present Card (X of Wands) shows we're in an uphill battle, feeling burned out, bummed out and overloaded yet there is a ray of hope as we're just now beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This card tells us we're not quite there yet but we will win we just need to persevere
4. The Destination Card II of Swords shows that many of us have reached a stalemate in our lives (we can't make up our minds one way or the other). We're backing off not wanting to discuss or think about things that are happening (leave me alone) and have initiated some kind of mental truce in order to protect ourselves. Yet up ahead is a crossroads which lies in our path resulting in a decision to be made
5. The Hidden Card ( IV of Swords) tells us we're in denial and are unable to see the truth; we're sitting on the fence (see the II of Swords) avoiding painful choices and desperately in need of a "time out" in order to heal, recharge and recuperate
6. The Advice Card (VII of Cups) warns us not to become fearful or anxious and to guard against folly, madness and mania thus becoming paranoid resulting in psychosis (we can already see this happening to others who have blindly accepted whatever they were told to do without questioning along with government officials who have bastardized the truth and discarded our "state of being" in favor of deception and mayhem)
7. The Outcome Card (Queen of Wands) tells us to stop looking at the past but to confront the present; stop masquerading around as a puppet on a string and take charge of things. Start organizing your life and start helping others
The Confirmation Card (the last card at the bottom of the spread) is the X of Pentacles and indicates we're on a path to domestic harmony; stability, solid relationships and values (like family, responsibility, compassion and caring for one another) (see the Shadow Card Ace of Cups)
The numerical value of this reading is 4: Structure, foundation, stability, proper application resulting in manifestation (see The Shadow Card Ace of Cups)
The confirmation card is a 10: Completion; end of a cycle and renewal (tens represent 10 = 1+0 = 1 (representing the same thing as Aces) see Ace of Cups definition above
Saturday, October 2, 2021
Friday, October 1, 2021
Our Cosmic Connection
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One with the Universe |
The Awakening has no completion date, this information known only to those in charge.
It is forcing us to do an internal assessment of our lives and what they mean.
What's more important? - Family, love, relationships or money, power and fame?
What's more important? - Getting high or getting drunk?
What's more important? - Serving ourselves (greed, selfishness) or, serving others - (selflessness)
We are being pushed to take stock and scrutinize everything we do, weighing the good the bad and the ugly.
We are in the midst of shedding our snake skins (our former selves) and coming to grips in understanding (redefining) who we are.
This is part of the divine message changing us in order to proceed forward, directing us into the future as the future we foresaw is now a thing of the past and the present (where we are now) is being re-imagined and is undergoing exponential change.
We are in the midst of an earth-wide birthing process that is shattering all known sense of self and realigning us with a new blueprint, thus we continue to experience pain, confusion, exhaustion and powerful contractions.
This is why we are convulsing in reaction to the horror we see happening in the world today.
This is why we continue to see the identities of people and organizations hell bent on destroying us and necessary in order to identify them so the light of truth can ferret them out.
This transition, though very painful for us is designed to free us from bondage, pierce the veil and awaken us from our deep slumber and teach us the importance of uniting the three parts of us that make us whole, mind, body and spirit.
Until we learn that we are not separate parts but a complete and whole unit spiritually connected to other beings, we will continue to writhe around in the snake pit until we get our footing.
Once we've caught on to our true selves, something dramatic will happen and we will start realizing our own wondrous G-d given powers and our abilities to create, heal and accomplish all things.
So get ready for some extraordinary and beautiful events, truthful revelations and realizations as our dark world continues to unravel and be exposed.
This time was preordained, the tiny seed having been planted and the elders, the seers and sages of long ago proclaiming this to happen, knowing that it was the beginning of our initiation into a new world.
Be not afraid even though we still cannot and will not be able to completely understand the willful destruction and savagery we see taking place.
But understand it is all for a purpose.
Before you destroy an enemy you have to first expose it in order to deconstruct and dismantle it.
This is being undertaken now, by the spiritual hierarchy.
Think of it this way ~ "The old is passing away."
We all will soon begin to see with a new set of eyes (understanding) the beautiful cosmic connection and dance of the universe taking place all around us along with the billions of sentient beings who are part of it.
And, with arms extended they walk toward us, excitedly beseeching us, "Come, be part of the Whole, The Community of Life, where All are accepted as having something special to give and something of value to share."
~ Blessings,
~ Nightshade