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Firestorm |
I had a dream yesterday morning and it was a message from my Dad but deciphering it turned out to be a problem.
I could see his handwriting and signature in the upper left hand corner of a magazine page he wanted me to see but was unable to make out what he wrote as I was prevented to get close to it in order to read what it said.
I don't know why as I believe it would have shed much more light on the meaning of this dream.
He had flattened the magazine he wanted me to look at like a pancake and left it on a table.
He wanted me to look at the picture on the left page before I would be able to view the one on the right.
There definitely was a certain protocol involved.
I looked at the picture on the left and it immediately looked like an old WWII poster.
There were three people, a blonde haired woman in the foreground and two men in the background (I think both of them were in uniform) and all of them in their late twenties or early thirties.
The woman appeared to be a civilian saluting or maybe just shielding her eyes from the sun as she looked upward.
There was a warm glow I could feel emanating from the poster.
She was wearing a dress reminiscent of the 1940s - soft cream color and dotted with petite pink flowers and a white lace collar around her neck.
The overall colors of this poster were creams, pale yellows and blues.
I now knew I was looking at a poster depicting life 80 years ago.
I could feel the warmth of the sun as it shone softly down on them and the optimism of the people.
Then I turned to look at the one on the right.
This one showed a massive fire, a raging firestorm, burning embers filtering through the air, sizzling and crackling sounds from the inferno, orange and red flames shooting up into the air like geysers along with ash raining down.
I asked, "what does this mean?
I then saw these letters - CST.
I think I saw another letter (R) in front of the letters CST or maybe it was right after but don't recall if it was before the letters or after.
Right after this a word entered my mind and I'm not going to say what it is other than it could be defined as "otherworldly."
I have some thoughts regarding what this all means but will not post until I do further research and try to come up with at least one plausible explanation.
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Dream Interpretation:
My Dad passed in 2005 at the age of 87. He was first a horse soldier in the Army Air Corps, then put himself through college under Operation Bootstrap in which he got his B.A. He was a WWII, Korean War and Vietnam era Veteran.
He saw his "fair" share of savagery, bravery, tragedy and carnage while overseas and many of what he endured he kept to himself.
I like to think he's providing us with info he feels is important we know. Maybe he has a better seat now and is much better at seeing our comings and goings.
The sun represents male energy and the sun's zodiac sign is Leo. Leo means masculinity, dynamism, fearlessness, strong energy and getting the job done.
Page on the Left: The blonde haired woman in the foreground belongs to the suit of Cups (which rule emotions), an emotional and spiritual woman, motherly with good maternal instincts.
She is using her hand as a shield (shielding her eyes from the "glare" of the sun) because she is blinded by the Light of Truth. She is unable to see what is happening to her and around her because she has limited views, is avoiding or denying the facts surrounding her present situation.
A shield is a signal you need to start making preparations in order to protect those things that mean the most to you - your family, friends and future.
Her cream colored dress represents being in a state of neutrality.
The petite pink flowers dotting her dress are gentleness, joy and grace which defines her suit.
The two young men in the background and to her left are Tarot Pages who are still developing a sense of self and unafraid to face challenges, full of energy, excitement and confidence.
The deep blue (indigo) color of their uniforms means the unknown, deep emotions, strength and the ability to effectively analyze and deal with multiple situations.
The feeling is they are (hanging around and waiting in the background) to be called into action at the appropriate time.
Page on the Right: The raging inferno colors of orange and red indicate war, anger, aggression and primal urges.
All in all I would say that this dream is telling us that something coming, an unpleasant event or situation, something that many of us are still unwilling to talk about or even consider, have not given much thought to, but one that is rapidly approaching.
We are being asked to confront our fears, realize the truth of what is happening not only to us but the world in general and to start preparing the best way we know how.
In order to prepare for something you first need to know what it is in order to deal with it. Once you acknowledge that things are not right and are getting worse, some of your options are getting in a supply of food and water, buying survival gear, counseling family members, praying together, meeting with like minded people or seeking spiritual counsel.
Fire is Power. In Tarot it is represented by the suit of Wands and identified with three zodiac signs: Aries (the G-d of War) encompassing the fiery energy of the sun and the indomitable power of Mars; Leo (The Lion) is governed by the sun and represents an indomitable spirit, courage and determination; Sagittarius (The Archer) ruled by Jupiter (faith and optimism) and skilled in hunting is independent and fearless.
To see a raging inferno such as depicted in my dream means that people are trying to destroy you.
Fire also means trauma, transformation and great change.
10/23/2021 Note: When I receive or begin to understand more of this dream, (I will be talking to my Dad and I believe he already knows the part I'm having trouble with, not being able to read his handwriting) I will be posting additional information in order to fill in the blanks.
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