Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Putting the Genie Back in the Bottle

October 4, 2021 was a day I will not soon forget. 

I learned we were in a Mercury retrograde that started September 27 and lasts until October 18. 

This is when the planet Mercury appears to be moving backwards (which it isn't - it's just an optical illusion).

Whenever we're in a Mercury retrograde, however, we're advised to not sign any contracts, accidents can happen, things can get really nutty, people are prone to angry outbursts and telecommunication and electronics can go awry.

The Planet Mercury symbolically controls communication.   

In addition to this retrograde, the next day, October 5, 2021 was the beginning of a New Moon.  

New moons are more powerful than full moons because of the position of the earth and sun in regards to the moon so the energy is stronger.

A new moon occurs when the moon is between the earth and the sun so the side of the moon facing the sun isn't facing earth so we're unable to view the moon's face.     

On October 4 the morning started out normal but then I began to notice some things.  

I'm not sure the exact time this whole episode started but think it was 7:30 a.m.  

I started receiving scam calls on both phones, my cell and land line.  I would no sooner hang up on one then the other one would start ringing.       

All told I think there were a total of 10 - 12 calls.  It was absolutely nuts.

Then, all of a sudden, people began showing up, unexpectedly, in my driveway, so I had to go outside and find out if they were lost or what.

During all this, dogs were barking, crows were cawing, phones were ringing, the atmosphere was getting really intense and things were getting pretty interesting if not downright crazy.   

Then, in the middle of all this turmoil and commotion I sensed something new happening.  

An energy manifesting (enveloping) around me. 

It felt like what it would feel like if you were in a cloud, soft and non threatening.     

It slowly became stronger and stronger not in intensity but in expansion.     

Along with this I found my hearing had become heightened (elevated) as I was now able to hear every little sound and a lot louder (as if someone had turned up the volume).       

At this point, with everything going on, I found I could not stay seated anymore because of everything going on.  I couldn't finish my breakfast or concentrate or do anything as I was completely caught up in all of this.   

I then asked, "why is this happening, is this a precursor to something else, something much bigger coming in, happening or, going to happen (because this is what it felt like).    

It literally felt something was being released, like someone puncturing a hole in a tire and releasing the air very slowly. 

In retrospect, I believe this was a very powerful message, of some sort even though I have no idea what it meant. 

Like forces in the universe coming together, coalescing into one unified body and realigning something maybe us or maybe our world or both. 

There was no fear associated with any of this.

The energy force that started manifesting around me in the morning began to subside by 2:00 p.m. (I could feel it dissipating) and then continued to do so until I couldn't feel it anymore.

At this point I felt like I was somewhat back to normal but, you know what, I don't feel I'll ever be "normal" again after this.

This experience definitely impacted me.    

I am here to share this with you because I believe it's important, worthwhile and gives an interesting    alter perspective on what one can encounter while living on this planet.  

We normally don't come in contact with energy fields or vortexes.  

One thing for sure, though, there are forces in the world and the universe we don't have any understanding of.  

This, definitely, was one of them.



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