The NAPO Tarot Card Deck |
2. The Past Card (Upper Left): Page of Cups
3. The Present Card (Top): IV of Swords
4. Destination/Future (Upper Right): V of Pentacles
5. Hidden Card (Lower Right): VI of Pentacles
6. Advice Card (Bottom): IX The Hermit
7. Outcome Card (Lower Left): Ace of Swords
8. Clarification Card (Right): Page of Swords
Message: "Resolution and Renewal"
XX Judgement has many different meanings associated with it: Atonement; reckoning and accountability but also means realignment thus renewal:
You've surmounted many obstacles and challenges in your life as you continue on your journey toward the light, becoming one with and aligned to the great force that instructs and guides all of us.
The Past Page of Cups demonstrates a lack of emotional maturity as you are in the awakening process of learning to know who you are (puberty). It is understandable then, that in the face of overwhelming events and situations, you would have difficulty in being able to absorb and understand all that was happening around you and to you.
The Present IV of Swords indicates a period of rest resulting from exhaustion. A time to sleep, meditate, pray, allowing the mind, body and spirt to repair.
The Destination Card (where we are all headed) is The V of Pentacles representing the state of affairs in the world today:
One of worry, anxiety, fear, confusion, money and financial problems, exhaustion, depression, also alludes to mental health problems along with physical ailments, etc.
The Hidden Card (representing those things we cannot see or feel) VI of Pentacles shows the energy manifesting around us in which a global uprising is taking place, one of love and support, unity (coming together) compassion and selflessness.
The Advice Card IX The Hermit is telling us to slow down, calm down and, if possible, find an intimate and or isolated place to meditate and pray. The card says now is the time for reassessment and introspection in our lives in which global change is forcing us to reevaluate our values, our beliefs, how we treat one another in our endless search for the truth in all things.
The Outcome Card Ace of Swords reflects a new impetus or a driving force (something I believe we're seeing today) a triumphant conquest of great power or force and the gift of Truth (see IX the Hermit Card).
Note: The Last Card which I call Clarification is The Page of Swords and is located to the bottom right of the tarot spread.
* The Suit of Swords represents the intellect. This card means an aggressive logical and destructive person who knows how to take advantage of any and all situations.
The numerical meaning of this reading is 10 or 1 (both mean the same): Completion and end of a cycle; renewal.