Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, January 31, 2022

This Week's Tarot Message for January 30, 2022

The NAPO Tarot Card Deck

1.  Shadow Card (Middle of deck):  XX Judgement

2.  The Past Card (Upper Left):  Page of Cups

3.  The Present Card (Top):  IV of Swords

4.  Destination/Future (Upper Right):  V of Pentacles

5.  Hidden Card (Lower Right):  VI of Pentacles

6.  Advice Card (Bottom):   IX The Hermit

7.  Outcome Card (Lower Left):  Ace of Swords

8.  Clarification Card (Right):  Page of Swords

Message:   "Resolution and Renewal"   

XX Judgement has many different meanings associated with it:  Atonement; reckoning and accountability but also means realignment thus renewal:  

You've surmounted many obstacles and challenges in your life as you continue on your journey toward the light, becoming one with and aligned to the great force that instructs and guides all of us.  

The Past Page of Cups demonstrates a lack of emotional maturity as you are in the awakening process of learning to know who you are (puberty).  It is understandable then, that in the face of overwhelming events and situations, you would have difficulty in being able to absorb and understand all that was happening around you and to you.    

The Present IV of Swords indicates a period of rest resulting from exhaustion.  A time to sleep, meditate, pray, allowing the mind, body and spirt to repair.    

The Destination Card (where we are all headed) is The V of Pentacles representing the state of affairs in the world today:  

One of worry, anxiety, fear, confusion, money and financial problems, exhaustion, depression, also alludes to mental health problems along with physical ailments, etc.   

The Hidden Card (representing those things we cannot see or feel) VI of Pentacles shows the energy manifesting around us in which a global uprising is taking place, one of love and support, unity (coming together) compassion and selflessness.    

The Advice Card IX The Hermit is telling us to slow down, calm down and, if possible, find an intimate and or isolated place to meditate and pray.  The card says now is the time for reassessment and introspection in our lives in which global change is forcing us to reevaluate our values, our beliefs, how we treat one another in our endless search for the truth in all things.

The Outcome Card Ace of Swords reflects a new impetus or a driving force (something I believe we're seeing today) a triumphant conquest of great power or force and the gift of Truth (see IX the Hermit Card).

Note:  The Last Card which I call Clarification is The Page of Swords and is located to the bottom right of the tarot spread.

* The Suit of Swords represents the intellect.  This card means an aggressive logical and destructive person who knows how to take advantage of any and all situations.

The numerical meaning of this reading is 10 or 1 (both mean the same):  Completion and end of a cycle; renewal.  



Saturday, January 29, 2022



"Not By the Power of My Will, But Through the Power of Thy Will
Shall it Be Done"

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for January 23, 2022

NAPO Tarot Card Deck

1.  Shadow Card (Middle):  IV The Emperor

2.  Past Card  (Top Left):  II The High Priestess

3.  Present Card (Top):  II of Swords

4.  Destination Card  (Top Right):  II of Wands

5.  Hidden Card (the energies surrounding the reading) ~ Bottom right:  XV The Devil

6.  Advice Card (what we need to do/not do):  Bottom:  XVII The Star

7.  Outcome Card (where we're headed):  Bottom left):  III of Swords

Reading:  "A Time of Hope and Prudence"

1.  The Shadow Card  IV The Emperor "holds the energy of the entire Major Arcana" and is a very powerful card, as represented in this reading.  The Emperor is the zodiac sign of Aries.  

The Emperor means someone who doesn't recognize the word defeat; ruthless, determined, sexual prowess, could also demonstrate a lack of pity as he is more interested in doing his job of maintaining law and order, balance and discipline in the ranks.  Also came across as "Martial Law."

2.  The Past Card (II The High Priestess) indicates a time of hope and caution as we move forward because something is manifesting we cannot see.  

3.  The Present Card (II of Swords) indicates a truce of some kind, or a time of isolation/introspection/ contemplation as we are finding it difficult to comprehend what is happening to us and around us in order to move forward.    

4.  The Destination Card is (The II of Wands) and means we are at a crossroads, waiting for events to continue to unfold.   

5.  The Hidden Card (XV The Devil) is associated with the zodiac sign of Capricorn and represents the energy(ies) affecting our situation.  Again, this card has so many negative meanings, just take your pick.  Some of its meanings:  Fear, confusion, illness, havoc, bondage, deception and lies.  

6.  The Advice Card (XVII The Star) is associated with the zodiac sign of Aquarius meaning Intelligence (meaning understanding and self awareness) taking our time to assess things, learning moderation, finding balance in our lives between our logic (reasoning) and our intuition.  It is also connected to The High Priestess Card indicating a Time of Hope.      

The Star Card tells us we have to learn control otherwise we are going to be overwhelmed.  Don't go nuts because everybody else is.  Recognize that everyone is experiencing some type of upheaval in their lives some more than others.  Learn to recognize the symptoms of panic and paranoia and take the necessary steps to mediate them in order to regain control.  Learn how to handle what's happening in your life instead of what's happening calling the shots and controlling you.  

7.  The Outcome Card is The III of Swords.  

This is a particulary discouraging card as it represents what we're presently going though:  Heartbreak, absence, could also represent death, divorce, illness, separation and disruption and it appears we're not out of the woods, yet.

Remember the entire reading is dealing with what's going on in our lives so it's understandable to become depressed and discouraged.  However the overall theme is not give up hope but continue to believe and trust that everything will work out for the better, in the end.  

Note:  A number of twos (IIs) in Tarot mean some sort of decision making process is underway.  In this reading we have 3.  

The numerical value of this reading is:  9 ~ Bringing things to a conclusion; attainment; selflessness; sharing wisdom and inspiring others, on the road to the completion of a cycle.      

*** For more information re this reading please visit this site:  Humanity is, indeed, "Crossing Over."

new moon in aquarius- freedom is found within (1/31/22) - ☆☽ Divine Harmony Astrology ☾☆




"The Whole World's on Fire"  



"You Know the Best Way to Stop Crime"? 
~ Round Up all the Politicians ~  


Ace of Swords


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message Delayed

They Walk Among Us 

The Weekly Tarot Message is delayed until I am able to intuitively interpret the message.  

As of right now I've done 4 spreads and nothing is coming through in the form of an intelligible message.

I'm thinking (but not sure) there is so much demonic upheaval going on in the world right now that the cards are reflecting that.

I've asked my Guides to instruct me when the appropriate time is to try again.  

I believe, that once I receive their blessing that a message is finally forthcoming, I will be able to share it with you.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Spirit Walking

January 20 2022:  

This morning I watched a gray Timber Wolf move slowly from the edge of a dark pine forest and out into the open.  He was in no hurry as he made his way to the lake for a drink.

There is much that is kept hidden from us during our day but sometimes the hidden is revealed.  

This was one of those days.

Please read the spirit meaning of the wolf in the link below.   

Spirit of Gray Wolf - CrystalWind.ca | Animal Spirit & Medicine

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Rise and Shine

Our "Hidden" Potential Just Waiting to be Unleashed 

We are all Wanderers on this planet searching for meaning and purpose to our lives.    

There are obstacles to doing this and the first step we must take is to identify and deal with those problems that continue to hinder our growth.    

The majority of us will continue to do it "our" way, stumbling down our own individual paths until something dramatic happens to us that jolts us out of our stupor, allowing us to rise above our limited conditions and onto a higher plane.    

The Creator knows this and waits patiently until we've exhausted all of our options because He knows  you are serious this time about meeting and working with Him.   

Wake Up and Look Up.

It's time to Rise and Shine.  


Sunday, January 16, 2022

This Week's Tarot Message, January 16, 2022


The NAPO Tarot Card Deck

1.  Shadow Card (Middle) V of Wands:  Challenges, strife and confrontation 

2.  Past (located to the left of The Shadow Card) 0 The Fool:  Difficulties, dangers and lack of clarity.  

3.  Present Card directly above the Past Card VII of Wands:  Strife against adversity; valor

4.  Destination Card (to the right):  XVI The Tower:  Destabilization; destruction; breakdown; a weather related or cosmic event; war; terrorism

5.  The Hidden Card is XV The Devil:  Obstacles or problems we cannot see that are standing in our way.

6.  The Advice Card is The VI of Wands:  Victory 

7.  The Outcome Card is The IX of Wands:  Advantage; will; strategy; determination and a winning attitude

8.  Summation Card:  IV of Pentacles:  Avarice, greed possibly conserving resources.

Message for This Week:

"You Have the Power" 

The Shadow Card gives the overall theme of the reading, revealing our current circumstances.  

The Past Card shows a lack of understanding as to what is happening, a fool embarking on a journey fraught with danger but doesn't have a clue how to recognize it nor how to deal with it.  

The Present Card indicates in order to win any battle we must first find the strength to do so, devise a plan on how to achieve it and then develop the courage to follow through.  

The Destination Card depicts an unexpected event possibly cosmic or weather related, war and/or terrorism.

The Hidden Card is XV The Devil:  This card has so many negative meanings to it just pick whatever one you want.

The Advice Card indicates a victory but it will come with a cost.  The question is will you fold and acquiesce to those things you don't believe in and don't support or will you rise to the challenge(s) now unfolding?

The Outcome is the IX of Wands meaning you have the advantage over the opposition but must take the steps necessary to maintain it.  Critical thinking; strategic planning, determination, conviction, bravery and a willingness to overcome.

The Summation Card IV of Pentacles means fear of loss; possibly hoarding; greed; avarice; conserving resources in order to have what you need in the future due to troubling events, danger.    

The numerical value of this reading is 4:  Structure and stability but only with the proper application

If we add the value of the Summation Card IV of Pentacles, it means:  Movement, action, change, regeneration and rebirth

Monday, January 10, 2022

All Life Matters

 30 Animals That Asked People for Help ! - YouTube

Weekly Tarot Message for January 9, 2022

The NAPO Tarot Card Deck

1.  Shadow Card (Middle):  VI of Pentacles*
2.  Past (Upper Left):  VIII of Swords
3.  Present (Top):  Queen of Pentacles
4.  Hidden (Upper Right):   V of Swords

5.  Advice (Bottom Right):  VII of Swords
6.  Outcome (Bottom Left):  Queen of Swords


"Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto You" 

1.  The Shadow Card shows compassion for others and sharing what you have.  This is the overall meaning of the reading.

2.  The Past is someone who cannot see the circumstances of his or her situation but, instead, feigns ignorance, blindness and incomprehension, refusing to acknowledge the evidence or truth.    

3.  The Present represents stability (or a stable environment) someone who is exceptionally grounded (uses common sense) and puts other's needs ahead of her own.  This card asks that we follow her example by putting our own needs aside in order to see to it that others are and/or remain safe and secure.  *See the Shadow Card VI of Pentacles meaning compassion.    She could be a Healer, a Counselor, an Advisor or a Grandmother figure.    

4.  The Hidden Card means dishonor, degradation and humiliation resulting from a defeat of some sort.  Obviously there is/was a battle of some sort but what type and who were/are the responsible parties involved?  

5.  The Advice Card tells us we need to continue to persevere if we're going to survive.  It is a time of affliction, yes, but we are encouraged not to give up hope despite the pain we're going through as this is the only way we're going to make it through.  

6.  The Outcome Card represents the zodiac sign of Libra (meaning Justice in Tarot).  Swords in Tarot represent Law Enforcement, The Law and the military.   This card represents fearlessness, determination, getting to the bottom of things (the Truth); unwavering in the quest for answers as to what's going on/did go on) in order to bring those responsible for committing crimes to justice.  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The numerical value of this reading is:  8 ~ Spiritual fortitude; action, movement and success (rebirth).  

Saturday, January 8, 2022

I Asked for a Sign

The Great Blue Heron
 ~ Symbolic of Self Reflection While on the Path to Enlightenment ~ 
Having the Courage to Dive Deep into the Depths of Your Watery Soul While Staying Objective About What You Find

As I was getting ready for bed last night I asked for a "sign" to let me know if a celestial being was close by and an unmistakable one that would tell me what I wanted (and needed) to know.        

This morning while enjoying my coffee, a giant blue Heron suddenly appeared out of nowhere flying over the lake and landing on the shore.  I watched as it slowly moved into the water, its intense gaze focused on catching a watery morsel.    

I turned my head away for a moment and when I looked back the Heron was again in flight but this time landing in the top of a tall pine tree in my front yard.    

It appeared it wanted me to know it was here and nearby.  

It then immediately took off again and flew back around the lake only to be joined by another blue Heron.  

Obviously, this was a pair and a bird you rarely see in winter.  

Spiritual meaning of number one:  Initial point of contact; number two is all about balance

Let There Be Light

 Parhelion Glows in Minnesota's Snowy Far West - YouTube

Thursday, January 6, 2022

A Heads Up for The New Year

 5th January 2022 Update Current News (simonparkes.org)

A Thorough Drubbing



You're caught by surprise as a monstrous wave completely engulfs you. 

You were firmly standing on the bottom seconds ago but now you're twisting and turning in a raging sea of grit, water and foam. 

You're desperately trying to find your footing again.   
This was 2021. 

We were all thrown into a washing machine, tossed around and made to ride out the spin cycle. 

We're still trying to find our centers again after the drubbing we took but we've made great strides in realizing what happened to us in 2021 and where we want to go in 2022.

We are finding the courage to hold on during these continued times of upheaval and change we're going through and coming together in rebuking the forces determined to take us down.

We've decided this world belongs to us.  Not an ungodly group of usurpers hell bent on herding us wherever they want.

Times are changing and for the Better.      



Tuesday, January 4, 2022

The Time is Now

Open up your hearts to one another, to that stranger on the street; the neighbor next door; a family member struggling with addiction.

The only way we're going to change our world is if we get involved in changing it.

We are all one on this planet.

Separation is a thing of the Past.

We are in the Now which is the Present.

Now is the Time to Open up your Present and Free what's inside.


Sowing Seeds


"YOU Can Make a Difference in the World" 

For those who think that everything will be different this year as if by some great miracle:

Your world can only change if you change.

Set goals for yourself:  

* The week

* The month

* The year

* The decade

Then act and sow the necessary seeds.


Monday, January 3, 2022

Weekly Tarot Message for January 2 2022


The NAPO Tarot Card Deck

1.  The Shadow Card (Middle of Deck):  The VI of Wands

2.  The Past (Upper Left):  Page of Swords

3.  The Present (Top Card):    Ace of Wands

4.  The Destination Card (Top Right):   II of Cups

5.  The Advice Card (Bottom Right):  III of Pentacles

6.  The Hidden Card is at the Bottom:  XVI The Tower

7.  The Outcome Card to the Left:  XIX The Sun

"A Message of Hope To All"  

1.  Positive:  
The Shadow Card represents victory after a struggle.
I think it fair to say that it sums up what is happening to us right now with all the misinformation and disinformation (lies) swirling round the origins of the Corona Virus and what is actually in the vaccine and how many people are suffering or dying from its side affects.

2.  Negative:  
The Past represents destructive and aggressive behaviour; unethical methods of doing business, war and strife.

3.  Positive:  
The Present represents a new initiative, inspiration, a breath of fresh air and a new outlook on life as things are looking up.  It could be a new business deal, a new job or you just got engaged.

4.  Positive:
Our Destination is the II of Cups meaning Love, togetherness, two are better than one, respect, commitment, cooperation and teamwork.  This card reminds us that in order to move ahead, in order to get anything we value done, it takes more than one.


5.  Positive:
The Advice Card is the III of Pentacles and means our hard work is paying off, we're a team player and  been noticed for our dedication toward getting the job done and our achievement is an inspiration to others resulting in recognition.  *See the II of Cups meaning.

6.  Negative/Positive:
The Hidden Card represents what is standing in our way and is XVI The Tower Card.  

This card can represent many things and depending on the outlying cards surrounding the reading can be either positive or negative.  It represents kingdoms toppling, powerful people and organizations going down, realization of the truth, celestial events, rupture, fear and illness.  

It also represents a spiritual awakening as depicted by the lightning (a possible celestial event) striking the frail, insecure/fake/false building (trojan horse, lies, deception, outdated belief systems) and that a new stage (cycle of life is beginning).  

7.  Positive:
This is the most positive card in any Tarot deck ~ XIX The Sun.  It means illumination (illuminating the Truth); shining a light in the dark; awakening; a herald; our troubles are behind us and a new world (new earth awaits).

The numerical value of this reading can be interpreted as either a 10 or a 1.  In either case, they both have pretty much the same meaning:

10:  Completion
End of a Cycle and Renewal 

1:  New Beginnings, Opportunities



It's 2022 ~ Happy New Year and Choose Wisely