Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, June 30, 2022
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"Satanic Rulership" |
World governments can spend trillions of dollars of our money on technology, bioweapons and armaments and all to make war.
Nothing of this magnitude is spent on eradicating hunger and disease, promoting world peace, protecting life, clean food and water.
Why is that?
Because the matrix can only exist with our help.
We are the ones who continue to give the green light to the puppeteers, the politicians and corporations who keep jerking us around.
We are the ones who fall for the lies and support the legislation that is solely designed to imprison us.
We are the ones who put these demons in office.
We are the problem.
When you start realizing that your life doesn't matter to them, that you are here ONLY to do their bidding and submit to their dictates, then you'll finally be on the road to your own salvation.
There one fear is that the majority of us will start to realize they are creating all the problems we're having to deal with.
As long as we learn to say, "we're not taking it anymore" and defy our captors, nothing good will manifest
Instead of being silent, watching the world spiral out of control, make the decision to become fully engaged in your own life and future.
The positive steps you take will allow others to see what you're doing, further inspiring them to follow suit. It's like the "domino" affect.
If you see a problem at your child's school, step up and start asking questions.
If you see somebody abusing another, take a stand.
If you see an injustice occurring, speak up.
This world is not going to change until we do.
We were not brought here to live in fear and misery.
We were brought here for a purpose.
Make The World Great Again.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Monday, June 27, 2022
The Last "Hail Mary"
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"Wicked Heart" Hecate Oracle |
Just got word and want to get this information out.
Folks, we're in the "End Game".
What we're seeing happening today with all the upheaval in the world and the latest ruling from the Supreme Court on abortion handing the reins back to the states is the beginning of the end.
God is Manifesting as he puts a dagger deep into the heart of evil.
Make no mistake about what I'm going to say here - "things are going to get a lot more heated as events unfold" and I'm talking the weather, as well.
We are in a spiritual battle, a war to end all wars - the Dark against the Light.
Keep praying but along with that, continue to buy the necessities you will need to survive the coming months and, more likely, years.
So, pray but keep prepping as we don't know how long the mayhem is going to last.
Do know, however that the ones perpetrating the evil on this planet know they're up against a timeline in which they are permanently stripped of all power. Thus, their urgency to try and stop this from happening.
Understand that these demons are going to pull out all the stops in a "last ditch effort" to secure their lofty positions, continuing to spread fear through more lockdowns as a result of other bioweapons being released on the world (the Covid "vaccine" being the first), food and fuel shortages, vandalism, robberies, car jackings, assassinations along with terrorist attacks and the very great possibility of nuclear war.
No country will be immune from all of this.
It cannot get any clearer: "There is a whirlwind (monstrous tornado) coming".
We are All connected to one another on this planet not separated like our prison guards would have us believe.
We are learning this along with patience, compassion and love for one another.
With that, take strength in the knowledge we have a lot of company as we continue our long walk into the unknown, trudging forward, occasionally stumbling but being helped up by others, shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart,
with Much Love,
Sunday, June 26, 2022
This Week's Tarot Message, June 26, 2022
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Weekly Tarot Message for June 19, 2022
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"Revelations" Tarot |
Upper Left (Past): XVII The Star
Top (Present): II The High Priestess
Upper Right (Destination): V The Hierophant
Lower Right (Hidden - Obstacles, Expectations, etc.): XIII Death
Bottom (Advice): XII The Hanged Man
Lower Left (Outcome): XVI The Tower
Monday, June 20, 2022
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Friday, June 17, 2022
Thursday, June 16, 2022
Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Monday, June 13, 2022
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Weekly Tarot Message for June 12, 2022
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"Every Day" Tarot |
Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Weekly Tarot Message June 5, 2022
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"Every Day" Tarot |
Upper Left: Past: XV The Devil
Top: Present: X The Wheel of Fortune
Upper Right: Destination: VIII Strength
Lower Right: Hidden: XIII Death
Bottom: Advice: I The Magician
Upper Left: Outcome: XIV Temperance
Bottom Right (Summation Card): XVII The Star
"Letting Go"
* After the Sacred Mystery of Death There is a Glorious Mystery of Resurrection:
The Shadow Card, XII The Hanged Man, gives the general, overall "feel" for the spread.
This card signifies sacrifice, surrender and a willingness to transcend and evolve.
It shows a man hanging from the gallows (the tau cross) signifying the fulfillment of the revealed Word of G-d). The crossed leg means "eventual attainment" and forms an inverted triangle, a water sign (feminine) meaning downward flow.
We can't see his hands but suspect they are tied preventing him from freeing himself as they are no longer necessary for his spiritual liberation.
He has a halo of light (also known as a "nimbus") around his head meaning radiant light or glory. Think of the saying, "I have seen the light". Waking up; patience; submitting to a course of events; taking a different perspective on life; enlightenment.
* Bye Bye:
The Past, XV The Devil came across as a dark energy that is losing its grip on Humanity. Its time is almost up as more and more of us are waking up to the fear, deception and darkness that this card symbolizes.
* Rapid and Sudden Transformation: The Present is X The Wheel of Fortune, also known as The Wheel of Life. This card depicts change and the interconnectedness of life, free will and responsibility. One day we're up and the next day we're down; winning and losing.
* A Gentle Approach: The Destination Card, VIII Strength, stands for patience, diplomacy and a gentle touch. When have you approached a situation out of frustration, not taking the time to sort things out and then reacting in anger, having to clean up the mess you made?
I have and I know you have, too. This card is letting us know that we need to take a step back and deal with the situation calmly.
* Death Has No Sting: The Hidden Card is XIII Death. There are 4 steps involving the death process: "Fear, Pain, Denial and Acceptance".
This card does not always stand for physical death but also has other meanings such as spiritual Transformation, the old giving way to the new.
This process is underway, now.
* Claim Your Power: The Advice Card, I The Magician, tells us that we have the power to change our lives, our circumstances, etc.
With his left hand he points to earth meaning our reality and life experiences are part of an infinite fractal pattern. With his right hand he points to the sky meaning, "We are not yet part of the "Whole" as we have not yet attained spiritual awareness.
Again, we are presently ascending and progressing toward this realization.
* Alignment: The Outcome Card XIV Temperance echoes the meaning of VIII Strength Card. It shows a woman pouring water onto land, representing the material (earth) and onto a pond of water representing the universe. She is harmonizing, blending the two together.
Again, this feminine (softening, gentle, nurturing) process is happening now.
Note: After doing this reading, I was struck again, by the fact that this was another spread that didn't really address all the visceral shit happening in our world today: The mass shootings, death, food shortages, insane fuel and food prices, violence, corruption and crime.
So, I pulled another card asking, "Why isn't this being addressed?"
The card I turned up was XVII The Star.
Its meaning: "Have Faith and Trust the Universe."
It can't get much clearer than that.
Numerical value of this reading is 10 or 1 = Tens are the completion (both physical and spiritual) of the Wheel (the Wheel of Fortune) getting back to "1" carrying with it all the experiences of the 9 other numbers on its way around the circle
Sunday, June 5, 2022
Saturday, June 4, 2022
Thursday, June 2, 2022
The Reason We're Seeing Unusual Weather Changes is Due to a Pole Shift that Occurred on Earth in 2011
Weekly Tarot Message for Humanity May 28, 2022