Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, August 12, 2022


Now, more than ever, we need to be doing acts of kindness.  

Say you're in line at the grocery store or Walmart or wherever!  

Turn around and see who's behind you.

Do they appear to be in need?  

Maybe they're just generally upset or their child is behaving badly or maybe they could use some help paying for their groceries.

Would it hurt to reach out to them?

Take sticky notes with you when you go shopping and write inspirational messages and stick them on items in the different store aisles - baby clothing, greeting cards, liquor, videos, dog and cat food.

Wherever you think someone needing some cheer will pick them up.    


People, some really trying times are coming.

What do I mean by this?


An attack on a nuclear power plant.

Demise of the dollar.  

An EMP attack on the power grid in which everything goes down.


How do we prepare for this?

We know things are not getting better but worse.

What do you do and where do you go when you're under stress, need advice are confused and fearful?

Do you have a special place you go to for comfort in your home, maybe in your car, or a prayer you can recite?

Do you reach for the Bible, the Torah the Quran?

Maybe taking a trip to your local synagogue, church, temple or mosque will help.

How about forming prayer groups with neighbors?

Deciding to donate to a worthy organization helping others in the world.


Understand that Humanity is in the midst of massive change.

Could this possibly be The End of Days the Bible talks about?

Well, it's the end of something.

Something that doesn't serve us anymore.


We are in major transition touching every part of our lives.

Gear up (prepare) shoulder up (faith) stand up (resist) and rise up (Ascend).

Share yourselves with others - your encouragement, your love, your faith.

We are all "Light Workers" so start acting like one - "BRING IN THE LIGHT."

Be the inspiration you were destined to be.

Now is the time for you to shine.  

Get out of your comfort zone and engage people in conversation and, especially, seek out those who are in need of help.  


G-d Bless, 

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