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~ My Final Resting Place ~ Embrace Home at Last Soft and Vulnerable Hushed and Veiled Shrouded Dark and Deep A Portal to the Soul Peace |
Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
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"Bandit" |
I was sitting out back yesterday afternoon enjoying the pale blue sky and watching fluffy white clouds skipping across the sky as the warm sun penetrated my back.
I was playing with my new little puppy whom I named, "Thunder Heart".
I had her sister for a short time in April but had to put to her to sleep because of serious internal injuries (either hit by a car or some other trauma( that showed up on her x-rays.
She was slowly deteriorating and would die a very painful death.
I couldn't let that happen.
I rescued her on April 19th and she passed on April 28th.
April 28th was a very bad and sorrowful day for me.
Her name was "Bandit" and you'll see a picture of her at the top of this blog post.
While continuing to play with Thunder Heart and feeling the peace that was surrounding me, I was again reminded of how natural and exquisitely balanced everything is on this planet.
The sun rises in the morning and sets at night.
The moon rises at night and sets in the morning.
The wind blows, leaves rustle, the rain comes and waters our gardens, the sun shines warming the seeds and encouraging their growth, birds are chirping, flowering shrubs and flowers burst into bloom, dragonflies and butterflies soar through the air and babies are born.
The days turn into months and the months turn into years with each season coming and going, right before our eyes.
It's a cycle of re-birth.
Nature is a nature-al part of us.
But over thousands of years, we've managed to grow not more intimate with The Creator, honoring and loving Him by obeying His commandments but, further away, resulting in where we are, now.
Our decisions have consequences.
We have now crossed a critical threshold between life and death.
The situation we are presently in is rapidly getting worse:
Crime is out of control
Homelessness has hit an all time high
People from all walks of life are overdosing on drugs or drinking themselves to death
Mental illness is showing up more and more in people resulting in unhinged behaviour, bordering on insanity
So, "What's God take on all of this?"
Ans: "He knows what's going on down here as He's been taking notes".
No wonder we're in such a mess.
We've taken Him out of our lives.
We're reaping what we sowed.
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Native American Tarot ***** Situation: XVI The Tower Challenge: XIII Death Guidance: V The Shaman Focus: X The Medicine Wheel (Wheel of Life) Outcome: VI The Lovers Summary: XVII The Stars Tarot doesn't tell you the future it guides you to it based on our decisions and actions both good and bad that can lead us to something we resent or something we embrace. Nothing is carved in stone as to our future as we continue to learn from our mistakes. Hopefully whatever our outcome, we turn out a little bit stronger and a whole lot wiser. ~ Message ~ The Wheel Keeps on Turning SITUATION: The Tower card deals with something unexpected happening; fired from your job; a spouse walking out on you; a financial collapse; assassination; a health issue; a profound spiritual experience; an extreme weather event. It also means that, after the dust clears and you regain your composure you may well wind up with a whole new outlook on who you are and find your real purpose in life. In either case this card warns us of something cataclysmic occurring that will "transform" us and to take notice. CHALLENGE: The challenge, for all of us, as to whatever is coming is to: "not get blown away by the experience." By acknowledging death (endings, transformation resulting in a rebirth) we acknowledge our own mortality and through "letting go" (coming to terms with our mortality) able to connect with our spiritual side as well. Peter 1:13 - gird up your loins in order to stay grounded and strong GUIDANCE: This card asks reminds us we can't do it alone and to turn to others for help in times of trouble. This could be a family member, neighbor or someone in the clergy. The Shaman card is a holy man, wise in his ways, instructing and counseling those who seek him out. This card can represent the Pope, a minister/rabbi/pastor, a Native American Medicine Man, Seer or Sage. FOCUS: The Medicine Wheel represents Karma (what you sow you reap) the ups and downs occurring in our lives and in the world that affect us. One moment we're on top of the world and the next moment we're at the bottom. A period of light followed by a period of dark. The wheel is cyclical meaning and never stops moving. OUTCOME: The Lovers shows a possible relationship in the making between a man and a woman who are in the process of getting to know one another. This card represents our physical self (desires, motivations, etc.) and our emotional selves (needs and wants) reminding us of the sacred bond between male and female and our physical and emotional healing connection with the Divine. SUMMARY: The Stars Card means purpose and renewal. Peace and hope for the future as well as learning to trust the Divine (the Creator) and our spirit guides who are here to help and guide us as we continue our challenging trek through life. They haven't given up on you and you shouldn't either The numerical value is: 5 - Instability, conflict, change a new cycle Adding the Summary card is: 4 - Manifestation, structure, a stable foundation R.E.M. - It's The End of The World as We Know it (And I Feel Fine) - YouTube |
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"Night Shade" |
Sadly, there are still some who choose to ignore the invaluable ability of those who continue to honor, respect and practice the ancient craft of Witchcraft.
The craft of invoking the supernatural; teaching forgiveness and healing along with a passionate love for all Life on this planet.
Instead, some continue to categorize us according to their own personal view on things:
If we don't belong to some particular organization, or a particular religion or a particular sect we are cast out and told our practices are somehow evil according to God.
Do they not realize that God created All of us each with our own (His) certain attributes and abilities and all to be used in service to help others?
We Witches are Keepers of Secrets, we read animals and people, heal, identify, rebuke and cast out demons, pray for the sick and divine messages that offer hope to all those who have lost all hope.
So, this is why I am here, right now, with a personal message to each and every one of you:
It is my purpose while in my 9th reincarnation on Planet Earth:
* Things are changing on this planet for the good and mightily.
* We are at a crucial and critical turning point in this world where something brand new is being birthed, even though we cannot yet see what it is.
* Don't trust me on this but trust God on this.
* If you still haven't made a personal relationship with Him, time is running out.
* We are at an incredibly important turning point for Humanity.
* We're on the cusp of something so extraordinary and so incredibly powerful, so magnificent, so beautiful and glorious that it defies all description.
* We are at a time in our spiritual evolution where you and I are actually going to see the hand of God sweeping across this planet, ridding it of all evil and installing His heavenly blessing.
It's important you know this:
You and I will not be able to withstand the powerful spiritual and visceral forces that are going to be unleashed during this period of time unless you submit to God and allow Him (surrender) and take complete control of your life: Your finances, health, decisions, family and relationships, etc.
Because something is coming you and I CANNOT control.
* If you need additional help or further assurance, please feel free to contact me.
I am here to serve,
I've included a link to some meditation music. It's pretty deep but I believe has some "healing" qualities to it. I hope you take the time to listen as it may help.
Witch Awakening Music 30 Min Witchcraft Meditation Music - YouTube
~ Nightshade
9 Spiritual Meanings Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse: May 5, 2023 (angelicalbalance.com)
This event is magnified 3 times as number 555: Learning, Growing, Maturing
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Crow Tarot Situation: XI Justice Challenge: X Wheel of Life Guidance: IX The Hermit Focus: V The Hierophant Outcome: XVI The Tower Summary: 0 The Fool ~ Reading ~ "Restoration" Situation: The Justice Card came across as redemption: Restitution; atonement; redress; restoration Challenge: Our challenge for this week is represented by the Wheel of Life, meaning the cyclical nature of life; the positive ups and negative downs of our existence; We never know what's going to happen to us until it does. Stop worrying about what may happen and start believing that you have the ability to overcome, no matter what it is that is thrown your way. Guidance: The Hermit is guiding us away from dwelling on trying to make sense out of everything because we can't. He is asking us to stop fretting, stop worrying about what may happen or not happen and follow his light. The Hermit can represent Jesus (I am the Light of this World) who has overcome the trials and tribulations of life so we don't have to. It's time to lean on Him. Focus: We are asked to focus our attention not on fear but on trust leading to faith. The Hierophant represents someone who will help us find our inner peace by sorting things out; a trusted counselor; someone who will assuage our fears, reassure and guide us through what lies ahead. Outcome: The Tower stands for fear, something unexpected happening causing destruction; breaking up and parting ways; an invalidation of some sort. This card asks us to rebuke fear, not allowing it to overwhelm us in our present situation (making things worse) but to stand up against it. For if we don't do this, we will have already lost the battle. Summary is The Fool representing Humanity and means dissolution; out with the old and in with the new. A new beginning. Numerical value of this reading is: 6 Adding the Summary Card is: 6 The ability to transcend difficulties *** https://rumble.com/v2lf44s-there-is-an-end-coming.html |