Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, December 4, 2023

Weekly Tarot Message for December 3, 2023


"Night Sun" Tarot Card Deck 
Fabio Listrani 


Middle SITUATION:  V The Hierophant
Upper Left CHALLENGE:  VII The Chariot
Lower Right HIDDEN/FOCUS:  XI Strength
Bottom OUTCOME:  XIX The Sun
Lower Left SUMMARY:  IX The Hermit

~ Reading ~

"It's Time to Start Trusting Ourselves" 

The Hierophant represents all religions but one in particular - The Roman Catholic Church.  The Vatican, like many other bureacracies, hierarchies and powerful organizations now finds itself in the midst of controvery in which the dogma it has embraced and preached for thousands of years is being revealed for what it is - a cacophony of lies, demagoguery, persecution, mockery, pedophelia, indoctrination, abuse of power and demon worship.      

The Hierophant represents the Pope, the church's highest seat of power.  In his left hand he holds the papal staff which means papal jurisdiction (authority/control) and two fingers of his right hand are pointing upward meaning Peace or Victory, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

This two finger salute was used by both the Nazi soldiers during WWII and by Popes on their followers.  The church made sure to keep in "lock step" with the Nazis to lessen the possibility of them attacking and challenging church "authority.  The two finger salute was an occult symbol representing war and conquest.  

It's no secret that the Roman Catholic Church knew about Hitler's plan to annihilate Jews and did nothing to stop it.  They were only interested in protecting the church's "interests" not the interests and well being of others as it would then open the church up to possible ridicule, questioning and ultimately loss of power.     

The Hierophant's left hand is colored blue and I'm assuming that there could be some type of nerve damage or other ailment causing the discoloration.  

However, the left hand is also associated with the Left Hand Path and practices that are self serving resulting in service to self (self centered, Narcissism) as opposed to the Right Hand Path representing   Humanitarian (doing good for others).

The triangle held up by the figure on the bottom left symbolizes the number 3:  The divine incarnating spirit of the patriarchs (the Roman Catholic Church).  It also represents the Holy Trinity:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  

The wand he is pointing at the Pope is also linked to Jesus Christ and said to be used by Him in His healing practices.  

It could be that this man is waving these two objects in the Pope's face to remind him of the Truth of who he is and what he represents and to cut the bs.    

The figure on the bottom right is brandishing a knife hidden behind his back.  Could it be that an assassination attempt is about to happen?  

The anguished, surprised and painful look on the Hierophant's face represents his knowledge of the dark side of the church he represents the likes of which are now being revealed to millions of followers.  

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The Chariot Card represents our ability to overcome struggle and fight for what we believe in.  It means we have what it takes to succeed and leaving the past behind. 

The head seen behind the right shoulder of the Charioteer symbolizes our willingness to sacrifice (just a figure head and nothing else) for what we believe in and could be Bernard of Clairvaux, 1090 - 1153, a proponent of the mission of the Knights Templar, a Medieval Reformer, Mystic and adviser to 5 popes. 

The head could also mean "keep your head screwed on tight"; "keep your head on a swivel" (stay alert and aware of your surroundings).     

The hourglass in the Charioteer's left hand is a Masonic symbol and symbolizes the cycle between life and death.  Also, the notion that we must be able to reverse our perceptions (if needed or necessary), attitudes and actions at times in order to move forward.

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The Judgement Card symbolizes "Resurrection" or "Awareness":  Standing up, rising, up, raising up.  A state of being after death.  What I believe is happening now across the world as globally, we all are awakening to not only the truth of political and governmental organizations and their real agendas, but politicians, health care, agriculture and religion. 

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The Strength Card is one of the 7 virtues being Prudence, Temperance, Justice, Fortitude (Strength), Faith, Hope and Charity.      

Again, this card reminds us we are stronger than we think we are and able to meet any challenge(s).  We just need to believe we can (see the meaning of the Chariot Card).

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The Sun means Enlightenment, in Buddhism:  a final blessed state marked by the absense of desire or suffering.  

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The Hermit Card is a strange card.  Here we have a Sorcerer (Magician) in the act of levitating while prayer beads are spilling out of his mouth, using them as a magical charm in order to ward off disease or disaster.  Behind him the word ABRACADABRA derived from Hebrew translating into "Father, Son and Holy Spirit."

The number 777 across the prayer mat has profound meaning as God's insight into Humanity.   The triple 7 points to an absolute or ultimate state of Perfection. 

The numerical value of this reading is 2:  Balance; partnership; assimilation; cooperation

Adding the Summary Card is 2:  Balance; partnership; assimilation; cooperation



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