Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Weekly Hecate's Oracle Card Message for August 25, 2024


Hecate's Oracle Card Deck


Fate #11

Keeper of Keys #10

World Soul #28

Brimo #17

Of the Sea #4

Of the Road #6


During meditation I "saw" an old woman sitting in front of a campfire.  The campfire was for light so she could see what she was doing.  She was "casting" some bones on what looked like an old outworn well used piece of material (maybe an animal hide)  Her leathery face was crisscrossed with wrinkles, she had grayish/white scraggly long hair and wearing a dark hat of some kind and was deeply engrossed in what she was doing.  

~ Reading ~


SITUATION - Fate #11:  "Flow with What Is":  
Represents Destiny, Prophecy, Karma.  This card is asking us to concentrate on the "here and now" (the Present) as our Fate is unknown at this time.  It is important to surrender to forces we have no control over and to accept the fluidity of the Wheel of Life spinning its timeless web.  and trust that "whatever" is coming our way we will overcome and will  ultimately be shown for what it is - a Blessing in Disquise."

CHALLENGE - Keeper of Keys #10:  "Seek Wisdom".  
The key is a pathway to hidden knowledge and wisdom as it represents the old is giving way to the new.  "You" are the key unlocking the portal that is now opening up before you because you are spiritually ready to embrace "whatever" comes through, knowing if  it is "chaos" that this period will only lead to a brighter future.

GUIDANCE - World Soul #28:  "Sense of Completion."
This card represents Humanity recognizing it is being guided toward its own power and destiny.    Unseen elements are aligning to help us move toward our ultimate destination and encouraging us to keep moving forward even though things may look bleak before true healing can take place.  We are being asked to open up our hearts to our brothers and sisters across the world walking beside us.  We are learning that we are not separate from one another but rather a piece of the whole.  Enlightened Consciousness is not a destination but a spiritual journey.

HIDDEN - Brimo #17:  "Sudden Change and Chaos".
This card is a card of brutal honesty (lies being revealed) and reminds us to be alert for more sudden change and chaos.  What we've already seen happening on this planet is a reminder that the evil forces at work in our world haven't given up but will only increase their attacks, increasing our pain and suffering.   This is time to face your fears and get a handle on them as this will help motivate you to accept change.  . If you are continuing to experience anger then direct it toward the problem - those who continue to do evil and get away with it.  It's time for all of us to expose them.   

OUTCOME - Of the Sea #4:  "Bathe in Nurturing Waters." 
This card represents the qualities of water, its healing and purification properties.  It is telling us it is time to examine our needs, both physically and emotionally to gain the awareness needed in order to survive and thrive through trust,  faith and patience.  Remember, however, that water also has a dark side and can be indiscriminate in what it destroys through floods, torrential rainfall and tsunamis.  Just as we can hide our fear under the surface be aware that there are those who cannot control their own emotional floodwaters and this hidden anger may explode at any time, thus putting others at risk.  

SUMMARY - Of the Road #6:  "Walk the Way with Courage."
We are all being tested and may be thrown off guard at some point along the way.  This will help:    Ask yourself, "what do I stand for and what are my core beliefs?"  When you are confident in resolving these two  answers you will feel more confident in who and what you are and not afraid to defend them as you continue on your path.    Only in doing this inner work will you begin to recognize true fulfillment.

The numerical value of this reading is:  7 Reflection; assessment; motives; spirituality and wisdom

Adding the Summary Card is:  4 Structure; stability; foundation (it is the product of proper application) 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

This Video Was Made in 2023 But, Nontheless, The Message Applies To All of Us, Today

July 10 - REBROADCAST What happened to German E. T. investigator close to this Grey type? - YouTube

This Video Message Struck Gold

 As above, so below. It's not what you think. - YouTube

Oracle Card Reading - August 18, 2024


Hecate's Oracle Card Deck

Card Positions

Top SITUATION:  Of the Road #6
Upper Left CHALLENGE:  Torch Bearer #9
Middle GUIDANCE:  Liminal #15
Upper Right HIDDEN:  Maiden #18
Bottom OUTCOME:  Release #22
Lower Left SUMMARY:  Serpent #16

~ Reading ~ 
  "Coming of Age"   

Heard the word, "Water Rages"
Saw a Dogman
(see the link at bottom of page) 


SITUATION:  Of the Road.  The world has gone nuts and getting crazier by the minute.  

What can you do to keep yourself calm in the midst of all this chaos?  

This is the time for personal assessment and learning how to ground yourselves.    

This card is advising that you need to decide how you're going to meet the challenges ahead.  If you're drinking, seriously, it's time to stop.  If you're doing drugs, seriously, it's time to stop.

Along with these two recommendations lies a virtue called Patience.  Do you fly off the handle at the first little thing that goes wrong?  

Are you always ranting and raging when things don't go your way?  

Maybe you're a bully.     

Seriously, if you don't begin to realize that these things are preventing you from crossing over and deal with them, you're not only inviting more trouble for yourself but will soon discover you're getting nowhere.

You cannot afford to let this happen.  


CHALLENGE:  Torchbearer.  This world is in massive transformation.  During this extremely trying time each one of us needs to keep our torches lit not only to shine the light on our own path but to shine the light on others paths as well.  

Many many folks are afraid, confused and stumbling along, having no idea what's going on, where they're going or who to  turn to.

We are all here to answer their call for guidance and help.    

It is up to us to each one of us to seek them out and guide them toward the route prepared for them.   

This is a spiritual journey we're on as earth and her inhabitants are in the process of morphing from the dark and into the light.

This is why you are seeing all the s**t happening across the world where groups of people -  terrorists, organizations and powerful people do not have our best interests at heart but continue to hamper our journey.  

It's up to us to see they don't succeed.

Continue to Serve and Support.


GUIDANCE:  Liminal.  Liminal means "in between."  Right now Humanity is in between two worlds - the one we're in (the old one) and a new and brighter one on the horizon.    

In order to continue on our journey toward Ascension, we need to learn balance - not to go off the deep end because of fear and events but consciously taking our power back (not continuing giving it away to others) enabling us to move forward in confidence and courage.   


HIDDEN:  Maiden.  The Maiden symbolizes renewal; a new start; initiation; a new beginning.  She represents boundless possibilities waiting for us.  We're fired up and ready to go but beware your naievete as others are waiting to take full advantage of your enthusiasm.  

Remember, we need to learn to walk before we can run.


OUTCOME:  Release.  Let go of the past.  Stop thinking about what you did wrong, the people you hurt.  It's time to move on.

Understand that what you experienced, your challenges and obstacles were all part of the "learning" process as they were designed to teach you valuable lessons.

Surrender your attachment(s) to those things and people who don't serve you anymore.  

Forgive those who have hurt you and more importantly, forgive yourself.  


SUMMARY:  Serpent.  The serpent has gotten a bad rap.  From the Garden of Eden to today the snake is still recognized as the Devil (Lucifer) and venomous.   

Yes, some snakes are venomous and potentially dangerous but some are not.  

The other thing you need to know is the Ancients viewed the serpent as representing Wisdom and Knowledge.  

We are in the process of learning wisdom and knowledge now as we find ourselves becoming more and more aware of our sad environment on planet earth as our resources - food, water, air  continue to be under attack and earth, itself subject to contamination, poisonous substances, and dangerous chemicals and those who defiantly stand in our way, preventing us from moving forward.  

Know that WE are going to win, not THEM.

Our victory is "Written in the Stars."  

So, continue, steady as you go and stay the course.  


The numerical value of this reading is:  7:  Assessment; reflection; spirituality; Wisdom; Discovery and Knowledge

Adding the SUMMARY Card is:  5:  Instability; conflict; loss; change; a new cycle



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Dear Jesus

The Weekly Tarot/Oracle Message will be delayed for one week, possibly two.

In the meantime, keep your powder dry, your eyes to the skies (and everything else, for that matter).

See you soon! 

     ~ Nightshade 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Blooming of Humanity


"Your Soul is Calling"

Folks:  This is a Time of Passage from one phase of our lives into another.  We are beginning to walk the paths we were meant to follow.  

The universe is gently nudging you to open yourselves up, maybe you're feeling this sensation for the first time in your life and, through prayer, meditation, etc. to the blessings awaiting you but only if you respond to their invitation.    



We Have Ignition!"

Blastoff! SpaceX launches Cygnus freighter to space station, nails landing in Florida - YouTube

The start of the Lion's Gate Portal, spiritual cleansing and blessings are on their way to all of us.  

Never before have I felt such intense and powerful energy.  

A new start for all of us as we continue our journey together.    

Soak it in, bask in it and rejoice in it.  

Let your light shine today and always.

We are being activated into a new dimension and this healing and cleansing process will continue.  

We are living in extraordinary times on this planet as we evolve into who and what we were meant to be.

Yes but don't forget that there are those who do not want this to happen  and will continue to do whatever they can to stop it including creating war, mayhem, chaos fear and confusion.

This is the time to Stand Strong, Together.  


"DO NOT" REPEAT "DO NOT" Mess With These Guys

 The Greatest haka EVER? (youtube.com)

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

New Zealand' Women's Rugy Performs Haka After Gold Medal Win


Lion's Gate Portal Opens on August 8, 2024 ~ "World Peace" ~ So Mote it Be!

Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the cosmos.  Thursday, August 8, 2024 is the day to do it.  If you are struggling with something , desire something or wish to turn an uncomfortable situation around, then take part in your own healing.

Write down on a piece of paper what it is you desire.    

Find a comfortable chair, turn on this channel, and start settling down, believing only that what you bring up and into the light (your desires and wishes) will be heard.

Make sure there are no distractions or this prayerful meditation, is not going to work.    

Lion's Gate Portal Sound Bath & Intuitive Channeling (432Hz) - Astrology Oracle 888 Meditation (youtube.com)

Monday, August 5, 2024

More Info on What to Expect from August 2024 ~ Please Watch and Share

 CHAOS BEGINS 8/5/2024 ⚠️ Coming Predictions | Teatime Live 🫖 (youtube.com)

Yeah! Go Navy!!!

 The Warrior Song - Leviathan - YouTube

Internet Outages Happening Now

 Internet Outages Map | ThousandEyes

Hecate Oracle Card Reading for August 4, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Deck


Middle Card SITUATION:  #23 Ritual
Upper Left Card CHALLENGE:  #11 Fate
Top Card GUIDANCE:  #17 Brimo
Upper Right Card HIDDEN:  #1 Crossroads
Bottom Card OUTCOME:  #28 World Soul

Lower Botton Left Card SUMMARY:  #19 Mother



"Fate is out of our hands so it is better to embrace the turbulence of human existence
than to resist it.  If there is nothing you can do to change the situation, then release yourself from the burden of worry."

SITUATION:  RITUAL:   Find joy in rhythm.  Take a walk in the woods; honor the moon's cycles (see Moon Cycle Chart at bottom of page); while doing the dishes recite a little prayer holding yourself, your loved ones and everyone else in the light.  Bless others while you're out and about.  

This is also time to check for and address any imbalances in our lives and make the necessary adjustments.  Are we getting enough rest, are we constantly pushing ourselves too hard?  

CHALLENGE:  FATE:  Flow with what is as there is only "now".  The past is a memory and the future is yet to transpire.  Instead of worrying, we are being asked to surrender to, "The Flow of Life."

GUIDANCE:  BRIMO:  Sudden Change and Chaos.  This card needs no further explanation as this is what is happening now.  Refer to the meaning of the CHALLENGE Card: in that instead of worrying, understand you and I cannot do anything about what's coming (happening) other than to keep ourselves under control in order to stop from going nuts.  

HIDDEN:  CROSSROADS:  Everything we're seeing happening now, from extreme weather, to powerful solar flares are signs (with more coming) that Humanity is "crossing over"into a new dimension as we become aware of just how badly we've been s*****d. 

Everything is now under scrutiny and being exposed for who and what they are:  Who and what is responsible for poisoning our food, water, air, bodies and minds is being held up and into the light so it can be alchemized.  

*The turbulence we're presently experiencing now is going to get more intense as the battle for Humanity's Soul rages on*.  

OUTCOME:  WORLD SOUL:  Humanity, even though it doesn't look like it at all, is ascending in consciousness.  We are becoming more aware of what's going on in the world, recognizing those powerful people and organizations who control us ~ AI, The WHO, The WEF, embracing Transgenderism and allowing the continued aborting babies along with the Social Media Gurus who continue to censor the Truth in favor of spreading their Lies.      

We are slowly resisting what we see happening to us, as our increasing awareness is instilling confidence and courage instead of fear.

We are now becoming more active in opposing what we don't agree with while courageously standing up for what we do believe in.     

This awareness process takes time but is essential to getting us to where we need to be.

SUMMARY:  MOTHER:    Caring for Others:  We are being asked to act with more empathy now, to offer love and support to others even when it's difficult to do so. 

Each time we do a kindess for someone, each time we reach out to someone in despair, each time we offer hope and encouragement and practice patience, the universe takes note and sends us more and more positive vibes.

*We CANNOT live any longer on this Slaughter House of a planet*.

You and I are here, right now, to change all that as we begin putting Destiny where it belongs:  
"In Our Own Hands"

The numerical value of this reading is 8:  Movement; Action; Change; Spiritual Fortitude; Rebirth 

Adding the Summary Card is 9:  Fruition; Attainment; Bringing Things to a Conclusion; Selflessness 




Saturday, August 3, 2024

It is Interesting To Me How All This Material Re UFOs and ETs is Coming Out Now

This was originally aired in 2022:  

 July 31, 2024 - REBROADCAST - Is not an alien force already among us? (youtube.com)

We are All Connected

 Starving Whale Begs For Help. What Happens Next is Amazing! It's a miracle! (youtube.com)

We Are All Light Workers

"Hold Yourself, Others and Everything in the Light" 
Everything exposed By the Light becomes Visible
and Everything that is Illuminated becomes 
a Light

This is why it is said:
"Wake up Sleeper
Rise from the Dead
and Christ
will Shine on You
Be very Careful, then
how You live,
not as Unwise but as Wise
making the Most
of every Opportunity because
Days are Evil"

~ Ephesians 5:13-16 ~

Estas Tonne ~ "Internal Flight"

Estas Tonne || Internal Flight experience - Resolution into Joy (Live in Oltingen version 2021) (youtube.com)

Beautiful ~ Enjoy!

Live Performance of Powerful Ancient Voice and Iranian Santoor. Concert | Ambient | Ethnic | Vocal (youtube.com)