Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, August 8, 2024

The Blooming of Humanity


"Your Soul is Calling"

Folks:  This is a Time of Passage from one phase of our lives into another.  We are beginning to walk the paths we were meant to follow.  

The universe is gently nudging you to open yourselves up, maybe you're feeling this sensation for the first time in your life and, through prayer, meditation, etc. to the blessings awaiting you but only if you respond to their invitation.    



We Have Ignition!"

Blastoff! SpaceX launches Cygnus freighter to space station, nails landing in Florida - YouTube

The start of the Lion's Gate Portal, spiritual cleansing and blessings are on their way to all of us.  

Never before have I felt such intense and powerful energy.  

A new start for all of us as we continue our journey together.    

Soak it in, bask in it and rejoice in it.  

Let your light shine today and always.

We are being activated into a new dimension and this healing and cleansing process will continue.  

We are living in extraordinary times on this planet as we evolve into who and what we were meant to be.

Yes but don't forget that there are those who do not want this to happen  and will continue to do whatever they can to stop it including creating war, mayhem, chaos fear and confusion.

This is the time to Stand Strong, Together.  


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