Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, August 5, 2024

Hecate Oracle Card Reading for August 4, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Card Deck


Middle Card SITUATION:  #23 Ritual
Upper Left Card CHALLENGE:  #11 Fate
Top Card GUIDANCE:  #17 Brimo
Upper Right Card HIDDEN:  #1 Crossroads
Bottom Card OUTCOME:  #28 World Soul

Lower Botton Left Card SUMMARY:  #19 Mother



"Fate is out of our hands so it is better to embrace the turbulence of human existence
than to resist it.  If there is nothing you can do to change the situation, then release yourself from the burden of worry."

SITUATION:  RITUAL:   Find joy in rhythm.  Take a walk in the woods; honor the moon's cycles (see Moon Cycle Chart at bottom of page); while doing the dishes recite a little prayer holding yourself, your loved ones and everyone else in the light.  Bless others while you're out and about.  

This is also time to check for and address any imbalances in our lives and make the necessary adjustments.  Are we getting enough rest, are we constantly pushing ourselves too hard?  

CHALLENGE:  FATE:  Flow with what is as there is only "now".  The past is a memory and the future is yet to transpire.  Instead of worrying, we are being asked to surrender to, "The Flow of Life."

GUIDANCE:  BRIMO:  Sudden Change and Chaos.  This card needs no further explanation as this is what is happening now.  Refer to the meaning of the CHALLENGE Card: in that instead of worrying, understand you and I cannot do anything about what's coming (happening) other than to keep ourselves under control in order to stop from going nuts.  

HIDDEN:  CROSSROADS:  Everything we're seeing happening now, from extreme weather, to powerful solar flares are signs (with more coming) that Humanity is "crossing over"into a new dimension as we become aware of just how badly we've been s*****d. 

Everything is now under scrutiny and being exposed for who and what they are:  Who and what is responsible for poisoning our food, water, air, bodies and minds is being held up and into the light so it can be alchemized.  

*The turbulence we're presently experiencing now is going to get more intense as the battle for Humanity's Soul rages on*.  

OUTCOME:  WORLD SOUL:  Humanity, even though it doesn't look like it at all, is ascending in consciousness.  We are becoming more aware of what's going on in the world, recognizing those powerful people and organizations who control us ~ AI, The WHO, The WEF, embracing Transgenderism and allowing the continued aborting babies along with the Social Media Gurus who continue to censor the Truth in favor of spreading their Lies.      

We are slowly resisting what we see happening to us, as our increasing awareness is instilling confidence and courage instead of fear.

We are now becoming more active in opposing what we don't agree with while courageously standing up for what we do believe in.     

This awareness process takes time but is essential to getting us to where we need to be.

SUMMARY:  MOTHER:    Caring for Others:  We are being asked to act with more empathy now, to offer love and support to others even when it's difficult to do so. 

Each time we do a kindess for someone, each time we reach out to someone in despair, each time we offer hope and encouragement and practice patience, the universe takes note and sends us more and more positive vibes.

*We CANNOT live any longer on this Slaughter House of a planet*.

You and I are here, right now, to change all that as we begin putting Destiny where it belongs:  
"In Our Own Hands"

The numerical value of this reading is 8:  Movement; Action; Change; Spiritual Fortitude; Rebirth 

Adding the Summary Card is 9:  Fruition; Attainment; Bringing Things to a Conclusion; Selflessness 




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