Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, August 31, 2014

A Pocket Full of Posies

Pink Posies

Don't rush through Life - It's a Journey not a Race
Trust in the Goodness of People
Work harder than everyone else
Forgive and Forget
Tell someone you love them every Day
Be honest and kind
Make time to go to church and remember to say your Prayers
Laugh whenever you can and leave your Worries behind
Be Honorable
Live today like it was your Last

Friday, August 29, 2014


Have you ever pondered growing old?  Have you ever given any thought to what it will be like when you are old?  What is old, anyway?  Are you really as old as you feel?   Will you even get to experience what it is like being old?     Follow me back to yesteryear. ~ It's the late '40s and a little girl is sitting on the kitchen counter intently listening to an old radio series, Sargent Preston of the Yukon.  "C'mon you huskies" he says hurriedly, while you hear the howling of the wind whipping the frigid air and you can see the snow swirling around him, "we haven't much time."  You hear the dogs yelping and barking in the background, itching to start the run.  I don't remember if Dad placed me on the counter top or I climbed up all by myself.  I was wearing white socks with lace tops and buckled shoes.  There were organdy curtains on the small kitchen window and on the opposite wall was the well-worn kitchen table with one leaf folded.  The kitchen was covered in green ivy wallpaper (I still have a piece).  In the dining room was mother's mahogany dining room table with the spindly Queen Anne legs and high-backed chairs.  My parents' first home, was a very happy one.  The country was just getting back on its feet after World War II.  You got to our house by driving up and then down a very long hill.  The house was situated at the bottom.  I remember my best friend Polly and her mother's homemade spaghetti sauce.  Even though Polly was Polish that didn't stop her mother.  You could smell that wonderful aroma wafting over the entire neighborhood.  My mother built a stone wall around the entire house, by hand.  It was four feet high.  Imagine someone doing that today.  The milkman used to deliver milk bottles to our doorstep.  We loved scooping out the rich cream at the top.  We played in the back yard and there was a swimming hole  not too far away.  I remember one wintery day I decided I was going to walk across the frozen pond, thinking it was solid.  It wasn't.  I went down wearing galoshes, a heavy winter coat and scarf, mittens and hat.  One of my friends offered a strong tree limb to me as I had to be pulled out.  I was lucky it wasn't that deep.  I remember standing in my crib in a pair of diapers in a military  hospital after having my tonsils out.  I remember there was a window covered with a venetian blind right next to my crib and how fascinated I was by the light from the outside corridor filtering through those blinds onto the opposite wall displaying those shafts of light.  I still am, today.  I remember my throat hurting and the nurse coming in to give me some ice cream and me throwing up a few minutes afterward.  I was three years old.  I remember the ordeal of living in a haunted house.  Yes, my dears, a real haunted house.  Dad and his three daughters were on a search and destroy mission.  We decided we had to track the entity down to its hiding place as it was wreaking havoc on all of us including our pets.  We found where it was hanging out--under the wet bar.  Dad was a seasoned combat veteran so you realize just how serious this matter was to him.  We lived in the house for a few more months and then moved.  I went back many years later and took some pictures of the house and and its surroundings.  To my and my sisters' surprise, the pictures revealed some images that brought back some very bad memories.  Note:  Life is full of the good, the bad and the ugly.  I remember wonderful smells and aromas, laughter, joy, sunny days, happy days.  I remember standing in the elementary school yard with my back to the brick wall watching the fluffy clouds rolling by and counting how many faces I could find.  I remember sharpening pencils with a pen knife and ink wells and quill pens and large sheets of paper that we used to color on in school that had wood chips embedded within it.  I remember cooking on wood stoves and  outhouses and hand pumps.  A few years later Mom and Dad had saved up enough money to buy their first television.  We were so excited as we sat cross legged on the floor and stared up at it, waiting for Dad to plug it in and turn it on.  I remember gangly Ruthie and her widowed Mom who lived across the street from us.  I remember as Ruthie and I stood mesmerized by the hordes of Japanese Beetles swooning all over the shrubs in her front yard, the first influx ever of Japanese Beetles into the United States.  I remember Shorthand and typewriters.  I remember Poodle Skirts and Mini Skirts.  I remember when we used to wear hats and gloves to church.  I remember old and dear friends.  I remember cold, harsh, snowy winters and having to get out to shovel the driveway for Dad (or else).  I remember coal-fired furnaces and the fizzle and bump and bang of the hot water radiator as it turned on.    I remember chill blains and runny noses,  ruddy cheeks and sledding and frozen toes and fingers and giggling, and hot chocolate and marshmallows and Grammy as she laughed in delight as all of us piled into bed with her, trying not to "sleep in the crack" as she had pulled two mattresses together.  I remember dandelions, kittens and puppies and ponies and ladybugs and dragonflies butterflies and, of course, fireflies.  And we can't forget chocolate.  I remember the sweet scent of roses; dazzling sunsets; happy sunrises; the Moon's luminescense.  A ride to a dairy farm in my Grandfather's new car and the smell and the feel of the downy gray soft seats.  I remember lying in the back of Dad's car and counting the number of street lights as they flickered past the window, watching the shadows as they ran up and down over me.  I remember riding in the rumble seat of Dad's car.  That was fun and Dad was so proud of that car.  I remember the smell of sweet hay and watching the sheep and coming upon meadows full of tiny yellow flowers and blueberry picking and catching crabs on chunks of chicken and running barefoot in the cold, cold grass in the front yard in December and then wishing I hadn't.  My feet hurt!  I remember the long trail down back, past the chicken coop with the red curtains and the tea cups and the dollies and the teddy bears and the small table and chairs.  I remember the walk through the peaceful forest and studying the enigmatic Lady Slippers and napping on soft green moss and the dark entrance at the bottom of the trail that miraculously opened up onto a huge sunny meadow.  You first had to overcome your fear of walking into that dark void.  But once you did, a beautiful scene awaited you, on the other side.  I remember how tall Major, my Dad's horse, was.  Dad would lift me up to pat him on the nose.  I remember the mysterious young girl in the faded flower dress who lived in the horse stable along with her new baby.  When she smiled at you, you could tell she had not taken care of her teeth as they were all twisted and rotten, discolored from eating too much sugar, I was told.  I remember quiet times, memorable times, but most of all, "Honorable" times.   I remember my parents playing Glenn Miller music, my Dad's socks, his medals, his stocky legs, his quiet reverence for all that was good.  I remember my mom who was constantly on the move as we lived here and then there.  I've lived during WWII, The Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.  I've grown tired of war and the horrible toll it takes on the best and the brightest of us while the shadowy puppet masters continue to pull the strings, orchestrating the world's never-ending despair and mayhem.  I am afraid we are headed in that direction, again.  I am concerned for my children and my grandchildren as this world is vomiting up horrible monsters at an incredible rate all the while wobbling wildly out of control.  I, on the other hand,  have nothing to fear as I have nothing to lose.  When I pass I will no longer be here.  No longer will I have to worry about paying bills or keeping appointments.  No longer will I have to listen to the evening news with sordid details and one bad story after the other.  I will be gone so what happens will not affect me but will affect my children and grandchildren.  I despise politicians for politicians are all they are.  They look out for themselves while putting the rest of us at risk.  They speak with forked tongues.  They are slave mongers, power brokers and cunning conjurers of ongoing chaos.  My children and grandchildren will be forced to bear the brunt of the inconceivable,  (maybe) the incorrigible realization of just learning how to survive all over again solely because the politicians have not done what needs to be done in order to protect us.  I've tried to reason with Life; I've tried to understand Life; I've tried to come to terms with Life.  I have suffered embarrassment, shame, guilt, remorse, pain, loss, euphoria, depression, humiliation, anger and resentment, among others.  I have helped but I have also hurt others.  I have forgiven others but have not forgiven myself.   I have done things I wished I hadn't.  I've made wrong decisions.  I've seen where I''m weak, where I need to change and where I've done wrong.   I have seen, I have lived, I have fallen but managed to get back up.  Life is a gauntlet-Learn how to sprint.  I know up front and personal, the utter futility that can result and the brittle frailty of the term, "just being human".  I have soared with the angels and been caught fraternizing with the Devil.   We are born, we live, we die.  We have come a long way since I was born in 1944.  Each generation has something worthwhile to leave behind for the next.  What will this generation be noted for?     


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Awakening to Awareness

There is no greater mystery than this, that we keep
 seeking reality though in fact we are reality.   We 
 think that there is something hiding reality and that
 this must be destroyed before reality is gained.
 How ridiculous!   A day will dawn when you will laugh
 at all your past efforts.  That which will be the day
 you laugh is also here and now" ~ Ramana Maharshi

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Act of Valor


Saturday, August 23, 2014


A Vincent Van Gogh painting

I am looking at an old woman bending over in her flower garden.  The flowers are wilted but still exhibit their ageless beauty.  Some of them are standing while others are falling over in a heap.   But she pays them never mind.  Instead, she lovingly and painstakingly continues to weed around them.  Her nails are dark with garden soil.  Her dress is of camouflage colors; splotches of yellow and green, tan, cream and brown.  Her long gray hair is pulled back into a small neat bun.  I can't make out her face as her head is down.   She smells of the earth.  You know, that wonderful, cleansing pungent smell that wafts up from the wet ground after a strong rain.  She makes no sound but methodically goes about her work.  I can only hear the sound of weeds as she pops them out of the ground.   Behind her is a small cottage with a brown thatched roof and walls of weathered stone.  There is one long window on each side of the front door.  The front door is cracked open and I am able to peer inside.  I can see a dirt floor and several of the suns rays splayed across the floor, warming up a rather dark room.  The smell of something wonderful cooking fills my nostrils.  Outside, the top of a chimney is seen with smoke gently spiraling upward.  I feel the suns rays  warming my back.  I wonder what she would do, what she would say if I introduced myself?  Should I try?  But first I must determine whether I am in a dream state--whether she is real or not.  Who am I to say as I am already watching this old woman as she goes about her gardening in full view of me.  Yet, she does not acknowledge my presence.  How could she not know I am standing here, staring at her?  She is as plain as the nose on your face.  This scene reminds me, somehow, of a time long, long ago.  When the world was just waking up.  When it was just getting its bearings.  When it was all about self discovery.  When it would awake day after day to beautiful sunrises and chirping birds, darting dragonflies and buzzing bees, hope and love, sun and light, togetherness and bonding, a faint lingering scent of Lilacs and Roses, Hyacinth and Lavender, Hollyhock and Eucalyptus.  How far we've come.  How much we've lost.  Can we reclaim this lost innocence somewhere again in the future?  The sky is darkening.  The old woman lifts her head.  Her gaze is nonchalant as she looks directly at me yet she seems to look right through me.  Maybe she is remembering another time, another day, long, long ago.  I wish I hadn't seen this gaze as I, too, wish for those days.  We all need something to cling to, to hang onto, when the going gets tough.  And the going is definitely tough, right now.  We need a helping hand, a sweet bouquet, a kind word, a hug, a smile, a pat on the back.  The old woman's eyes are becoming dark, deep and intense--even sorrowful as they start to focus.  She has seen so much in her lifetime--both good and bad.  She has been where we came from and sees where we're headed.  She provides the answers we seek but we reply, "we don't have time."  This is a big mistake.  We will experience regret and remorse.  Deeply etched and entrenched fine lines crisscross her face  as if an artist had drawn them.   She finally looks directly at me and smiles.  A knowing, wonderful, warm and comforting smile that tells me, "Everything will be alright."  The old, the aged, the wise, the learned, the seers, the sages.  We can't seem to find the time to listen to their wise counsel nor do we find it in our hearts to respect them as we are the ones who have all the answers.  Our haughty ways and refusal to listen will be to our detriment.  The old endured hard times and learned valuable lessons.  They have much to tell us, teach us, if we but only consult them.  The Wise Ones do not desert their posts when we most need them.  They have endured life's slings and arrows and are waiting to be consulted, once again.  And the time when we need to consult them again is not that far off.         

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Passive Terrorism

I've been pondering this for awhile.  Could we really be facing a new reality here in this country?  One that has been cleverly disguised and shrouded as something else for a very long time?  Could one argue that those who are methodically yet cleverly orchestrating and directing the outcome of certain events, from the sidelines, from the shadows, if you will, in the form of well-known, hand-picked spokespersons,  the use of certain "buzz" words to whip the masses up into a frenzy and a maniacal bent for a stealth agenda that includes fanning the flames of discontent, divisiveness, violence, lies, murder and mayhem, in order to take down institutions and those who may stand in their way, be rightfully included as falling into this new category?  Could one argue that there may be those, whose sole purpose in life, those who reside in government, the private sector, and other venues, who appear to be giving their full support to uncovering the Truth, those who are making us believe that they are acting in the best interests of all but in reality are not as they are pushing for a certain outcome, be included in this new category?    By the very act of not saying something is wrong, you are condoning what is.  Something to ponder, deeply. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Why I'm "Unfriending" You

It's time to unfriend the Unfriendlies.  You know who they are:  The Users--Governments and agencies, corporations, bad drugs and money, spies, bureaucrats, politicians, thugs and tyrants.  They continue to control our lives only because we allow them to.  Take the blinders off.  See now what couldn't be seen then.  It's time to take control of your own life.  Join an organization that helps right the wrongs.  Become a Steward for the Truth.  Stand up and have your voice heard.  Dare to do what you know in your heart is right.  It's time to stop the Tirade of Lies, along with the Liars.  It's time to throw off the shackles that have hobbled us so long.  We are Free Thinkers.  Let Your Light Shine.  If you haven't gotten it by now I will spell it out for you.  We are in a Battle.  We always have been.  Don the chain mail and learn to wield the Sword of Truth.  The Ego has had its way with us far too long.  We are the 99%.  Can you hear us now? 

Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?

Chasing Fireflies

 I want you to do something for me.  When you wake up tomorrow morning or when you go to bed (whichever comes first) ponder your "Essence", your "Being."  You are starting out on a brand new day as yesterday is gone or has it, really?  Isn't one more day just a continuation of the first day you were entered into Earth's Journal?  How is it that you are consciously aware of things?  What is conscience anyway?  What is your Essence?  What is your Being?  What is the soul?  How is it that the sight of a tiny humming bird makes you gaze in wonder?  How is it that the smile of a newborn brings you such joy?  How is it that you can feel the caress of a soft breeze and marvel at the beauty of a sunset?  How is it that you seek out others for companionship?-- For without a partner you are not whole but only half.  How is it that you are saddened when you see others being treated unfairly?  How is it that you feel loss?  How is it that you feel grief and love, anger, humiliation, remorse, despair, rage?  How is it that you are able to forgive, console, counsel, contemplate, ponder and make decisions?  How is it that you can see a rainbow of colors and smell the beauty of a rose? How is it that you are able to store so many experiences inside one very small brain?  How is it that you can clasp hands and form a circle with others but, like an electrical circuit, when one part is broken (one person breaks the chain) the connection is lost?   When are we all going to understand that in the eyes of God we are an unbroken chain, a sweet melody, His Masterpiece, His Divine work of art?  That we were created by something much bigger  than we could ever imagine?   We break out of our nine month hiatus onto a blank canvas.  We already have the paint all over us as as we sputter and cry and flail around until we find our moorings.  As we grow, we slowly start to unfold and blossom on canvas like a beautiful flower.  We are all the colors of the rainbow and when combined, form a beautiful tapestry.   We are  star dust sprinkled across the heavens.  We are sparks of Light, Fireflies, that soar and dance and mesmerize.  We are the Hawk, the Eagle the Bear the Wolf.  We are Black and White, Red and Brown, Tawny and Yellow.  We are monumental.  We are Elemental--Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  We are the Sun, the Moon, the Planets, the Stars.   We, my dears, are the universe!  But we do ourselves a grave disservice when we opt to continue in separateness by petty bickering, fear, disagreements, selfishness, grudges, vindictiveness and Ego.  It's time we let the canvas explode with color!  We are here to paint one beautiful picture.  We are the paintbrush and God is the canvas.  We are an integral part of  His Universal Divine Plan.  If we stand  united together we will paint one beautiful picture.  Separate us from His canvas and it slowly starts to dry out, crack and disintegrate.  We are the problem but we are also the solution.  Isn't it time for a self portrait?  The canvas is waiting.           

Monday, August 18, 2014


Fractal Geometry:  A Mandelbrot
Our hearing is becoming clearer.  Our eyes are becoming more focused.  Our savvy is being whittled and honed.  In the past we were dragged into the frenzied fray, confused and perplexed.  Now we are able to sift through the raucous rabble and decipher who is blatantly using whom, who is blatantly fooling whom.  The yelling and screaming, the mayhem ensuing, needs to be chastened.  It is all up to us.  This is a time for reconciliation, not retribution.  This is a time to own up and man up.  This is no time to appeal to the ugliness that lies deep within all of us.  The anger that continues to fuel this situation needs to be quelled, assuaged, quieted.  This is a time of coming together, not a time for people to tear each other apart.  We are the solution.  People also can stand in the way of peaceful solutions as they have much to gain from the chaos.  The situation unfolding in Ferguson is not affecting just a few, but all of us.  The self-appointed spokesperson, the media, clergy, law enforcement, politicians and the federal government need to focus on solutions, not continuing to fan the flames of discord and discontent.  We need to take a good look at where we are as a people, a nation and where we are headed.   Situations arise that are times of reflection and soul searching.  They are opportunities to change our destiny for the better or for the worse.  We are at a crossroads.   

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Are You an Old Soul? (Free Test)

Take Time

Take Time to Smell the Roses

I long for Autumn
  I don't know why
I see myself in a whisper soft white gown
  Curled up into a little ball
next to a warming fire
Laying on the pillow next to me
  is a Red Red Rose
Its scent is beautiful and haunting
  strange yet familiar
Scary yet comforting
  Dew covers its petals
  Somewhere in the cold, cold night
the wind is howling in the frigid void
  I am snug and warm
It feels like death, somehow
  This quiet slipping into the unknown
You’re alone
Minding your own business
  When there’s a knock at the door
A dark shadow appears with its hand outstretched
It quietly presents itself to you
In the blink of an eye
 Your whole world is transformed
What is life but just one more miserable
  Experience after another?
 How many more blows must I endure
   before I am forced to give up?
Gone for good?
 No one can find me
  Anymore because I am no longer here
My name has been erased from the
  Book of the Living
Only to be found in  
  The Book of the Dead
But wait
  Is this really what Life is all about? 
This constant pummeling of
  Mind and body?
I say that it is not so
  A curtain is over our eyes
We know only sorrow and sadness
  When Happiness comes
We do not recognize it
  Take your beatings
And become stronger, more sure of who you are
  Where you are going
Because of them
  Life is to be experienced
Not necessarily will we understand
  what is not meant to be understood
But You and I are here
  Make the Most of this journey
Do something Memorable, Grand, Good and Survivable
  For all the rest who are destined to follow

Robin Williams, 1951 - 2014

His movies will be flying off the shelves.  Death is not the problem.  But Life definitely can be.  There are very few of us who are born into privilege.  Mr. Williams was not one of those.  He worked toward his success.  Most of us have to tread lightly through Life's minefield.  We are caught up in the Matrix of having just enough money to "get by" and need to work for someone else in order to feed our families.  Our lives are mostly mundane with  bolts of happiness enigmatically piercing through the darkness.  Both most of the time it is this:  We get up and get dressed.  Hurriedly we down a cup of coffee.  We put the keys into the ignition and go to work.  We fight the traffic to get to work and then fight the traffic to get home to those we care about, those we love.  At this moment though we all are mourning the death of a star whose light ignited 63 years ago.  And we're finding out, to our sorrow, that a little piece of us is gone, too.  But if  we look up into the heavens, miraculously we can still see Robin's star continuing to shine.  It may have dimmed a little but it will never be extinguished.  Robin Williams was a part of us.    Isn't it extraordinary how we  are deeply moved and saddened by someone's passing but didn't give a second thought to what that person was doing, what that person was going through, while here on earth?  Robin's God given talent for making us laugh, while continuing to struggle with depression is something very profound.  How many of us could do this?  Robin Williams touched us in a way that no politician, no Hollywood pundit could.  Maybe he was sent to us at just the right time to help us look deeper within ourselves and realize how fragile and beautiful and fleeting Life is.  If you've been meaning to say "I Forgive You" to your spouse, do it now.  Become a little more patient with one another.  Kiss your children.  Embrace the Life you live.  You can make it better, it's all up to you.  Remember, We are all one--In Life, in Spirit, in Death.  And learn to LAUGH.  This will be Robin Williams lasting gift to each one of us.     

Monday, August 11, 2014

O'Reilly on America's Race Problem | CNS News

And, "The Truth Shall Set You Free"

The Spider's Web
There is a growing effort to suppress the Truth.  The Truth about anything.  Whether it be the evening news when the spin meisters grab our attention and draw us into this new web of lies...this scandal or this new conflict or the gruesome details regarding someone's death or we're forced to swallow the spittle of another Demagogue  hawking his wares.  I am sick of this.  I want my life back.  We are being controlled by a Communications Cartel that is controlling and using us.  These drones only report what they feel you need to hear and leave out all the rest.  Who is capable of making an informed decision on anything when you're constantly being manipulated by a Cartel of Liars?  The time for standing up and fighting back is upon us.  When we see a problem in our neighborhood do we ignore it or take action to fix it?  When we see the powerful preying upon the weak, do we turn a blind eye? When we're now a target because we have finally found the courage to stand for what we believe in, do we fold?  Each one of us is on a mission.  And collectively, WE ARE THE PEOPLE.  People are what make the world turn.  People are what cure disease, promote well-being, heal the sick, counsel the downhearted.  Evil will continue to flourish, do its dirty work only IF GOOD MEN AND WOMEN STAND BY AND DO NOTHING.      

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Out of Body

I've always felt different (like I really don't belong here) and still do to this day although, over the years the feeling has subsided.    When growing up I felt intense feelings of alienation, loneliness, inadequacy, distrust and afraid of my own feelings along with having to deal with others.  I would prefer being alone in my room to meeting and mixing with others.  We moved around a lot and I believe this contributed to the problem.  Three years here and then another three years some place else.  It's hard to make friends and really get to know yourself and others when you're constantly on the move.  This was no one's fault, just the way things were.  My heart goes out to those who are experiencing the same thing and especially when they can't find anyone willing to listen.    It's important to find someone who will.   Unfortunately there will be those you can talk to and others who can't be bothered.    I have always felt that the body I'm housed in is excess baggage that I'm lugging around.  I'm in my skin but it feels "odd."  I'm detached, somehow.  It's like I'm inhabiting this body and going through the mechanisms..you know, talking, feeling, eyes winking, breathing in and out but I'm somehow I'm watching from without at all the things going on within.  Somehow, this body continues to feel "alien" to me.  I'm not at home in here and I'm still in awe as to how it functions.  A skeletal frame that protects and houses organs and covered with arteries and veins and muscles and skin.  Fingers that point; eyes that see, orifices for excreting fluids and ingesting food.  Lungs that breathe in oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide.  A brain that is constantly analyzing and making decisions, a heart that pumps life-giving blood.  The body makes love, gives birth, cries, laughs, pees, farts, shivers and throws up.  The body I'm in is a miracle that I'm still coming to grips with but it's still like that extra piece of luggage someone convinced you to take on a long trip but if it were really left up to you, you would have left it at home.        

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Class Act

The time to act is now.  If you've been sitting on the fence for some time, mulling over in your mind something that you know in your heart of hearts is going to make a positive difference in the world, debating how or even whether to help a friend get through an unexpected illness, volunteering some time at the local soup kitchen, visiting a nursing home, baking cookies for the new family on the block, please, don't wait any longer.  You will not be able to make a difference to anyone or anything when you're six feet under.   The world is desperate for all the help it can get and you, of all people, might just be the one to come to its rescue.  The World won't wait.  I don't have the answers as to why a just God allows butchers and murderers and terrorists and child molesters to exist on this planet.  I don't know why we have horrible diseases that attack the immune system, immobilize, paralyze and slowly kill its host.  I don't know why we experience pain and sorrow and remorse and regret.  I don't know why we have evil in so many forms, in so many places right now, continuing to exact huge tolls on innocent people.   Was it "the luck of the draw" that you were born into a free society while I was born into slavery?  I just don't know.  Did your genes create a tyrant while someone else's created a Christ?   I just don't know.  Change can come about quickly or take its time.  I don't know which one I prefer.  Some times, more than not, the reason we hesitate to put into action our plans is because some type of "change" is involved.  Change can be very painful.  We are afraid of severing ties; moving forward for fear we're doing the wrong thing, making the wrong decision so we hesitate.  Hesitation turns into weeks, weeks turn into months, months turn into years.  The decision making process can be a complicated one and may require us to throw off the old completely in order to make way for the new.   We may experience what is called  "small little deaths"  as we "grow into the new role we've opted for cautiously and slowly.  But shedding something we're familiar with, something we've grown accustomed to, something that fits like a kid glove can be daunting and downright terrifying.  It can be like death in a way because you're in uncharted territory, open water and exposed like never before.  You really let it all hang out and to be honest, you  really don't know what to expect.  Yes, you have high hopes and expectations but success is all going to hinge on how well you planned.  You've made the decision to alter (change) the path you've been on for so many years in favor of a new one.  This may not be easy as familiarity, jobs, families, feelings and relationships can be affected.   But you know you have to do something because doing nothing will not alter anything other than maintaining the status quo.  Is that what you're all about?  I didn't think so.  You have a calling, you are being summoned.  Do the right thing.  You know who you are--

No one knows what he can do until he tries - Pubilius Syrus

 "If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold onto. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve".  - Lao Tzu

The World can't wait
Get out there and participate
You may stumble
You may fall
You're only human, after all
The World can't wait
The time is over for debate
The World is hurting
That's All of Us
Stop the whining
Stop the fuss
You are here with a Purpose
Lean on God
and Learn to Trust
You'll help yourself
That's All of Us


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Finding joy amid world’s chaos

Who's Your Master?

There is an obscure line between what we perceive (real) and what we do not.  Every once in a while that line blurs and we enter the World of Spirit.  Most of the time this experience is something that comes about unexpectedly.  We're blissfully unaware as we go about our daily lives running kids to soccer practice, grocery shopping or  dining out.  Yet the affects of it leave us with a new sense of wonder, a new realization that we are not alone.  When we experience what Spirit has in store for us we cannot find the words to describe to others what we saw or what we felt.

The term "Spiritual Warfare" is one I'm sure many are familiar with.  Some would ignore this, not give it a second thought while others have an uncanny sense that this technique has been employed in the past.  I propose that this is not a thing of the past but is alive and well today.  

We are being herded, bundled, squeezed, oppressed, compressed, spindled, folded and multilated.  What we believe in is under attack.  How we raise our families is under attack, even the vehicles we drive our under attack (witness the incredible showdown between an American family and their Range Rover that, apparently, didn't conform to EPA standards so a SWAT Team was sent out to commandeer the vehicle).    Even our thoughts are being monitored by those who cry foul if what we say doesn't conform to their own personal set of 'standards.'

Why now?  And 'Who' is behind all this?  --The New World Order comes to mind or, if you prefer, The Matrix.

We could point fingers at some leaders and they, rightfully, could be slapped with at least part of the blame.  I mean what they are doing seems to be empowering and exacerbating the problem of evil running rampant.

We all are in the inside 'of something' looking out.  It's hard to know where you're going when you're shrouded in a fog. 

There is a good reason for this, I believe.  We cannot see the 'whole' picture because our brains just cannot cope with the incredulity of it all.  Maybe they never will.  Slowly we're being hit hard by this event, or another crisis, or a horrific, unimaginable act that someone just committed and the complete and dismal failure of government to do anything about anything.  Individually we can do some good but collectively I believe this planet is in desperate need of a Spiritual Leader, like Moses.  Did you know that Moses stuttered?  Because of this he argued with G-d, "Why can't Aaron do this.  He talks a whole lot better than I do."  But G-d shot back, "It is you, Moses, that I want to lead My People Israel.  I have assigned this task to you.  Aaron can be in the background and you can call on him if you run into any trouble with getting my message out".  And when G-d has a message He wants everyone to know about, when G-d assigns a task to you, you had better take notice. 

Overwhelm, outnumber, obfuscate, obliterate.

Are we heading toward some inconceivable planetary event?  Seeing as we all can't seem to get our acts together and governments are the problem, maybe the universe will jolt our senses.  Will it be something that shakes us to our very core?  Something that will finally coalesce all of us into the reality that we all live together, that we all bleed, that we all breathe the same air, that we all die?  Isn't this enough to bond us together into some sort of commonality?    Then why all the effort by others to divide and conquer? 

Yes, I believe we are going to be in the middle of some major type of planetary event.  Something that will finally get our attention.

And the timing of this will all be in accordance with a decision we will be required to make.  And that is, "Who do we want to follow"? 

Joshua 24:15

And if it seems evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.