The Spider's Web |
There is a growing effort to suppress the Truth. The Truth about anything. Whether it be the evening news when the spin meisters grab our attention and draw us into this new web of lies...this scandal or this new conflict or the gruesome details regarding someone's death or we're forced to swallow the spittle of another Demagogue hawking his wares. I am sick of this. I want my life back. We are being controlled by a Communications Cartel that is controlling and using us. These drones only report what they feel you need to hear and leave out all the rest. Who is capable of making an informed decision on anything when you're constantly being manipulated by a Cartel of Liars? The time for standing up and fighting back is upon us. When we see a problem in our neighborhood do we ignore it or take action to fix it? When we see the powerful preying upon the weak, do we turn a blind eye? When we're now a target because we have finally found the courage to stand for what we believe in, do we fold? Each one of us is on a mission. And collectively, WE ARE THE PEOPLE. People are what make the world turn. People are what cure disease, promote well-being, heal the sick, counsel the downhearted. Evil will continue to flourish, do its dirty work only IF GOOD MEN AND WOMEN STAND BY AND DO NOTHING.
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