Individually, We are the world. Exactly what is it going to take to unite We the world? How much more will we idly stand by like robots resigned to the role of reactive spectators (as opposed to proactive) to local and world events, wringing our hands in agony and despair while we watch some crisis, some bureaucrat, some government agency or some neer-do-well with an axe to grind purposely and flagrantly direct the outcome of events that may adversely affect the rest of us? How much more will we stand by and submit to lie after lie after lie? Why do we consent to further hobbling ourselves, willingly relinquishing our God given natural rights as human beings, parents, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and
voters to a system that is only interested in promoting a virulent ruse on all of us, as it continues it self aggrandizement in pursuit of perpetuating the status quo? Consuming us in its tireless quest toward increased power and control? I have a few suggestions: First you must be angry enough and fed up enough to do something about what you are seeing. Second you must be willing to take action against The Behemoth for this hierarchal order exists only because we allow it to. Are you angry with a school policy that you feel is adversely affecting your child? Then, make an appointment with the school and confront the problem and defend your child. Are you unhappy with the drugs poisoning your neighborhood and infecting your children? Then band together and go after the source. Are you unhappy with what your child is "learning" in school? Then find out what other alternatives you have available such as a charter or a private school. Do you need help in finding the money to help pay for this, then look at religious institutions, grants and charities. Are you unhappy with the way this country is going? Then run for office. We are not going to be able to institute effective and meaningful change (that benefits humanity instead of enslaving it) unless we first make the decision to
become the change. If you continue to be satisfied with your "victim mentality" then you are a part of the problem. Take up the challenge of finding out just who you are and what you're made of. Step up to the plate. We are all in this together. We are on the Titanic and she is sinking. We can either lower the life boats or jump to our death.
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