Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Life Sucks

I'm bottle feeding a newborn right now.

And, believe me, bottle feeding has its challenges.

Even though a few days old, he already has a mind of his own.

The life force coursing through this little one is impressive.

The new mama was confused as to how to treat this new arrival and the little one had some issues also that prevented him from hooking up to a swollen teat, his little mouth cupping the nipple and savoring his first sip of a warm, rich and creamy nectar.          

I watched both of them for awhile before I knew the best thing was to intervene.

Normally, I would have penned up the mama with the baby but the threat of bad weather forced me to do otherwise.

I looked up at the canopy hanging over my head.  The sky reeked of a coming event --ugly weather.

Dismal, solemn and diseased looking, it reminded me of clotted blood, dark and deep were the etchings slashed across a muted horizon, colors of dark purple, black and gray.

I instinctively knew we were in for one hell of a winter storm.

As of right now I still have to go out and check to see how everyone else is doing as yesterday's wicked weather was a real challenge,

I hereby have dubbed yesterday a Weather Day from Hell with the really bad, nasty, shitty stuff coming in late.

A couple bottles of Blue Moon kept me company as I kept watch over my little charge, watching the movie, "Descent," on SYFY and then wishing I hadn't, all the while listening to the unrelenting and merciless assault of sleet pelting the windows.

The house was warm and cozy.

During most of yesterday we experienced body numbing, cold rain followed by sleet, then freezing rain and lastly, just to add insult to injury --snow.

All I could say with a marked case of scorn was, "Thanks".

The little one took to the bottle right away, and all because he was very hungry, thank goodness, but I'm being forced to look for other ways (tricks) to get him to take it more willingly.

Dog has been absolutely wonderful with this little one, licking him all over.

That's exactly what his mama would do and I believe that this has helped with his taking to the bottle.

Thank you my spirit guardians.  You answered a prayer.

Baby and dog have bonded.

Babes, whether human or animal, all need and crave nourishment, soft murmurings, tenderness, warmth and a loving touch.

Yesterday, I had a life or death decision to make.  I could let this baby die, just turn my back and walk away, leaving him alone out there with his confused mama, afterbirth still hanging out of her rear end as she continuously circled this little anomaly, oblivious to his plight as he lay shivering on the cold, wet ground.

I could give him over to nature and, you know, "just let nature have its way".    

Or, I could pick him up and take him into the house with me, offering him some chance of survival.

Isn't that what we're all supposed to do?

It pains me to my very core to realize there are others in this world who do not have any feelings at all when it comes to decisions like this, nor any love nor reverence toward and in support of life.

Whether it be a newborn human whose parents have decided they just don't have the time to nurture their little one and tend to its needs or a bunch of sadistic savages on a mission of taking people's lives without even blinking an eye.

I've had to adjust my scheddule somewhat.

Last night I slept on the sofa so I could hear him crying, just in case.

Right now the little one is sleeping comfortably, after whimpering that he wanted to be picked up and held for awhile.

After snuggling together, I slowly lowered him back down into his little box and covered him with a warm towel.

Life Sucks.

Remember, though, all of us came into this world as suckers.

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