Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Hollow Man

Suffering, Anguish and Pain, is that what all remains?
There are so many good and decent people in this country who continue to suffer--no jobs, just hanging on while many have already lost their homes. Why is it that nobody cares about the little guy? where do I turn?  how can I go on anymore? government is the problem not the solution, who speaks for me? HELP ME, please G-d, what did I ever do to You to deserve this?  how am I going to feed my family, pay my medical bills, my mortgage, insurance...how can I just go on? when is this hellish nightmare going to end? isn't there some one, some one out there who will do something? I'm lost, I'm confused, maybe drugs are the answer, or how about alcohol?  how low can I go?  will someone please get off their ASS and create some meaningful jobs?  Keystone Pipeline - VETOED and thousands of jobs lost, power plays, end around games, squabbling, you've got yours but what about the rest of us?  I am hurting, can't anyone see that?  doesn't anyone understand that I can only go on so long?  Hear me, please as the end draws near, why bother anymore?  who really cares, anyway?  we don't need congress, and we don't need a president, they've already proven themselves to be worthless sobs unless, of course, there's a great deal of money to be had....

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