Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Face to Face with Ourselves

One of the hardest things in life is to keep going when you've been handed your pink slip, numbed and in shock.

You've now lost your way along with your resolve.  

Hope is fading fast.  

One of the hardest things in life, when you are going through something ugly, is to stick to your routine and make it through the day, as your head is now full of so many questions and doubts, the painful reality of where you are now just won't leave you alone.

One of the hardest things in life is to get through the day, slogging through a bewildering bog of doubts, whys and how comes.  

You are now filled with anger and resentment.

How about your wife (or husband) leaving you because he/she's found someone else?

She's at fault but maybe, just maybe, after some careful reflection, you are too.

Maybe you were tied to your job and didn't spend much time at home, ignoring her phone calls pleading with you to come home early to be with her.

Nope, not tonight because you were just too damn busy.

Maybe it's the fact that the two of you slowly drifted apart because when you were first married one of the most important things was setting up two separate bank accounts--one for you and one for her.

A separateness, in part, that led to the development of two separate and independent lives during all the years you were "together."  

She started going her way and you started going yours.

Maybe you placed more importance on your job, thereby putting your family second.

It doesn't matter now as you're faced with the fact that someone has cheated on you.

What the hell did you expect?

Your high moral compass gauge is off the chart.  You know what she did was wrong yet you can't get beyond the fact that maybe your own choices and actions contributed to and led to her infidelity.  

Your once happy home life, replete with kids, is now a painful, expletive filled experience of finger pointing, day in and day out.

There is nothing left of a once promising, loving, vibrant, healthy and happy relationship.

It's been replaced with hostility, anger and excuses.

No one's to blame but yet in your mind, everything and everybody's to blame, except you.

If you've been thinking of giving up a bad habit--do it; if you've forgotten to say "I Love You", do it; if you've been unable to forgive someone (or yourself, perhaps) do it.

There are very few second chances in this world and when the universe does decide you deserve one, take advantage of it and remember to say a big thank you.

Understand that it's being presented to you so you can make a difference.    

Quite frankly, this place we inhabit (Earth) is a hell hole and, guess what, none of us (and that includes the big guys) is immune from the consequences of our actions and the pain, treachery and tragedy that can result.    

Today, it's life on the run, with little time for anything else.

There's no time to sit down with the family anymore to talk about the day's events, discovering who and what we are, being together as a family and enjoying one another's company, discussing what happened at school, while enjoying a home cooked meal.

It's "what fast food restaurant do you want to eat at tonight"?

While at work, you just find out the daily grind has blown up in your face as the CFO of the company you work for has determined that it's the bottom line that matters, not a human being and you're being escorted out the door.

What the hell just happened?  How did this happen?

I didn't see it coming.  What am I to do now?

There's no time for anything meaningful in our lives anymore, have you noticed?

No time to pray, no time to take a call from the wife, no time to talk to the kids, no time for anything except the startling reality of the grueling routine of the life you've carved out for yourself.

You started out with such high expectations and now....

We have lost control.

If you've noticed, everything and everyone is spiraling out of control.

I tell you, folks, and this is from the gut.

There is something looming on mankind's horizon  and it's going to be big.

I've posted before about a wake up call coming.

Okay, okay, you say, so I'm full of shit.

You're entitled to your opinion.

I respect your opinion but really don't give a rat's ass if you agree with me or not as it's up to you to either act or ignore your present circumstances.        

You will ultimately decide to do something or not.  

But understand one thing, I DO care about you, your well being and your family.

And it's time for all of us, ALL of us to get down on our knees and admit we just can't handle things anymore.  That life has gotten way too big and too complicated for all of us.

Somehow or other, along the way, we've convinced ourselves that we are gods and have acted accordingly.

Have you seen any positive results from anything we've done (as gods) over the thousands of years we've inhabited this planet?

I didn't think so.  

We are not gods and the trouble all began when we refused to read the small print.

Let someone who really knows how to handle problems and offer workable solutions into your life as we're all in this together.

There is not one place on this planet that is not being overwhelmed by one problem after the other.

Heed the signs as it is time.

Let Go and Let God.


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