Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Britain's Roswell
I read the information re: copyright issues. It appears that I am not in violation of the copyright law in that I am referencing the above information for educational purposes.
This is for public consumption and is intended to educate those who are not familiar with this UFO case.
If I am found to have violated any segment of this material (it's fair use) please inform me so I can remove the above.
I read the information re: copyright issues. It appears that I am not in violation of the copyright law in that I am referencing the above information for educational purposes.
This is for public consumption and is intended to educate those who are not familiar with this UFO case.
If I am found to have violated any segment of this material (it's fair use) please inform me so I can remove the above.
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Friday, January 29, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The Sunni Shia Divide!/p33176
Signs in the Skies
Philippians 4:13
I had this recurring thought this morning:
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."
When I get a message like this, that won't leave me alone (it keeps repeating in my head) it is for a purpose and meant to be shared.
I now know where this message came from ~ my Mom. Today is her birthday. She would have been 94 years old. ~Thanks Mom, I asked you to come through last night and you did.
When I get a message like this, that won't leave me alone (it keeps repeating in my head) it is for a purpose and meant to be shared.
I now know where this message came from ~ my Mom. Today is her birthday. She would have been 94 years old. ~Thanks Mom, I asked you to come through last night and you did.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Dark Dimensions
![]() |
Buddha Siddhartha Gotama |
Beware the prefects of the High and Mighty.
Seek, instead, the counsel of the Humble Man.
The High and Mighty can do no wrong.
The Humble Man has learned humility.
The High and Mighty blame others for their mistakes.
The Humble Man has learned from his.
Beware the blustering of the High and Mighty.
Seek, instead, the Enlightened wisdom of the Humble Man.
Distance yourselves from those who only wish to pull you down.
Align yourselves with those who only wish to raise you up.
We are all prey to harmful forces both known and unknown.
We all can be driven to extremes based on our decisions.
Beware the hidden snares that lie in wait for the unwary.
You are in charge of your destiny.
~Take ownership~
Saturday, January 23, 2016
You're invited to a Full Moon Meditation for January 23, 2016 by Source Vibrations
Friday, January 22, 2016
Technology and Truth
Can technology bring us closer to G-d?
Today, technology has brought us communications, fractals and spectacular images of the universe we live in.
Technology is allowing us the ability to look inside the womb and watch a tiny little speck grow into a baby that will soon enter the world.
The Internet is allowing the planet's heartstrings to vibrate, in unison, when it sees something beautiful and voice strong opposition, when it doesn't.
But has technology brought mankind closer together?
Have people come to understand, respect and learned to love each other more?
Have we come to cherish and and take care of this beautiful planet we inhabit?
The evolution of mankind is a mystery.
No one knows how we came about and why things evolve but we desperately try to make sense of it all.
We give that which we don't understand fancy names and puff ourselves up, in a paltry display of feigning some type of "understanding" when, in fact, we don't have a clue.
Maybe, we weren't meant to know.
Until, of course, the time is upon us.
Seventy years ago the world was coming out of the ravages of World War II.
There were no jobs as everyone was busy coming home, after fighting a very long war.
We were transitioning from a war time environment to one of peace.
People had no televisions, there were no Walmarts or Targets, no Mall of America, no car marts, no fancy cars.
People had to make do with what they had.
We had crank wall phones, refrigerators that were kept cold by blocks of ice and I remember my mother washing clothes using a wash board.
Milk was delivered to our homes by a milkman.
Electricity was scarce except for emergencies.
Many homes had no running water, wood stoves, oil furnaces and fireplaces were used for heating and cooking, there were no large septic tanks, cesspools were open in backyards, central heat and air were yet to come.
And yet people knew nothing else but were happy and contented, relieved that the war was over as they could now be with their loved ones and concentrate on finding jobs, creating families, starting Mom and Pop businesses.
The country was coming out of a wartime mentality and into one of building a bright future and prosperity for all.
In school, children used ink wells and wrote with quill pens; teachers unrolled sheets of paper imbedded here and there with small brown specks of tree bark; learning and discipline were the order of the day; classrooms were quiet as the students listened and learned; fun was reserved for the playground.
There was a quiet modesty, moderation and quiet reverence for all things.
Children rode their bikes down country lanes with the sun shining warmly overhead and delighted in cavorting through the woods.
Laughter and squeals of delight were heard as little girls found patches of flowers and watched a stray deer run across the meadow.
Little boys climbed trees and skipped rocks across ponds and raucously played good guys and bad guys.
We made Indian teepees outside and inside we covered big cardboard boxes with layers of bejeweled scarves that instilled wonder in us as we crawled through a labryinth of rainbow colored tunnels.
Seventy years later, mankind professes it has arrived.
Arrived at what?
There's much to be said for what technology has brought to mankind.
Technology is simply an example of humanity's evolution.
But has it really enriched our lives?
Isn't living simply and appreciating what we have, getting together with loved ones and showing kindness to one another, standing outside at night and looking up at the dazzling tapestry of light over our heads, attending church and thanking G-d for all we do have, really what it's all about?
Maybe this wormhole we're entering into is really no different than where we were seventy years ago.
Maybe it's just a continuation and a more in depth realization of what's really important in our lives a deep and more intrinsic understanding that doing things the same old way (wars and rumors of wars) isn't going to help anyone at all as we blindly go along with the status quo as humanity just can't seem to get out of "stuck on stupid."
Technology has played an important part in our lives.
But isn't it also important to understand a simple Truth, the true relationship we have with one another, a camaraderie, a deep and lasting relationship that we're just now beginning to comprehend, an awareness of a fundamental and lasting connection that is inherent in all of us?
And one that has stood the tests of technology, wars and time?
Technology may be a part of our lives but the Truth of our existence has always been with us and always will be.
This unfolding that is now occurring, (aka The Shift) this tightly closed rosebud that is now opening up to us of our birthright, this lovely and existential existence that lies before us, as essence precedes existence is one that has belonged to us from the Beginning. And one that we are now just beginning to realize.
It is our birthright.
It's just that our birthright is constantly being droned out by noise, wars, politicians, self-serving interests, big money and Ego.
Technology or Truth, which one is more important to you?
Which one will you choose?
Today, technology has brought us communications, fractals and spectacular images of the universe we live in.
Technology is allowing us the ability to look inside the womb and watch a tiny little speck grow into a baby that will soon enter the world.
The Internet is allowing the planet's heartstrings to vibrate, in unison, when it sees something beautiful and voice strong opposition, when it doesn't.
But has technology brought mankind closer together?
Have people come to understand, respect and learned to love each other more?
Have we come to cherish and and take care of this beautiful planet we inhabit?
The evolution of mankind is a mystery.
No one knows how we came about and why things evolve but we desperately try to make sense of it all.
We give that which we don't understand fancy names and puff ourselves up, in a paltry display of feigning some type of "understanding" when, in fact, we don't have a clue.
Maybe, we weren't meant to know.
Until, of course, the time is upon us.
Seventy years ago the world was coming out of the ravages of World War II.
There were no jobs as everyone was busy coming home, after fighting a very long war.
We were transitioning from a war time environment to one of peace.
People had no televisions, there were no Walmarts or Targets, no Mall of America, no car marts, no fancy cars.
People had to make do with what they had.
We had crank wall phones, refrigerators that were kept cold by blocks of ice and I remember my mother washing clothes using a wash board.
Milk was delivered to our homes by a milkman.
Electricity was scarce except for emergencies.
Many homes had no running water, wood stoves, oil furnaces and fireplaces were used for heating and cooking, there were no large septic tanks, cesspools were open in backyards, central heat and air were yet to come.
And yet people knew nothing else but were happy and contented, relieved that the war was over as they could now be with their loved ones and concentrate on finding jobs, creating families, starting Mom and Pop businesses.
The country was coming out of a wartime mentality and into one of building a bright future and prosperity for all.
In school, children used ink wells and wrote with quill pens; teachers unrolled sheets of paper imbedded here and there with small brown specks of tree bark; learning and discipline were the order of the day; classrooms were quiet as the students listened and learned; fun was reserved for the playground.
There was a quiet modesty, moderation and quiet reverence for all things.
Children rode their bikes down country lanes with the sun shining warmly overhead and delighted in cavorting through the woods.
Laughter and squeals of delight were heard as little girls found patches of flowers and watched a stray deer run across the meadow.
Little boys climbed trees and skipped rocks across ponds and raucously played good guys and bad guys.
We made Indian teepees outside and inside we covered big cardboard boxes with layers of bejeweled scarves that instilled wonder in us as we crawled through a labryinth of rainbow colored tunnels.
Seventy years later, mankind professes it has arrived.
Arrived at what?
There's much to be said for what technology has brought to mankind.
Technology is simply an example of humanity's evolution.
But has it really enriched our lives?
Isn't living simply and appreciating what we have, getting together with loved ones and showing kindness to one another, standing outside at night and looking up at the dazzling tapestry of light over our heads, attending church and thanking G-d for all we do have, really what it's all about?
Maybe this wormhole we're entering into is really no different than where we were seventy years ago.
Maybe it's just a continuation and a more in depth realization of what's really important in our lives a deep and more intrinsic understanding that doing things the same old way (wars and rumors of wars) isn't going to help anyone at all as we blindly go along with the status quo as humanity just can't seem to get out of "stuck on stupid."
Technology has played an important part in our lives.
But isn't it also important to understand a simple Truth, the true relationship we have with one another, a camaraderie, a deep and lasting relationship that we're just now beginning to comprehend, an awareness of a fundamental and lasting connection that is inherent in all of us?
And one that has stood the tests of technology, wars and time?
Technology may be a part of our lives but the Truth of our existence has always been with us and always will be.
This unfolding that is now occurring, (aka The Shift) this tightly closed rosebud that is now opening up to us of our birthright, this lovely and existential existence that lies before us, as essence precedes existence is one that has belonged to us from the Beginning. And one that we are now just beginning to realize.
It is our birthright.
It's just that our birthright is constantly being droned out by noise, wars, politicians, self-serving interests, big money and Ego.
Technology or Truth, which one is more important to you?
Which one will you choose?
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Making Preparation as We Enter the Wormhole
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Let's Get it Right This Time
The Horseman
Woe to you, oh slayers of Men
For I have seen The Kingdom
of G-d
His Angel came to me in a dream
and I touched the hem of His garment
The breadth of His realm is incomprehensible
It cannot be put into words
Its beauty and majesty is like finding
oneself in a field of fragrant roses
Their splendor so lovely
that you swoon while their bouquet wraps around you
And Within you
Woe to you, oh slayers of Men
For I have seen The Kingdom of G-d
He has provided me with a sturdy steed
One of good courage and brave of heart
His sinewy muscles are like the music
of the spheres
They heave and flow like molten steel
His heart is One with G-d
His eyes are two flashes
of lightning~ Illumination
His countenance, mighty ~ The Victor
His breath like hot coals upon your neck ~ The Sword of
His mane, a thousand stinging wasps ~
Rebuke and Retribution
He stands impatiently in his stall
waiting to do the L-rd's bidding
He runs like the wind and there is
no one on earth who will escape Him
Woe to you, oh slayers of Men
For I have seen the Kingdom of G-d
I have touched the hem of His garment
His Kingdom is more wondrous
than a human being can fathom
Dread not your remaining days on earth
but find comfort and solace in these words
For He knows our comings and our goings
He knows the depths of our souls
Be of good cheer and know that I am G-d
Sword of Damocles:
For I have seen The Kingdom
of G-d
His Angel came to me in a dream
and I touched the hem of His garment
The breadth of His realm is incomprehensible
It cannot be put into words
Its beauty and majesty is like finding
oneself in a field of fragrant roses
Their splendor so lovely
that you swoon while their bouquet wraps around you
And Within you
Woe to you, oh slayers of Men
For I have seen The Kingdom of G-d
He has provided me with a sturdy steed
One of good courage and brave of heart
His sinewy muscles are like the music
of the spheres
They heave and flow like molten steel
His heart is One with G-d
His eyes are two flashes
of lightning~ Illumination
His countenance, mighty ~ The Victor
His breath like hot coals upon your neck ~ The Sword of
His mane, a thousand stinging wasps ~
Rebuke and Retribution
He stands impatiently in his stall
waiting to do the L-rd's bidding
He runs like the wind and there is
no one on earth who will escape Him
Woe to you, oh slayers of Men
For I have seen the Kingdom of G-d
I have touched the hem of His garment
His Kingdom is more wondrous
than a human being can fathom
Dread not your remaining days on earth
but find comfort and solace in these words
For He knows our comings and our goings
He knows the depths of our souls
Be of good cheer and know that I am G-d
Sword of Damocles:
Monday, January 18, 2016
A Nation Under Siege
Greek Mythology - The Three Fates (Moirae)
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Aconitum vulparia (lycoctonum)
This place I now inhabit is littered with memories and stinks with the stench of a thousand human souls.
To run and leap and sprint with others of my kind as we exhilarate in the locking on of prey, running against the wind, hearing the squeals of the spiny hedgehog who is now fair game, feverishly making its way to safety in the dense hedgerow.
To taste and smell the air and hungrily lap from pools of cool spring water, sniffing the fragrant earth and stopping to smell the astringent scent of the lofty pines, souls swooning and soaring toward a darkling sky.
Panting from exhaustion, I recite my nightly ritual:
I circle once, then twice, painstakingly turn around and look back at the deepening shadows creeping across the still meadow floor like clockwork, blotting out the fragrant purple Larkspur and yellow Elf Wort.
The slow advance of shadows stifle protested cries from this this once sun-drenched field and I, like a drug addict needing its nightly fix, pushes the needle deep into my veins, blotting out the day, thus allowing the body to be put asunder, so the black and vile mysteries of duality and human existence can converge and emerge in the darkening twilight, while the senses throb and are summarily subdued, dulled to their true nature.
The Truth of existence is blotted out for a while, anyway.
My eyes are focused on the tree line, as I quietly bed down under an old oak and a canopy of twinkling stars, looking for any sign of life: a wayward peasant, an untoward child, a hound perhaps, or a solitary drunkard who has lost his way.
I am jerked back to reality as I spy a dirty bowl lying on the floor, half covered by moldy straw and just out of my reach.
My body shudders in the damp cold.
The sun's muted, bleak rays filter through the castle's tower window, splaying themselves hopelessly and irreverently on the stone wall.
I am once again devoid of any human feeling.
I look up and watch as specks of dust morph together, quietly descending to the depths of their brief and futile existence, joining together with one one another in a detached repose, falling helplessly, soundlessly upon the cold, hard floor.
Damn you, sun, if you're going to shine, do it splendidly, not halfheartedly! Do it with vigor and radiance and with promise and with warmth and hope and passion and cheer and all the other good things we've come to expect from you!
I have so much I want to share with all of you, the Truth of what I have learned on my journey through this life, and the Wisdom I have acquired.
But, alas, my pious human friends who have cast me asunder, know nothing but only what has been spoon fed to them and shoved down their throats, my ignoble, ignorant, sumptuous, pious friends who spout of virtue and honor, law and order, embracing good, resisting evil, but who really are so full of fear of the unknown and only interested in profiting from it, so full of themselves along with the unwise who follow them in lock step, these peasants who refuse to acknowledge their blind ignorance all the while professing their false piety to any and all who will listen, have single handedly taken it upon themselves to be my judge, my jury and Executioner.
They plotted together to deem my fate.
They stumbled and mumbled and gathered together after imbibing heartily, conjuring and conniving to plot my capture.
Now they conjure and connive in plotting my demise.
Ah, the speckled dog, the hideous Hyena who lies in wait for the unwary, the foolish.
I reach up and touch my hair.
It is the color of autumn and full of dead leaves, spittle, dirt and grass.
I touch my face. It stings with wicked scratches inflicted by my captors and full of dung, dirt and clotted blood.
I slowly move my tortured, aching body backwards toward a dark corner, warily lowering my face, my nose turning slowly into a menacing snout and blackened lips curling back to reveal rows of needle sharp teeth along with two very long incisors.
I continue to surmise my surroundings from the shadows, eyes glinting in the scant sunlight, like the colors of brilliant, blue gemstones.
I was able to spy a piece of rope in the corner of my cell and secure my sumptuous, flowing auburn locks before they mercilessly throttled me, threw me to the floor and chained me up.
At that moment I managed to stifle a low gutteral snarl that worked its way up from my belly and deep throated, catching my captors completely off guard, terrifying them to their very core.
As I catch my bearings and look around my small cell it reeks of piss and vomit, excrement and other forbidden, fearful, foul, bedeviled and loathsome things:
Fear and loathing, scorn and derision, longing, lost dreams and mournful lamentations, futile wails and sobbing, myriads of souls holding on to long forgotten human wants and pleasures, images of lives filled with meaning and rich with purpose and intensity but were cut short by the sword or some grotesque disease, freedom and promise, anger, hatred, love and redemption, savagery and ambush, lust-filled orgies and ardent love affairs, drunken stupors and exuberant flights of fancy, all somehow exquisitely and yes, somehow, beautifully and sublimely intertwined with a soft gentleness of spirit, a subtle grandeur of purity and prose with a sad cusp clinging on at the end.
Ah, the Human Condition.
We are not Immortal yet we live out our lives as if we were.
These silent comrades who came before me, once oppressed and held in bondage in this same cell, they and I have something in common as I am able to read their thoughts and, overcome by their grief and a deep sadness and compassion for their suffering, am able to connect with their abstract fears as though I was sifting through their lives, reverently turning the leaves of a lost and banned book.
Haunted and spectral, nocturnal and lovely, its binding warn and scarred, continuously spliced together as if an adept artisan had taken it upon himself to safeguard this primal prose, doing the mending and overseeing the editing of its yellowed pages in which script was hastily underlined and scribbled notes here and there, dog eared pages hungrily read by but very few, and all the while I am looking nervously over my shoulder to see if I have been noticed by anyone, totally entranced by what I am reading, unable to put the primer down, continuing to indulge my fantasies.
My curiosity being wholly embraced by the powerful message contained within its pages, a rich perfume filling the air and my soul as well as I salivate in anticipation, overwhelmed by the truths it proclaims yet acknowledging that in my heart there are those same, deep dark shadows that lie in wait, overshadowing any happiness as they now silently reemerge, encroaching across the pages and my soul, as well.
"What happened to those years that I remember oh, so well? Where did they go"?
This, my friend, would be well for Thee to contemplate, as well.
Will these memories once again be summoned forth by the ringing of a bell?
Humanity, oh Humanity, how I love Thee.
Not just because I am a part of you but because you are a part of me.
And the soul, in its morbid and confused condition, deals more with what is wrong with this world than what is right.
Do Thee not know that Our worldly inheritance is what we will it to be?
You, my canine friend, that part of me that lies buried, deep and still, dormant until summoned, called forth you, you have sustained me on my journey through this Life and always will.
You and I, even though we are part of one another and of different origins, are made for each other.
You balance me, I balance you.
Why is that the Almighty could not have made us two (too)?
From the canine's perspective: Your human essence smells of shit and sweat, posies, lush vineyards and ripe grapes, family and festivals, plowed earth, mutton, cold beer and fragrant wine, warm sun and a soaking rain.
From the human's perspective: Your essence smells of wet earth and warm dens, playtime and comaraderie, commitment to family, loyalty and courage.
We're not so far apart now, are we?
~ Nightshade
Friday, January 15, 2016
"Evening Prayer" by Arthur Rimbaud, 1854 - 1891
I spend my life sitting, like an angel in a barber's chair,
Holding a beer mug with deep cut designs,
My neck and gut both bent, while in the air
A weightless veil of pipe smoke hangs.
Like steaming dung within an old dovecote
A thousand Dreams within me softly burn:
From time to time my heart is like some oak
Whose blood runs golden where a branch is torn.
And then, when I have swallowed down my Dreams
In thirty, forty mugs of beer, I turn
To satisfy a need I can't ignore,
And like the Lord of Hyssop and of Myrrh
I piss into the skies, a soaring stream
That consecrates a patch of flowering fern.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Watching the sun reflect off the water this morning I was mesmerized watching its rays morp into tiny little fairy lights that danced and hovered, soared and skipped across its surface and all in sync with some meditation music I was playing softly in the background.
I got up from my chair to see closer as I couldn't believe the beautiful, flowing energy taking place before my eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fairies darted here and there
They wandered far, they wandered near
Their hearts were full
Their tinkling sighs
Echoed across an emerald sky
With their tantalizing imagery
They soared and danced like the Damsel Fly
Their lips were made of raspberrry cream
Their wings reflected a rainbow of sunbeams
Their hair was a flowing rhapsody
Their bodies were lyrical melodies
Their smiles bequiled
Their feminine wiles
Captured and held the onlooker
They were shy, now were bold
A sight to behold
And all the while they pranced and danced
All to delight
And all to entrance
I got up from my chair to see closer as I couldn't believe the beautiful, flowing energy taking place before my eyes.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Fairies darted here and there
They wandered far, they wandered near
Their hearts were full
Their tinkling sighs
Echoed across an emerald sky
With their tantalizing imagery
They soared and danced like the Damsel Fly
Their lips were made of raspberrry cream
Their wings reflected a rainbow of sunbeams
Their hair was a flowing rhapsody
Their bodies were lyrical melodies
Their smiles bequiled
Their feminine wiles
Captured and held the onlooker
They were shy, now were bold
A sight to behold
And all the while they pranced and danced
All to delight
And all to entrance
"This is the day the L-ord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118: 24
I will no longer be posting information that is now becoming very apparent to me as being counterproductive to what I and many others are trying to achieve on this planet.
Earth is my home as well as yours.
We need to do all we can to protect it along with our fellow human beings.
The more I (we) magnify and advertise those individuals and organizations who stand in the way of this planet's ascension, ignoring the good that is happening all around us, the more we empower those with evil minds and evil intent.
Sorrowfully, most of us are painfully aware of what is happening in the world right now.
Sorrowfully, most of us are painfully aware of what is happening in the world right now.
I will continue to post articles from links that I feel are important in helping those who are struggling with a myriad of issues.
I believe that a vast majority of us are now beginning to feel that there is, indeed, something wonderful happening down here in spite of everything we read and hear.
Make no mistake, there is a spiritual battle ongoing and it's ramping up.
It makes sense then that the more enlightened we are about our situation, the more we are able to see through the smoke and haze.
This veil is a temporary but necessary partition put in place by a Higher Authority who is/was aware our mortal nature and cranial shortcomings but is in line with His Plan as to how and when He wants things to unfold here.
We are all being fine tuned, allowing our brains the realization of our true nature as human beings.
Our true nature is one of peace and love, compassion, harmony and respect for all living things.
A long dormant and inaccessible ability is now coming on line (ignition-we have lift off) in order for us to be able to perceive a new level of existence for all mankind and one that is in perfect alignment with The Creator Being.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
By the Grace of G-d
When a beggar appears to you in a dream, do not be frightened by his gruff appearance.
He is not here to do harm but is only seeking warmth, shelter and sustenance.
He has come to you because he has been turned away, elsewhere.
Welcome him into your home where he can partake of a good warm meal, a cup of herb tea and a hot bath.
For this beggar is actually an angel in disguise who has journeyed far in order to test you.
Provide him sanctuary if only for one night.
Welcome him into your home with compassion, peace and love.
He is not here to do harm but is only seeking warmth, shelter and sustenance.
He has come to you because he has been turned away, elsewhere.
Welcome him into your home where he can partake of a good warm meal, a cup of herb tea and a hot bath.
For this beggar is actually an angel in disguise who has journeyed far in order to test you.
Provide him sanctuary if only for one night.
Welcome him into your home with compassion, peace and love.
Cut the Head Off
A cold, hard rain, merciless and cruel
Like shards of stinging sleet, precision cut droplets
hurl themselves
Slamming against the body
They are whipped into a frenzy by the gale force wind
and slice through the body like a surgeon's scalpel
Numbed to the core it feels no pain
This body is devoid of blood
Its veins contain only ice water
It has no heart
It has no soul
It welcomes this unrelenting and frenzied assault, this frigid onslaught
It delights in it
Let this bloody rampage soak this body to the core
Let the cold rain continue to come down in torrents
Let this body writhe, rejoicing as it's immersed in its torment
From underneath a shawl a shallow and gaunt, hollow face emerges
Two hardened slits, like the eyes of a venomous snake
squint against the frigid onslaught
A scar zigzags across a worn and weathered face
reaching from the mouth to the temple
Evil thoughts delight and consume this demon
For it is a demon on a mission
How long, Oh G-d Must the World endure?
How long, Oh G-d before You intervene?
Save us from the Evil One who is loosed now from its chains
Rampaging forth across the planet
How long, Oh G-d, must we endure
before You put an end to its atrocities?
How long, Oh G-d, how long?
Like shards of stinging sleet, precision cut droplets
hurl themselves
Slamming against the body
They are whipped into a frenzy by the gale force wind
and slice through the body like a surgeon's scalpel
Numbed to the core it feels no pain
This body is devoid of blood
Its veins contain only ice water
It has no heart
It has no soul
It welcomes this unrelenting and frenzied assault, this frigid onslaught
It delights in it
Let this bloody rampage soak this body to the core
Let the cold rain continue to come down in torrents
Let this body writhe, rejoicing as it's immersed in its torment
From underneath a shawl a shallow and gaunt, hollow face emerges
Two hardened slits, like the eyes of a venomous snake
squint against the frigid onslaught
A scar zigzags across a worn and weathered face
reaching from the mouth to the temple
Evil thoughts delight and consume this demon
For it is a demon on a mission
How long, Oh G-d Must the World endure?
How long, Oh G-d before You intervene?
Save us from the Evil One who is loosed now from its chains
Rampaging forth across the planet
How long, Oh G-d, must we endure
before You put an end to its atrocities?
How long, Oh G-d, how long?
Friday, January 8, 2016
Sounding the Alarm (in case you didn't know, or did you?)
I'm afraid in my own country and I don't see anyone standing up for us or protecting us except the men in blue.
They are now coming under increasing attack.
Anyone, with any common sense can see what is happening here.
The situation we now find ourselves in is being exploited and encouraged by a President of the United States, a do nothing Congress, our military leaders, the liberal news media and other government agencies.
There is a frontal assault occurring throughout the land and we are being deprived of our right to be safe in our own homes and in our own country.
It is no accident that the President of the United States has allowed foreigners by the thousands able to swarm our borders and pour into this country because Obama has always had an agenda.
And it isn't about keeping America or Americans safe.
Obama stubbornly refuses to acknowledge that this country is under attack with an enemy the likes of which I have never seen.
About a year ago a terrorist attack by Muslim Separatists took place in western China.
China did a good job of keeping this under wraps but the information got out, anyway.
I bet many of you didn't know about this.
These Muslim ghouls murdered 3,000 people.
They pulled people from cars and slaughtered them.
They butchered young children and babies.
They cut out fetuses from pregnant mothers.
If ever there was a time for good people to come together to fight a scourge that wants to wipe non-Muslims off the face of the earth, this is the time.
And all the while the terrorism occurring here is being swept under the rug.
Obama continues to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to those who are voicing concern.
When you have a President of the Free World ignoring the great possibility that some or maybe many of these individuals he's allowing in are terrorists in hiding, and shows no alarm over the fact that they may commit terrorist acts, continues to give lame excuses for why we shouldn't close our borders or at the very least, conduct a close examination of those who are freely entering, then I am forced to come to only one conclusion.
Obama is a Terrorist in Hiding.
I mean, if you can't say anything about the atrocities being committed and constantly lament that everything will be alright, we're not at war, don't worry, and gives Iran the go ahead to make nuclear weapons which they most likely will use on us or Israel, give me a break...
Obama is a rogue President who is getting away with murder.
We have a Department of Homeland Security that is more interested in patting down a little ten year old girl because of a forgotten pouch of Capri Sun she left in her carry on baggage than getting serious about terrorism.
We've already entered into calamitous times.
Even when Obama leaves office, his sorry legacy will be one of despair and hopelessness.
Obama was more interested in playing golf and spending us into oblivion so he could jet around the country vacationing while he sucked the lifeblood out of the housing industry and the job market, pandering to those who won't work, don't give a damn about anything except what they can get for free and allowing the VA to let our veterans waste away in hospital beds because no one cares about their sacrifices and last, but not least, placing our law enforcement in harm's way.
Obama has been a total disaster.
But then the arrogant know no shame as there's plenty of us to blame.
They are now coming under increasing attack.
Anyone, with any common sense can see what is happening here.
The situation we now find ourselves in is being exploited and encouraged by a President of the United States, a do nothing Congress, our military leaders, the liberal news media and other government agencies.
There is a frontal assault occurring throughout the land and we are being deprived of our right to be safe in our own homes and in our own country.
It is no accident that the President of the United States has allowed foreigners by the thousands able to swarm our borders and pour into this country because Obama has always had an agenda.
And it isn't about keeping America or Americans safe.
Obama stubbornly refuses to acknowledge that this country is under attack with an enemy the likes of which I have never seen.
About a year ago a terrorist attack by Muslim Separatists took place in western China.
China did a good job of keeping this under wraps but the information got out, anyway.
I bet many of you didn't know about this.
These Muslim ghouls murdered 3,000 people.
They pulled people from cars and slaughtered them.
They butchered young children and babies.
They cut out fetuses from pregnant mothers.
If ever there was a time for good people to come together to fight a scourge that wants to wipe non-Muslims off the face of the earth, this is the time.
And all the while the terrorism occurring here is being swept under the rug.
Obama continues to turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to those who are voicing concern.
When you have a President of the Free World ignoring the great possibility that some or maybe many of these individuals he's allowing in are terrorists in hiding, and shows no alarm over the fact that they may commit terrorist acts, continues to give lame excuses for why we shouldn't close our borders or at the very least, conduct a close examination of those who are freely entering, then I am forced to come to only one conclusion.
Obama is a Terrorist in Hiding.
I mean, if you can't say anything about the atrocities being committed and constantly lament that everything will be alright, we're not at war, don't worry, and gives Iran the go ahead to make nuclear weapons which they most likely will use on us or Israel, give me a break...
Obama is a rogue President who is getting away with murder.
We have a Department of Homeland Security that is more interested in patting down a little ten year old girl because of a forgotten pouch of Capri Sun she left in her carry on baggage than getting serious about terrorism.
We've already entered into calamitous times.
Even when Obama leaves office, his sorry legacy will be one of despair and hopelessness.
Obama was more interested in playing golf and spending us into oblivion so he could jet around the country vacationing while he sucked the lifeblood out of the housing industry and the job market, pandering to those who won't work, don't give a damn about anything except what they can get for free and allowing the VA to let our veterans waste away in hospital beds because no one cares about their sacrifices and last, but not least, placing our law enforcement in harm's way.
Obama has been a total disaster.
But then the arrogant know no shame as there's plenty of us to blame.
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Body and Soul
"Cogito ero sum"
~ I Think, Therefore I Am ~
Rene Descartes ~ 1596 - 1650
French Philosopher and Mathematician
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Post Script
Do you believe you're being deceived? If so, how long do you believe this deception has been going on?
Do you believe that there is 'more' out there that we don't know about because certain special interests are depriving us of our right to know?
Do you trust your government anymore?
Do you believe that the news media is really working on your behalf?
Do you believe that politicians are telling the truth?
Do you believe what you hear on the news anymore?
Are you starting to feel that something in this country (across this planet) is very, very wrong?
Do you, somehow, feel more accurate in your assessment of what's going on, more secure relying on your 'own' gut feelings than the opinions of others because, for some reason, you can now see more clearly the manipulation and lies being perpetrated on all of us?
Are you tired of constantly being treated as someone who "doesn't have a need to know?"
Do you want wrongdoers held accountable?
Do you believe that there are those who continue to speak the truth in this country but are systematically targeted, discredited and demonized?
Are you willing to take a stand to ensure that this country, this planet, moves forward?
Do you believe in the inherent goodness of man?
Are you willing to get off the couch and make your voice heard when you disagree with something?
We are being manipulated by others and have been for thousands of years.
Right now there are opposing forces, both good and bad battling for control of this planet.
I am willing to say that our alien brothers and sisters will reveal themselves in the very near future for the express purpose of putting an end to the governments of the world spurning their presence.
When they have put forth their agenda for all humankind and we see that they only want what's best for us, we will be faced with a decision.
Which will it be?
Will we decide to stick with the status quo: wars, poverty, hate, crime, lies, chaos, violence, disease, greed, corruption and ignorance, to name a few) or will it be: A pollution-free planet, Cures for Cancer and other diseases, free energy, finally being able to live in harmony with one another?)
We either choose to claim and accept a more spiritual and healthy way of living and move forward (ascend) into the light or opt to stay right where we are.
If you agree that we are 'stuck on stupid' does it stand to reason that someone or something is preventing us from coming together and continuing to stand in our way?
Our brains, as I speak, are being rewired in order to perceive other levels of existence in the universe and introduced to an intrinsic truth that the universe is really one soul with many appendages who are at different stages of spiritual development but have opted for growth in order to enjoy a new existence.
I ask that you join us.
Peace Be With All of You,
Do you believe that there is 'more' out there that we don't know about because certain special interests are depriving us of our right to know?
Do you trust your government anymore?
Do you believe that the news media is really working on your behalf?
Do you believe that politicians are telling the truth?
Do you believe what you hear on the news anymore?
Are you starting to feel that something in this country (across this planet) is very, very wrong?
Do you, somehow, feel more accurate in your assessment of what's going on, more secure relying on your 'own' gut feelings than the opinions of others because, for some reason, you can now see more clearly the manipulation and lies being perpetrated on all of us?
Are you tired of constantly being treated as someone who "doesn't have a need to know?"
Do you want wrongdoers held accountable?
Do you believe that there are those who continue to speak the truth in this country but are systematically targeted, discredited and demonized?
Are you willing to take a stand to ensure that this country, this planet, moves forward?
Do you believe in the inherent goodness of man?
Are you willing to get off the couch and make your voice heard when you disagree with something?
We are being manipulated by others and have been for thousands of years.
Right now there are opposing forces, both good and bad battling for control of this planet.
I am willing to say that our alien brothers and sisters will reveal themselves in the very near future for the express purpose of putting an end to the governments of the world spurning their presence.
When they have put forth their agenda for all humankind and we see that they only want what's best for us, we will be faced with a decision.
Which will it be?
Will we decide to stick with the status quo: wars, poverty, hate, crime, lies, chaos, violence, disease, greed, corruption and ignorance, to name a few) or will it be: A pollution-free planet, Cures for Cancer and other diseases, free energy, finally being able to live in harmony with one another?)
We either choose to claim and accept a more spiritual and healthy way of living and move forward (ascend) into the light or opt to stay right where we are.
If you agree that we are 'stuck on stupid' does it stand to reason that someone or something is preventing us from coming together and continuing to stand in our way?
Our brains, as I speak, are being rewired in order to perceive other levels of existence in the universe and introduced to an intrinsic truth that the universe is really one soul with many appendages who are at different stages of spiritual development but have opted for growth in order to enjoy a new existence.
I ask that you join us.
Peace Be With All of You,
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
January 5th:
1:20 a.m.
I could feel the cold chill emanating off the window. I drew my sweater closer around my shoulders and listened to the wind chimes tinkling softy in the backyard. I thought of my beloved Noot who was no longer with me.
January 4th:
We lost a family member today.
One of my Border Collies had to be put down.
Noot was fifteen years old and was blind and deaf.
Noot and Taz were cousins.
I soon found out that after we got Noot, he could follow directions well but Taz, well let's just say that Taz had what I call DADD (Dog Attention Deficit Disorder).
Both were working livestock dogs.
On their days off, they would love to run and play fetch.
Noot would stay where commanded but Taz, if we didn't watch him closely, would wander off.
Not a good thing because where I am you can become critter bait in a hurry.
In the last year, I noticed that both of them were slowing down.
Adjustments had to be made in the food they ate and where they bedded down at night.
January 2nd:
My Grand Daughters asked me if Noot could play.
"Sure" I said as I let him out of his pen.
About an hour later they came to me and said that there was something wrong with Noot.
I went out to check on him and found him lying on the ground, quivering.
Something had happened but what?
His back legs were splayed out from under him and I had difficulty getting him up.
He growled when I tried to lift him. Something was definitely wrong.
I wondered if it had anything to do with the seizure he had this summer.
January 3rd:
It was becoming clear that I would have to call the vet.
January 4th:
Called the vet to make an appointment for Noot's evaluation.
Damn, I hate that word. It has ominous overtones to it.
I had the niggling feeling as I moved him out of the garage and onto the grass and into the warm sun, that this might be Noot's last day on earth.
He would never again feel the warmth of the sun on his body.
In just two short days Noot was acting like an old man now, having to be constantly monitored, living out his last days in a nursing home, indignant and humiliated that he could no longer take care of his bodily functions, confined to a hospital bed and being shuffled around, railing at his plight and the treatment he was enduring, ornery and growling at the staff as they routinely got him up to be bathed and fed.
It was late afternoon and I had to get Noot ready to go.
Brought the truck around.
Loaded Noot onto his cardboard bed and pulled him toward the tailgate where I had the kennel set up complete with some fresh cedar chips.
It was a chore to load him but I did it, with some help.
All the while I was driving to the vet I felt like a robot, not wanting to think of the outcome.
And yet, in the back of my mind, I think I knew.
The vet had done her analysis and sadly I had to agree.
Tears flowed as the decision to end his life sunk in.
I got down on my knees and gently lifted Noot's head.
I looked into his milky eyes and told him how much I loved him and how much I was going to miss him as he lay helpless on the floor.
"When you're ready", said the vet.
I broke down.
I watched as she inserted the needle into his vein and sobbed, uncontrollably, thinking back to Sunny, my Palomino Mare who had to be put down as I cradled her head in my arms, watching her slowly slip away.
I watched as his body heaved gently up and down.
Then, nothing.
She took out her stethoscope and listened to his heartbeat.
I knew he was gone.
"Do you want us to keep him or do you want to take him home", she asked?
January 5th:
Noot will be buried this morning right next to Abby, my Great White Pyrenees.
I will gently place him in the ground and cover him.
I know there will be more tears as I lay flowers on his grave but I am thankful for the memories he has embedded in me and I still have Taz.
What it really comes down to in life are memories, for aren't memories all we are left with?
Make some memories today.
"The Soul would have no Rainbow if the Eyes had no Tears" ~ Native American Proverb
1:20 a.m.
I could feel the cold chill emanating off the window. I drew my sweater closer around my shoulders and listened to the wind chimes tinkling softy in the backyard. I thought of my beloved Noot who was no longer with me.
January 4th:
We lost a family member today.
One of my Border Collies had to be put down.
Noot was fifteen years old and was blind and deaf.
Noot and Taz were cousins.
I soon found out that after we got Noot, he could follow directions well but Taz, well let's just say that Taz had what I call DADD (Dog Attention Deficit Disorder).
Both were working livestock dogs.
On their days off, they would love to run and play fetch.
Noot would stay where commanded but Taz, if we didn't watch him closely, would wander off.
Not a good thing because where I am you can become critter bait in a hurry.
In the last year, I noticed that both of them were slowing down.
Adjustments had to be made in the food they ate and where they bedded down at night.
January 2nd:
My Grand Daughters asked me if Noot could play.
"Sure" I said as I let him out of his pen.
About an hour later they came to me and said that there was something wrong with Noot.
I went out to check on him and found him lying on the ground, quivering.
Something had happened but what?
His back legs were splayed out from under him and I had difficulty getting him up.
He growled when I tried to lift him. Something was definitely wrong.
I wondered if it had anything to do with the seizure he had this summer.
January 3rd:
It was becoming clear that I would have to call the vet.
January 4th:
Called the vet to make an appointment for Noot's evaluation.
Damn, I hate that word. It has ominous overtones to it.
I had the niggling feeling as I moved him out of the garage and onto the grass and into the warm sun, that this might be Noot's last day on earth.
He would never again feel the warmth of the sun on his body.
In just two short days Noot was acting like an old man now, having to be constantly monitored, living out his last days in a nursing home, indignant and humiliated that he could no longer take care of his bodily functions, confined to a hospital bed and being shuffled around, railing at his plight and the treatment he was enduring, ornery and growling at the staff as they routinely got him up to be bathed and fed.
It was late afternoon and I had to get Noot ready to go.
Brought the truck around.
Loaded Noot onto his cardboard bed and pulled him toward the tailgate where I had the kennel set up complete with some fresh cedar chips.
It was a chore to load him but I did it, with some help.
All the while I was driving to the vet I felt like a robot, not wanting to think of the outcome.
And yet, in the back of my mind, I think I knew.
The vet had done her analysis and sadly I had to agree.
Tears flowed as the decision to end his life sunk in.
I got down on my knees and gently lifted Noot's head.
I looked into his milky eyes and told him how much I loved him and how much I was going to miss him as he lay helpless on the floor.
"When you're ready", said the vet.
I broke down.
I watched as she inserted the needle into his vein and sobbed, uncontrollably, thinking back to Sunny, my Palomino Mare who had to be put down as I cradled her head in my arms, watching her slowly slip away.
I watched as his body heaved gently up and down.
Then, nothing.
She took out her stethoscope and listened to his heartbeat.
I knew he was gone.
"Do you want us to keep him or do you want to take him home", she asked?
January 5th:
Noot will be buried this morning right next to Abby, my Great White Pyrenees.
I will gently place him in the ground and cover him.
I know there will be more tears as I lay flowers on his grave but I am thankful for the memories he has embedded in me and I still have Taz.
What it really comes down to in life are memories, for aren't memories all we are left with?
Make some memories today.
"The Soul would have no Rainbow if the Eyes had no Tears" ~ Native American Proverb
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Hillary for Prison 2016
Four Americans Died and Hillary Lied
Attack on U.S. Consulate, Benghazi, Libya, September 11, 2012
"Your Lack of Logic is Deeply Disturbing" ~ Spock
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Morgan Greer Tarot - The King of Swords |
Logical and Decisive but beware his dark side.
Too much focus upon critical analysis and logical thought can result in coldness and cruelty, impatience not only with himself but with others, self serving interests, caustic and biting criticism.
Can also lead to recklessness which results in unhealthy situations and relationships.
Ah, it's a beautiful morning, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and now it's goodbye but it's really never goodbye, is it?
Life is an endless cycle of comings and goings.
Four souls and two cars. And the Archangel St. Michael is along for the ride.
The long journey begins.
At least while you were here you had some time to relax and reflect. That's a good thing especially in view of the crazy and hectic world we live in.
We need to connect with ourselves from time to time in order to be reminded of what's really important.
Life is so full of itself and in many ways, so are we until life knocks us down.
We talked endlessly, trying to figure out the answers to things but they just didn't come.
Be patient. They will.
What was interesting is that through the pain and frustration you were experiencing in your lives, I was able to learn more of who you are.
But what was even more extraordinary is that I learned so much more about who I am.
You added measure and confidence and encouraged me to keep doing exactly what I am doing-- Listening and trying to help.
Sometimes the universe seems to ignore our pleadings for answers to our problems but when the time is deemed right, the answer will come.
Don't give up. I love you. Have a safe trip and I know you're fully aware that you're heading back to the fray.
Funny, I once lived that hectic life, too.
I'm glad I don't anymore and I see that you're getting tired of it, too.
Maybe one day we'll be closer but time will tell.
We talked and we cried; we hugged and we prayed.
We laughed until our sides burst and then we grew serious as we talked about what's happening in the world.
The important thing is we were together as a family and found that old disagreements and grudges had morphed into something that were finally recognized as really not that important after all.
You're in the process of making some life changing decisions and we talked about them.
What decision isn't life changing?
And, so am I. I'm going back to school. Not quite sure what courses I'll take but then, I already know the issue will be resolved and will be settled.
Grammy always used to say, "Have No Fear For G-d Is At The Helm".
When we can't make sense of all the madness in the world, and what we long for is nowhere to be found, rest assured that someone is watching over us.
There is another pair of hands steady at the helm of our lives, steering our destiny.
Just relax, everything will be alright.
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