Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Monday, May 30, 2016
Witch Way?
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Don’t go down that path again
Don’t open up that door
Don’t go down that path again
For there's nastiness in store
The sensual Pagan’s Dance
Its erotic and sweet Romance
It's deep and beckoning
Like a hidden entrance
Don’t take a chance
Don’t even give it a backwards glance
Sorrow, envy, lust and remorse
Took a Seeker far off course
Don’t go down that path again
Don’t open up that door
You’re on the Path of Truth and Light
You’re the Captain in charge of the flight
For if you do,
It will draw you in
And hold you captive from within
It all begins with the glint of a smile
But it’s really about sinister, vile and beguile
Don’t go down that path again
Don’t open up that door
Don’t go down that path again
For I’ve warned you once, beforeBe All That You Can Be
The world's in a mess, but do you have to allow this mess to interfere with you?
Do you have to allow this mess to impact your decisions in life, --your goals, what you want to do, who you want to be and where you want to go?
Maybe you're in a rut, constantly beaten down by circumstances and trapped where you are but you find yourself constantly wanting something better.
We all need mentoring and guidance throughout life and it doesn't matter your age.
When you're just starting out and are searching for answers and a good mentor shows up, he or she is worth more than silver and gold.
Consider yourself very lucky.
The Boys and Girls Club of America is a good place for those who have been hung out to dry, abandoned, confused and abused.
Many young people are being left behind in today's society.
They have so many things pulling at them, screaming for attention that they are drowning out other, worthwhile considerations.
Some of these are:
Peer pressure
Threats and Bullying
Broken homes
Drugs, alcohol
We have lost and continue to lose whole generations of young people because someone with an axe to grind or just wants to use others for his/her own personal gain get to them first and dig their filthy claws into them all the while sullying those who try to step in to help.
Another avenue for those who yearn for something to better themselves is the military.
It seems that those things honorable today--being a member of the military, believing in something higher than yourself, honesty, humility and service to others is not welcome.
The left wing and their accomplice the media would rather demonize thus dissuading or make fun of those who are trying to better themselves rather than praising and helping, rallying to their side providing encouragement and assistance.
We listen to snarky comments from leaders and other special interest groups who are more interested in furthering the hapless plight of many instead of lending a helping hand.
Instead, they continue to watch those who are paddling hard and slowly drowning because no one has thrown them a safety rope.
I ask, where are you, today?
Do you have a goal, a plan for your life or are you one of many who just don't have a clue, don't even know where to start?
There are answers all around you if you'd just be able to shake off that damn noise that keeps interfering with your making a decision.
Maybe its your friends who care about nothing as they are perfectly happy with where they are now--going nowhere.
But you're the one with the nagging questions that just won't leave you alone.
You keep asking, "There has to be something better than what I'm doing now.--just doing nothing day in and day out".
"Where am I going?" "There's got to be more than the existence I have now--I wan't more out of life."
Who doesn't?
Another option for meaningful change is the military.
Signing up can be daunting (something like saying a nervous, "I do" at your marriage ceremony) but believe it or not, the military can become your home (that 'something' you were yearning for and a that sense of belonging you were striving for).
It also introduces you to others who will turn out to be good friends who won't leave you hanging.
The military teaches you skills, rules of conduct, and how to be a team player.
It teaches you responsibility, and brings out the best in you.
What more could you ask for?
What's stopping you?--Go for it!
You have the whole country's support and respect.
More importantly, you will gain the courage and respect you were earnestly seeking for yourself.
Do you have to allow this mess to impact your decisions in life, --your goals, what you want to do, who you want to be and where you want to go?
Maybe you're in a rut, constantly beaten down by circumstances and trapped where you are but you find yourself constantly wanting something better.
We all need mentoring and guidance throughout life and it doesn't matter your age.
When you're just starting out and are searching for answers and a good mentor shows up, he or she is worth more than silver and gold.
Consider yourself very lucky.
The Boys and Girls Club of America is a good place for those who have been hung out to dry, abandoned, confused and abused.
Many young people are being left behind in today's society.
They have so many things pulling at them, screaming for attention that they are drowning out other, worthwhile considerations.
Some of these are:
Peer pressure
Threats and Bullying
Broken homes
Drugs, alcohol
We have lost and continue to lose whole generations of young people because someone with an axe to grind or just wants to use others for his/her own personal gain get to them first and dig their filthy claws into them all the while sullying those who try to step in to help.
Another avenue for those who yearn for something to better themselves is the military.
It seems that those things honorable today--being a member of the military, believing in something higher than yourself, honesty, humility and service to others is not welcome.
The left wing and their accomplice the media would rather demonize thus dissuading or make fun of those who are trying to better themselves rather than praising and helping, rallying to their side providing encouragement and assistance.
We listen to snarky comments from leaders and other special interest groups who are more interested in furthering the hapless plight of many instead of lending a helping hand.
Instead, they continue to watch those who are paddling hard and slowly drowning because no one has thrown them a safety rope.
I ask, where are you, today?
Do you have a goal, a plan for your life or are you one of many who just don't have a clue, don't even know where to start?
There are answers all around you if you'd just be able to shake off that damn noise that keeps interfering with your making a decision.
Maybe its your friends who care about nothing as they are perfectly happy with where they are now--going nowhere.
But you're the one with the nagging questions that just won't leave you alone.
You keep asking, "There has to be something better than what I'm doing now.--just doing nothing day in and day out".
"Where am I going?" "There's got to be more than the existence I have now--I wan't more out of life."
Who doesn't?
Another option for meaningful change is the military.
Signing up can be daunting (something like saying a nervous, "I do" at your marriage ceremony) but believe it or not, the military can become your home (that 'something' you were yearning for and a that sense of belonging you were striving for).
It also introduces you to others who will turn out to be good friends who won't leave you hanging.
The military teaches you skills, rules of conduct, and how to be a team player.
It teaches you responsibility, and brings out the best in you.
What more could you ask for?
What's stopping you?--Go for it!
You have the whole country's support and respect.
More importantly, you will gain the courage and respect you were earnestly seeking for yourself.
Duty, Honor, Country
As another
Memorial Day approaches many Americans look on it as just another day off of
work or school when they can sit around and barbecue hamburgers and drink soft
drinks and beer. Yet, those of us who are veterans know the true meaning of the
holiday. Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and was established
in 1868 to honor the memory of members of the American military who have died
defending the United States of America. Its first official observance was on
May 30, 1868 when flowers were placed on the graves of soldiers, both Union and
Confederate who died in the Civil War. It was later expanded to include all of
the Americans who died in the wars fought by this country to preserve our
freedom and it became an official Federal Holiday in
1971. On this 2016 Memorial Day I want everyone to look at some staggering figures about our American heroes. Beginning with the American Revolution, a total of over 43,362,376 men and women have served in the U.S Military during all of the wars we have fought including the current war on terrorism. Of these, over 655,231 were killed in battle while another 540,254 have died during their service due to other causes. That is a total of 1,195,485 Americans who have died in wartime while wearing the uniform of our country. In addition, 1,468,196 have been wounded. There are currently approximately 24,000,000 military veterans still alive in our nation.
So who were these people, who as someone pointed out, wrote a blank check to their country laying their lives on the line for poor pay and often deplorable living conditions. They were and still are, our fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and friends and neighbors. They fought and they died at places that the history books often mention in passing, it they are mentioned at all. Places like Saratoga and Yorktown where our freedom was secured, and battlefields like Gettysburg and Fredericksburg, where many brave Americans died fighting each other. Then there are the battlefields of World War I like Belleau Wood where U.S. Marines fought valiantly and suffered heavy casualties to stop the German advance, and the fights during World War II on the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima that opened the door for American victories in Europe and the Pacific. The ink was barely dry on the Japanese surrender document when thousands of Americans were sent to battle the communists in the Korean War.
Turn next to the Vietnam War where over 55,000 Americans died yet never lost a battle. However, though the actions of the politicians in Washington D.C. the war itself was ultimately lost and the history books blame it on the military. Yet, it was the Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen who fought that war were often ignored or even spat upon when they returned home. It was not until recently that their contribution to the freedom of our nation was acknowledged. To them, I can only say “Welcome Home.” Well done my brothers and sisters in arms.
Since then our valiant heroes have fought and died in Grenada, Panama, Operation Desert Storm and the current wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, liberal politicians and members of the left wing news media continue to attack them for doing the job of defending freedom. Our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq are subjected to Rules of Engagement by the current administration that severely limits their ability to protect themselves and our way of life. This is being done under the banner of “political correctness.”
There is no such thing as a “politically correct” war. When the lives of Americans are threatened and our very existence hangs in the balance there is only one way to fight, and that is to win. Our men and women in our military know this, and despite the restrictions imposed upon them by politicians who have never served in the military and know nothing about the sacrifices required, our troops continue to do their duty to us and our nation. On this Memorial Day we must honor them and all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. They were and are the best of us. If we allow them to be forgotten then we inevitably lose our own identity as a free people and “the government of the people, by the people, for the people,” will indeed “perish from the earth.”
I personally will be remembering members of my family who have fought in every war since the American Revolution. I must particularly remember my father, 1LT Roy E. Connelly, and the men of the 87th Chemical Mortar Battalion that landed at Utah Beach on D-Day and were in combat for 26 straight days. I immortalized them in my book “The Mortarmen". My father died in 1987, and I met and spoke with many of his friends and comrades while preparing the book. Unfortunately, only a few of them are still alive. I remember them, and the comrades I lost in Vietnam as well a those heroes we have lost since.
I will ask this of each person who reads this. Enjoy your Memorial Day, but make a special effort to contact someone, whether a family member, a friend, or even a stranger, who you know has served in the military or is currently serving. Just tell them “Thank you for your service to our country”. You have no idea how much that will mean to them. Also take a moment to honor those we have lost, either by visiting the grave of a veteran, or just saying a brief prayer. They will hear you and they will know that their sacrifices were not made in vain.
Michael Connelly
U.S. Army Veteran
Michael Connelly blog
Friday, May 27, 2016
On this Memorial Day, May 30, 2016, let us all remember the real heroes among us:
I have seen so many of these heroes on the battlefield come home to their families after suffering and sacrificing so much.
I have seen our government continue to turn their backs on these heroes - the men and women they sent out in harms way who risked everything, gave everything, endured everything.
This Memorial Day let us all remember those who were the first to go and those who were the last to leave, many who didn't come home at all.
It is a day to ponder what it means to be free and how it is that we continue to remain free.
This is something we need to be teaching our kids.
And how is it that we continue to elevate Sociopaths and Psychopaths up on pedestals but deny even the basic human rights to the least among us and abandon them as they languish in hospital beds, waiting to die due to lack of care with their families suffering right along beside them?
How is it that politicians can vote themselves an automatic pay raise every year but continue to turn a blind eye at the desperate plight of many of our veterans who are slowly wasting away?
How is it that politicians can increase the minimum wage on workers with no skills but deny our skilled military heroes a pay raise?
How is it that politicians can continue to pander to a bunch of freeloaders who do nothing on behalf of anybody, other than themselves?
It is time this country did an about face.
It is time we all acknowledge,
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Tune In
Today something is different.
We've had some unseasonably cold, rainy days and you could blame this "difference" I am feeling on the weather.
Lows tend to bring discordant and miserable weather leaving everyone wanting a change.
Highs bring clear skies and sunshine.
What I'm feeling today is something else, entirely.
The sun is out and it feels so good warming my body and there's a palpable, audible, flowing, streaming, lovely interconnection taking place.
A harmonious resonance. (
I don't agree with some psychics that last night's Blue Moon and Mars being the closest to earth in ten years was an omen of disaster.
In fact, I believe just the opposite.
This morning I immediately felt it--the trees, the clouds, the chimes were all singing together in unison as if engaging in some sort of secret celestial dance.
It was affecting the entire earth, not my little realm of existence.
There was a beautiful flowing energy taking place and I swear, it actually felt like a celebration of some sort--something had lifted.
Nothing was out of place-everything was where it should be as if all the chakras were in alignment.
Something old, ugly and smelly had been dispatched--a cleansing of some sort was taking place--an old, infectious, festering, open wound was being healed.
There was immense joy and wonderment coming from the celestial realm.
It was one of those moments you know something is going on and you feel an instant connection with something and instinctively know that you are part of a much larger whole.
If we would only calm our beings down and tune in to its frequency how much better off we would all be including our home--earth.
Thanks for the lift!
Oh, I forgot to say, in walking out to the pasture to fill a livestock tank, I happened upon a fawn not more than one or two days old, nestled in the grass.
I looked down at the fawn and it looked up at me.
I quietly walked away, leaving it undisturbed.
I was curious whether this unusual encounter had any specific, spiritual meaning:
This is what I found:
We've had some unseasonably cold, rainy days and you could blame this "difference" I am feeling on the weather.
Lows tend to bring discordant and miserable weather leaving everyone wanting a change.
Highs bring clear skies and sunshine.
What I'm feeling today is something else, entirely.
The sun is out and it feels so good warming my body and there's a palpable, audible, flowing, streaming, lovely interconnection taking place.
A harmonious resonance. (
I don't agree with some psychics that last night's Blue Moon and Mars being the closest to earth in ten years was an omen of disaster.
In fact, I believe just the opposite.
This morning I immediately felt it--the trees, the clouds, the chimes were all singing together in unison as if engaging in some sort of secret celestial dance.
It was affecting the entire earth, not my little realm of existence.
There was a beautiful flowing energy taking place and I swear, it actually felt like a celebration of some sort--something had lifted.
Nothing was out of place-everything was where it should be as if all the chakras were in alignment.
Something old, ugly and smelly had been dispatched--a cleansing of some sort was taking place--an old, infectious, festering, open wound was being healed.
There was immense joy and wonderment coming from the celestial realm.
It was one of those moments you know something is going on and you feel an instant connection with something and instinctively know that you are part of a much larger whole.
If we would only calm our beings down and tune in to its frequency how much better off we would all be including our home--earth.
Thanks for the lift!
Oh, I forgot to say, in walking out to the pasture to fill a livestock tank, I happened upon a fawn not more than one or two days old, nestled in the grass.
I looked down at the fawn and it looked up at me.
I quietly walked away, leaving it undisturbed.
I was curious whether this unusual encounter had any specific, spiritual meaning:
This is what I found:
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Armed Forces Day - May 21, 2016
A big salute and thank you to all you vets out there and those of you still on active duty.
Without you, without your willingness to serve this nation which include the many sacrifices you are required to make--going without seeing your loved ones, putting yourself in harm's way, and being away from home for months and years at a time, the rest of us are able to continue on with our lives.
There are no words to describe you as you are an elite brand of heroes.
My Dad was one of you, many, many years ago.
Thank You all from the bottom of my heart.
Without you, without your willingness to serve this nation which include the many sacrifices you are required to make--going without seeing your loved ones, putting yourself in harm's way, and being away from home for months and years at a time, the rest of us are able to continue on with our lives.
There are no words to describe you as you are an elite brand of heroes.
My Dad was one of you, many, many years ago.
Thank You all from the bottom of my heart.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Tonight … nearly a Blue Moon |
Tonight … nearly a Blue Moon | The moon - nearly full on May 20 - will be sweeping past Mars and Saturn this weekend.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
People Fodder
In view of another airline tragedy (Egyptair) that just disappeared today off the coast of Crete, I have often wondered, "do we give up anything when we hop aboard?"
When your feet leave Terra firma and you are firmly settled in your seat, have you now morphed into something else, become just a "product" of someone else and now owned lock stock and barrel by third parties?
Third Parties: 1. The airline 2. The pilot 3. The crew 4. Food suppliers 5. Baggage Handlers?
I think one of the biggest threats to our well being is our own government who we just found out don't conduct background checks on their own employees (TSA) some of whom have been found to have extensive criminal backgrounds, allegedly stolen people's luggage and use drugs.
It is almost impossible to calculate just who or how many have an axe to grind or other sinister motives to inflict terror on others while aboard an airplane but I do believe that government could do a better job of taking a more proactive role to ensure everyone's safety.
How many airline employees, baggage handlers, food suppliers, mechanics, and yes, sad to say, even pilots are fingerprinted, and background checks done?
What about their mental health? We have tests that help determine if someone should be hired or not.
Why isn't profiling done more in depth by the government as the Israelis do?
Their very lives depend on it and guess what, so do ours.
You have no idea who is sitting next to you (their history, mental state, etc.) and I doubt the airline does, either, unless passengers are checked.
If nobody takes our safety seriously then we must.
You were eager and alive, waiting in line to check your baggage, anticipating a happy trip that would take you to Disney Land or wherever and guess what, you never arrived.
Don't you think it would be a good idea to check the airline's safety record, their hiring practices, how many were fired for this infraction or other, the overall history of the airline, itself before you book your trip.
It's the least you can do to protect yourself and your family.
If the government won't do their job, then it's time we started to do it for them.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Brace Yourselves
The latest Obama violation of the Constitution came as no surprise to me. After all, he has a history of violating the Constitutional requirement that he enforce the laws passed by Congress. He has no authority to enact laws on his own, amend existing laws, or decide not to enforce certain laws. Obama has done all of these things and continues to do so with his latest Executive order requiring all school districts in the United States to open bathrooms, locker rooms, and even showers to boys or girls who choose to reject the gender of their birth and become members of the opposite sex, even for just a day or a few hours.
The Constitution does not give the President of the United States any authority over local school districts, or for that matter, bathrooms, locker rooms, or shower facilities anywhere. Yet, that has not been a deterrent to Obama; particularly since the Republican controlled Congress has done virtually nothing to challenge his abuses of power. It might be easy to dismiss this latest Obama abomination as just another action by a President that is obsessed with sex. Since he was elected he has been relentlessly pushing the LGBT agenda, in the military, and in civil society, including the schools. In the process, he has shown his willingness to destroy the effectiveness of the U.S. military, dismantle freedom of religion and freedom of speech, and punish states that don’t embrace his agenda.
Yet, I am afraid that the latest Obama move is indicative of something even more dangerous on the horizon. I believe Obama is going into a panic mode. There are several things even more important to this dictatorial President than protecting his LGBT constituents. These include seeing the final destruction of the Constitutional Republic that is the USA, and cementing his own legacy as the architect of that destruction.
He has been highly successful in many ways, using illegal and unconstitutional executive orders to push his gun control and climate control agendas, as well as opening our borders to illegal aliens, releasing thousands of dangerous criminals onto our streets, leading an all-out assault on local police officers, and dividing our nation along racial, ethic, and class lines, He has also reduced out military to its lowest level of effectiveness since prior to WW II, sent our troops into battle with rules of engagement designed to protect the enemy, and get our people killed, and entered into treasonous treaties with our enemies.
This path of destruction was supposed to continue unabated by the election of Obama’s anointed successor, Hillary Clinton to the Presidency. After all, he allowed Hillary to use her position as Secretary of State to amass a fortune in illegal donations from foreign governments, and Obama has protected her from prosecution. He owns the Clintons, whose greed and arrogance is insatiable. He knows that this would continue to be the primary goal of her presidency and she would do what she was told by Obama and that means continue to push his agenda.
Yet now things appear to have changed dramatically, because the American people are not following the Obama plan. They are fed up with being lied to and ignored by the people in control of the federal government, and that includes those elected for the specific purpose of stopping the runaway Obama train. Hillary is being challenged by an old socialist senator who has professed his love for the former Soviet Union and other failed dictatorships. He won’t be allowed to win the nomination by the Democratic Party establishment, but many of his followers already feel betrayed by the party and may not come out to vote for Hillary in the general election.
These followers are often young people who have been taught nothing about American history, what is in the Constitution, and what socialism really is. This is the outcome of the deliberate effort over many decades of the progressives who control the education system to dumb down the children of our country so they will eagerly accept become slaves on the federal plantation. Yet, much to the dismay of Obama and Hillary, these people are not falling into line with the plan devised for them.
On the Republican side there has also been a revolt against the establishment. Republican voters rallied in 2010 to put Republicans in control of the House of Representatives and then in 2014 to take control of the Senate. Yet, they feel betrayed by the congressional leadership that has continued to cave in to the Obama agenda, including the Iranian treaty. So they are in the process of giving an outsider the Republican Presidential nomination and there is a real possibility that Donald Trump will win the election, and that Republicans will
The bottom line is that Obama’s plan for a third term by proxy is in grave danger. Therefore he has two choices, to continue to use illegal Executive orders over the next few months to continue to destroy the constitutional protections of free speech, freedom of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to due process. He will also continue to destroy the U.S, free market economy, and hope that ultimately Hillary will win the election. Of course, this plan will also entail doing everything possible to steal the election.
That is plan A, but I suspect there is also a plan B and it is even more dangerous than the other plan. If Obama becomes convinced that Trump will win and as President undo much of what Obama did illegally, he is capable of unleashing the dogs of war by encouraging his radical allies like the Black Panthers, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street, the communist party, and others to launch all out assaults on the Republican National convention in Cleveland . This would include riots, physical attacks on delegates and the police, and wholesale destruction of property.
The same could then happen a few days later at the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia. In the mind of a someone who already considers himself a dictator this would justify a declaration of martial law, allowing Obama to suspend elections indefinitely, take personal control of the distribution of food, water, fuel, transportation, and medical care, and maintain his Presidency.
I am aware this sounds like a classic conspiracy theory, and I have never been someone who believed in most such theories, but unfortunately the scenario is not unique, it has occurred throughout history including in Nazi Germany, where Adolph Hitler moved to disarm the German people, beginning with the military veterans, purged the military of officers loyal to Germany instead of him personally, and doing away with individual freedoms.
I hope I am wrong and this second scenario will not happen, but I am convinced that the first one is already occurring. Obama is going to use Executive orders and actions over the next few months to try and dismantle our republic and cause complete chaos in the country we love. We must prepare ourselves to resist.
Monday, May 16, 2016
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Go Jump off a Cliff
There is no meaning to anything.
I go in circles trying to figure things out and always come back to "nothing makes sense" but then stubbornly continue my research, falling back onto my "ray of hope" feeling that at some point in our earthly transit, a vision of who we are and where we fit in on the celestial ladder of things will come to pass.
In spite of my current frustration, I can say with a degree of certainty that this is not G-d's world down here but the Devil's playground.
I mean, c'mon, look at all the crap people go through down here, the sorry, miserable lives they lead and the horrific, unspeakable things we're constantly doing to one another.
All of us are to blame for where we are at this very moment in time.
And I believe our time is running out.
Governments, politicians, leaders and corporations could all engage in and do positive things to make our lives better, across this planet, instead of engaging in political oneupmanship, game playing, profit motivation and using the helpless and hapless millions to further their ends.
So we are mostly to blame for where we are now don't you think?
We are the Devil's play things on one giant chess board with no winners and no losers, just little pawns constantly being pushed and shoved around.
After a world war or some other tragedy descends upon us, at the conclusion of the death, destruction and mayhem that occurs, we linger in the moment of painful memories only to find ourselves meandering away, forgetting what we just went through and not implementing safeguards to insure it doesn't happen again.
I feel that humanity as a whole is headed toward a calamitous event and one that just might finally get our attention.
When you come right down to it, we are a pitiful and sorry lot.
We are full of excuses and take no responsibility for where we are and where we are headed.
Instead, we leave these important life decisions to someone or some thing else.
It's a wonder that anyone cares about us at all as we are in a constant state of turmoil, arrogance, denial and confusion.
We haven't learned a damned thing about anything down here.
Maybe, just maybe, a big lesson in humility is in store for all of us and headed our way.
I go in circles trying to figure things out and always come back to "nothing makes sense" but then stubbornly continue my research, falling back onto my "ray of hope" feeling that at some point in our earthly transit, a vision of who we are and where we fit in on the celestial ladder of things will come to pass.
In spite of my current frustration, I can say with a degree of certainty that this is not G-d's world down here but the Devil's playground.
I mean, c'mon, look at all the crap people go through down here, the sorry, miserable lives they lead and the horrific, unspeakable things we're constantly doing to one another.
All of us are to blame for where we are at this very moment in time.
And I believe our time is running out.
Governments, politicians, leaders and corporations could all engage in and do positive things to make our lives better, across this planet, instead of engaging in political oneupmanship, game playing, profit motivation and using the helpless and hapless millions to further their ends.
So we are mostly to blame for where we are now don't you think?
We are the Devil's play things on one giant chess board with no winners and no losers, just little pawns constantly being pushed and shoved around.
After a world war or some other tragedy descends upon us, at the conclusion of the death, destruction and mayhem that occurs, we linger in the moment of painful memories only to find ourselves meandering away, forgetting what we just went through and not implementing safeguards to insure it doesn't happen again.
I feel that humanity as a whole is headed toward a calamitous event and one that just might finally get our attention.
When you come right down to it, we are a pitiful and sorry lot.
We are full of excuses and take no responsibility for where we are and where we are headed.
Instead, we leave these important life decisions to someone or some thing else.
It's a wonder that anyone cares about us at all as we are in a constant state of turmoil, arrogance, denial and confusion.
We haven't learned a damned thing about anything down here.
Maybe, just maybe, a big lesson in humility is in store for all of us and headed our way.
Friday, May 13, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Earth Beat
Land of Dreams
We occupy a little
A fragment
of our inner trace
Sometimes we
feel so lost in space
Who am I?
Why am I here?
We are so far
So very near
We know we’re
on to something
It won’t
leave us alone
It knits its magic through our souls
And settles
in our bones
We are half but
not yet whole
as life exacts its heavy toll
This unknown
is a part of us
Embedded deep
Cries for
release, but not yet time
For all have
unwashed sin
We are a
vast seeding
Of self
sacrifice, flagellation, bleeding
As we fulfill our promise
To the One
we made above
That we walk
with one another
In humility
and in love
Friday, May 6, 2016
Rare Showing of the Planet Mercury
Free Your Mind
![]() |
Streaming |
When I watch the moon rise at night, I am in awe.
When I see trees, devoid of leaves, quietly unfurl their greenery, I am in awe.
When I feel the rain upon my face, I am in awe.
When I know that each snowflake is unique, its design different from any other, I am in awe.
When I plant a seed and watch it grow, embracing its purpose and fulfilling its promise, I am in awe.
When I gaze into a youngster's eyes and see a reflection of the universe, all the joy, all the promise, all the hope, all the possibilities, I am in awe.
For I am in the presence of something so subtle, yet so deeply palpable that I can only lower my head and hear the words, BE STILL AND KNOW.
This world is not the bellicose ranting of some grandiose king but a profound and intrinsic knowing, a depth and a silence one can feel in their soul, a quiet reverence, a knowing that all is good, a gentle "I can't put my finger on it" feeling that we are all together and caught up in an arcane experience the human mind is incapable of comprehending.
This life we were given is a beautiful tapestry that continues to magically flow through us and weave itself together.
A tapestry of all that is holy, good and true.
A giant wheel continues to rotate and we're all on it and within it.
It never stops.
It has no beginning.
It has no end.
It is, It was, It ever will be.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
A Witches Willow
I am already looking forward to Autumn and Autumn's Spell.
After a particularly wet and cold spring and a long hot, dry summer I again will morph into my true self, longing only for fall's bleak and somber skies, a cup of Lavender Tea, scrying and divining for others.
As I scan my surroundings, a forgotten malady, a melancholy and tattered scarecrow, its head swinging back and forth in unison to some discordant rhythm, its garment in tatters, stands watch in a deserted field once full of rows of green stalks with ripened corn.
After the harvest all that remains of the field is spent soil, dry and listless vegetation, lifeless corpses that were cut down in their prime, remnants of what was and yet still standing in unison, like good little soldiers.
It is silent, quiet and desolate here--like being on some, distant aloof, uncaring alien planet.
But all of a sudden a hostile wind is whipping up into a fury, as leftover discarded brown leaves whirl feverishly around me, mesmerizing but yet discordant as my gleeful laughter now mutates into a low cackle.
The noise is deafening but oh, how I love it.
I stand quietly with eyes closed, relishing the moment.
Through the din I can hear crows noisily cawing in the distance as I squint trying to get a better look.
I am rewarded with a massive horde of black pinpricks silhouetted against the backdrop of an Ochre sky.
It has become much more windier, sharply more colder and damp.
I look above me and catch the muted sight of the first wave of frozen pellets just starting to rain down.
In a few moments they drown out the sound of the wind and blanket the ground.
I lower my head and listen as they they pelt down upon the brim of my hat.
I draw my heavy cloak tighter around me.
Bright green eyes ablaze, I can clearly see, even through the blinding fog of snow pellets and clear through to the other side.
I am emerged in deep thought--
I've put the tools of my trade away for the time being as desperate and anguished cries and earnest pleadings for help have all but subsided.
If anyone is in need, I will easily retrieve them as they are just just sitting in the corner of my kitchen.
My mind is full of intense and deep dark colors, violet, forest green, lemon yellow, dark chocolate, indigo, black.
I realize my whole body is starting to shiver now and I reach up to touch my face but can't feel it.
How lovely is this moment.
To feel and experience emotion, sensation, to thrive and derive much satisfaction from the little things in life, to endure and fight the good fight, to strive to survive in order to embrace all that life has to offer along with the good and the bad and become, hopefully, a much better person for the experience.
I am standing under the canopy of a magnificent ancient willow under which I have mixed my herbs cast my spells and incantations.
Many have been healed with the help of this tree.
We have an unspoken agreement, a hermaphroditic relationship that transcends all time and space.
The bitter wind continues its demonic onslaught, shaking the tree and whipping its tender and slender branches across my face like strident lashes from a fiery poker.
I look down at the ground and note droplets of blood.
It's beautiful in a way, the deep deep red of the harlot intermingled with the virgin white snow pellets.
My high heeled boots are unsteady as I try to escape the wind, embracing the tree's trunk trying to balance myself on its voluptuous and knotted roots.
Gnarled and beautiful they are lifted up to reveal a treasure of hidden wishes and desires, providing an infinite spiritual transcendence, a bonding, a deep sexual, tempestuous experience, completeness, an exhilarating drunken and heathen encounter, an ardent no holds barred brawl resulting in an unexpected reverence for life you didn't expect.
We are like trees, you know...or didn't you?
And the willow, forced to accept its plight and struggling to understand is now faced with an experience that will transcend all, a completeness, an exquisite interlocking of passion, seduction and eroticism, orgasmic and mind altering that will cause its soul to be unleashed and set free and into the light as it heaves and thrusts itself upward through the moist and fragrant earth.
Its roots are etched with shadowy faces and ancient symbols, secrets, chalices, orbs, hidden places, nooks and crannies, long forgotten images of G-ds and G-ddesses, funny faces and fearful ones, leering and sinister demonic entities, lofty, regal angelic beings with wings unfurled and swords drawn.
I continue to brace for more of the whipping steel cold wind and then hear the murmur of the willow as it whispers in my ear, "and this too, shall pass".
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Where do you find courage?
Is it something inherently within us or do we acquire it?
I believe it’s a little of both.
It lies dormant until called forth.
Challenges can bring out both the best and the worst in us.
Today it is fashionable for the news media to cover mobs of anarchists and thugs whose only mission in life is to destroy something good and then blame their actions, their “plight” in life on someone or something else.
It doesn’t take courage to smash windows and burn down homes.
These are acts of cowardice by cowards.
We need a complete turnaround in this country if we are to survive as a people and as a nation.
And we need to be focusing on what unites us, not what divides us.
I want to thank Law Enforcement, EMS and volunteer Fire Fighters who risk their lives everyday keeping the rest of us safe.
You are the men and women with the courage necessary in order to do your jobs.
And you do your jobs tirelessly with little fanfare, limited equipment, limited training and last, but not least, limited budgets.
We can raise millions to fund politicians but can’t seem to find the money necessary to support our own local emergency services along with the men and women who willingly go out and risk their lives every day, on behalf of all of us.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Conflict or Re(V)solution?
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Blinded by the Light |
I am feeling such a strong energy that makes me want to bust out of my skin complete with a devil be damned attitude, do what feels good and to hell with the consequences, F**K the World, get down and dirty, get falling down drunk, march down a famous street in Washington, D.C., singing at the top of my lungs, wildly waving an empty bottle of Pinot Noir, grab the mike and sing a sultry song at a cowboy bar, visit a brothel, dance naked in the rain (now, that would be a sight...), come out of my shell, shed my old skin and embrace a new one (whatever the hell the new one is), tell everyone to suck wind, go hide somewhere where nobody will ever, ever, ever, ever, ever find me again.
This tumultous (and very potent) energy could be happening because of something going on in the cosmos --
(please visit:
Folks, this is a time when "anything" could happen so watch your back.
When the unexpected happens (Black Swan events).
When the unthinkable could happen--you get the drift.
Think outside the Box.
Keep your emotions in check and keep your loved ones close.
Last but not least, Trust in G-d.
Love and Peace To All,
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