Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tune In

Today something is different.

We've had some unseasonably cold, rainy days and you could blame this "difference" I am feeling on the weather.

Lows tend to bring discordant and miserable weather leaving everyone wanting a change.

Highs bring clear skies and sunshine.

What I'm feeling today is something else, entirely.

The sun is out and it feels so good warming my body and there's a palpable, audible, flowing, streaming, lovely interconnection taking place.

A harmonious resonance.  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schumann_resonances)

I don't agree with some psychics that last night's Blue Moon and Mars being the closest to earth in ten years was an omen of disaster.

In fact, I believe just the opposite.

This morning I immediately felt it--the trees, the clouds, the chimes were all singing together in unison as if engaging in some sort of secret celestial dance.  

It was affecting the entire earth, not my little realm of existence.

There was a beautiful flowing energy taking place and I swear, it actually felt like a celebration of some sort--something had lifted.

Nothing was out of place-everything was where it should be as if all the chakras were in alignment.  

Something old, ugly and smelly had been dispatched--a cleansing of some sort was taking place--an old, infectious, festering, open wound was being healed.

There was immense joy and wonderment coming from the celestial realm.

It was one of those moments you know something is going on and you feel an instant connection with something and instinctively know that you are part of a much larger whole.

If we would only calm our beings down and tune in to its frequency how much better off we would all be including our home--earth.

Thanks for the lift!
Oh, I forgot to say, in walking out to the pasture to fill a livestock tank, I happened upon a fawn not more than one or two days old, nestled in the grass.

I looked down at the fawn and it looked up at me.

I quietly walked away, leaving it undisturbed.

I was curious whether this unusual encounter had any specific, spiritual meaning:

This is what I found:

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