Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Live, Love, Life
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New Year, January 1, 2018 |
Along with the new year beginning January 1 2018, we will also have a full moon. Full moons represent endings so this new year starts off with a beginning and an ending. What could this mean?
I will be posting a video on astrology which will help explain what the new year holds. It is entitled "Astrology 2018, The Year of the Dog, Part 1. I recommend you view it as it will be helpful when you make your plans.
What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to do? What do you want to change? Get in touch with your feelings. Listen to your heart. Don't waste time. Do what you love. Give out more hugs and kisses. Maybe it will be to put others first. I can't stress how much this will change your life.
Volunteer at a nursing home; be a mentor at the YMCA; help your neighbor; teach a skill.
How many of us are taught to put others first? When you jump out of bed in the morning (forget any coffee, sweet roll or checking your messages) you'll be heading out to the barn to feed a sick calf or a litter of kittens, a frail horse or an abandoned puppy. Your wants and needs are just going to have to wait. I've often argued that the best rehabilitation for juveniles and adults is teaching them how to care for animals.
Once you realize you're not the center of the earth you will begin to gain a different perspective and see life with new eyes, viewing yourself and others positively. You will begin to form a vibrant network with other souls and experience a kinship with them, surprised at how many are accompanying you on your journey and, even come in contact with some other extraordinary individuals who will open doors for you.
We are all victims of programming. Many of us are programmed not to trust others for a variety of reasons. It's only when we break through someone's barrier of fear that we find a loving individual on the other side. Sadly there are some who will want no part of this and keep droning along, wising up only after something bad happens.
I wish for each one of you may your dreams come true and may you find your true calling. For others, may you find the courage to let go of the old and embrace the new.
To all: Steady as we go into the new year.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Fall From Grace
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"LUCIFER", Fallen Angel |
In the English Bible (KJV) the passage, Isaiah 14:12, does contain the word "Lucifer" but does not contain the word "day star," or "morning star." King James Version, Isaiah 14:12: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations"!
In the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) Isaiah 14:12, there is no word "Lucifer". Instead the passage reads: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O day-star, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, that didst cast lots over the nations"!
In the Hebrew version, it is believed that "day star," "morning star" is the Hebrew word "heylel" and means "to shine", "shining one" or "star of the morning" and quite possibly referring to the planet Venus.
According to The Theosophy Society, a Rosicrucian by the name of Dr. Robert Fludd one of the translators charged with interpreting Hebrew into English changed the word heylel (and therefore its original meaning) to the Latin, "Lucifer." There is no plausible explanation as to why this was done especially when the Roman Language didn't even exist at that time.
*There is much discussion as to the accurate meaning of the word heylel in the Hebrew version and the context in which it was used. Some scholars believe the Israelites were mocking an enemy quite possibly the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar or his son, Amel-Marduk also known as Evil-Merodach.
When the once exalted king, Nebuchadnezzar fell, he was scorned as if he, "morning star," which is also attributed to the planet Venus, had fallen from the sky. Think of a "fall from grace".
There is also confusion as to the meaning of the word Lucifer and the context of how it was used in the KJV. If taken as a noun it means one thing and if used as an adjective the meaning changes again.
According to Wikipedia: The proper name (noun) "Lucifer" was adopted by the Christians as a term for the Devil (another name for Satan). If used as an adjective, the meaning changes to "light bringing".
Monday, December 25, 2017
2018, The Year of Hope
December 24, 2017
"Twas the night before Christmas"
This evening about 11:00 p.m., my daughter in law was wrapped up in a comforter, sitting in the recliner in the living room and looking out the picture window overlooking the lake. She had a good view. It was a clear, cold and calm night. Suddenly a brilliant white ball of light appeared in the middle of the lake and from her perspective the diameter looked to be at least two feet across. She was pretty specific about this. The lake is approximately 75 yards (200') from the house. It whooshed even though she didn't hear it (her words) through the air, moving from right to left (south to north) at an enormous speed and disappeared (like reports associated with ufos). When she explained what she had seen, I got the most extraordinary, comforting feeling. A specific word, hope, entered my mind.
She adamantly said she'd never seen anything like this before and wondered what it was?
I couldn't answer, either.
Hope is something all of us can agree is desperately needed on this planet.
Definition of Hope: Expectation, desire, anticipation, faith (
Whereas year 2017 is numerical value 1 standing for: new beginnings, early stages of development, that which is about to take form and 2018 numerical value 2: partnership, assimilation, agreement.
So it would appear that something spiritual (my belief) is in the early stages of development and is/was agreed upon in 2017 and will manifest (whatever it is) in 2018.
I thought about waiting to post this after the new year but felt this message of hope being conveyed was of such importance that it should be shared, now.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Facial Recognition
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"Want some candy?" |
After only one year in office, we're finally able to see what the Left has carefully crafted and hidden from view for so long and it ain't pretty. In fact it's downright ugly.
There is a dark coven, a hideous layer of wickedness, an insidiousness fomenting and boiling up to the surface of something covert that is now breaking wide open.
This has happened since the President's been in office and it might be the most important thing, as we're now able to see the depth of the ugliness that has slowly been allowed to metastasize within the halls of congress, infecting both parties, the DOJ and the FBI.
We've seen The Democratic Party take a sharp turn left in which it now represents its own self interests, not doing the will of the people nor abiding by the Constitution, but focusing on complete power and control. And it doesn't matter about the truth nor who gets hurt or eliminated.
The result is the ugly, sorry and sordid scenario we're witnessing playing out on national t.v. night after night.
But isn't it interesting how good shit just happens to surface every once in a while? All along we didn't know the ugliness we were dealing with, we had no clue, we thought everything was okay, we believed our party was virtuous and honorable and we thought the movie, Insidious, was just that--a movie. Now we know otherwise.
It's a movie alright but it's not only playing out in movie theaters but in homes all across the land.
And, the actors aren't from Hollywood. We're now finding out they're really from Washington, D.C., mostly Democrats and a few Republicans.
How ugly is that?
Sunday, December 17, 2017
This Morning's Tarot Spread Using the RWS Tarot Card Deck, December 17, 2017
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Reflection |
I thought I'd share with you the results of this morning's tarot card reading. I laid out five cards, horizontally.
I asked Tarot, "what is the message for today?" This is the reply...
*Past Position Card Meaning: VI THE LOVERS: Marriage is a sacred and holy agreement, a commitment spoken before G-d. It is a promise between you, your partner and G-d. We have violated this commitment and, clearly, He sees this by pointing out our transgressions.
*Present Position Card Meaning: II OF CUPS: This card shows a new relationship between two people who are pledging themselves to one another (this could also be an engagement, etc.) This card can also be read as the start of a union, a partnership or an agreement, for example:
The agreement/relationship between a Senator or a Congressman with a staff member; the relationship between a CEO and his employees, etc.
*Advice Position Card Meaning: VIII OF PENTACLES: Rebuilding; concentration; there is much rebuilding ahead of you.
*Influence Position Card Meaning: III THE EMPRESS: Earth and fertility; Feminine; pedestal; pregnancy; The number III (3) represents the foundation of number 2 which is union, partnership, relationship and brings about that which is desired or envisioned. For example: Elevating marriage, womanhood back to one of sanctity and respect.
*Outcome: X Wheel of Fortune: Freeing us from the past; the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.
This is a hopeful Outcome as the numerical meaning of this reading is the number Two which stands for reconciliation and reunion.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Friday, December 15, 2017
No More Free Speech - Waa Waa Waa!
I don't know when the term "Net Neutrality" was coined but it sounds innocuous enough and fair and balanced. But is it? There is a lot of hype and a lot of spin and a lot of confusion going on with the FCC's decision on December 14, 2017 to reject a government regulated internet in favor of a more open, competitive and free from govt. interference internet.
Under Bill Clinton the internet was defined as a utility (see def. below) which meant it would not be heavily regulated thus the inability of the federal government to elevate itself to one of gatekeeper, possibly censoring and enforcing it's views to the detriment of opposing views.
In 2015, under the Obama Administration, then FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler changed the definition of the internet from utility to "common carrier, (see def. below) which had an entirely different meaning, thus placing the internet under a "regulatory" body, meaning it would be "regulated" (regulations) by the federal government.
Under the new Trump administration and the FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai (who, by the way was appointed by Obama back in 2013) the vote was 3-2 in favor of abolishing net neutrality and taking the internet out of the hands of Big Brother and putting it back in the hands of the people, thus paving the way for more competition and investment, overall, but in rural communities as well, also enabling new startups and new television channels, etc.
This new ruling also put the tech giants and ISPs on notice--Google, Verizon, Comcast, etc. that transparency is the order of the day. Before you engaged in throttling and censoring but that's a thing of the past. Heads up--It's time to put your house in order. I'm unsure if they're caught if there will be fines or what but this is a good thing because now they're under scrutiny.
It is interesting as I search the various news outlets and web sites that there's much to do about nothing. The Left is screaming that we're all doomed, is quick to accuse a Republican President along with the FCC Chairman that there is no fair internet anymore which is exactly the opposite of what just happened. --Interesting.
Under Bill Clinton we had a free and open internet, free of regulations and everyone (including the Left) seemed not to mind. Now they're screaming bloody murder that we just took the internet out of federal government control (under Obama) and handed it back to the free market.
I guess they don't like an internet that is by the people and for the people.
I hope this clears some things up. Please feel free to comment, correct or whatever.
1. In economics, utility is a measure of preferences over some set of goods (including services: something that satisfies human wants); it represents satisfaction experienced by the consumer from a good. The concept is an important underpinning of rational choice theory in economics and game theory: since one cannot directly measure benefit, satisfaction or happiness from a good or service, economists instead have devised ways of representing and measuring utility in terms of measurable economic choices. Economists have attempted to perfect highly abstract methods of comparing utilities by observing and calculating economic choices; in the simplest sense, economists consider utility to be revealed in people's willingness to pay different amounts for different goods.Utility is taken to be correlative to Desire or Want. It has been already argued that desires cannot be measured directly, but only indirectly, by the outward phenomena to which they give rise: and that in those cases with which economics is chiefly concerned the measure is found in the price which a person is willing to pay for the fulfillment or satisfaction of his desire.
2. A common carrier in common law countries (corresponding to a public carrier in civil law systems,[1] usually called simply a carrier) is a person or company that transports goods or people for any person or company and that is responsible for any possible loss of the goods during transport.[2] A common carrier offers its services to the general public under license or authority provided by a regulatory body. The regulatory body has usually been granted "ministerial authority" by the legislation that created it. The regulatory body may create, interpret, and enforce its regulations upon the common carrier (subject to judicial review) with independence and finality, as long as it acts within the bounds of the enabling legislation.
Under Bill Clinton the internet was defined as a utility (see def. below) which meant it would not be heavily regulated thus the inability of the federal government to elevate itself to one of gatekeeper, possibly censoring and enforcing it's views to the detriment of opposing views.
In 2015, under the Obama Administration, then FCC Chairman, Tom Wheeler changed the definition of the internet from utility to "common carrier, (see def. below) which had an entirely different meaning, thus placing the internet under a "regulatory" body, meaning it would be "regulated" (regulations) by the federal government.
Under the new Trump administration and the FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai (who, by the way was appointed by Obama back in 2013) the vote was 3-2 in favor of abolishing net neutrality and taking the internet out of the hands of Big Brother and putting it back in the hands of the people, thus paving the way for more competition and investment, overall, but in rural communities as well, also enabling new startups and new television channels, etc.
This new ruling also put the tech giants and ISPs on notice--Google, Verizon, Comcast, etc. that transparency is the order of the day. Before you engaged in throttling and censoring but that's a thing of the past. Heads up--It's time to put your house in order. I'm unsure if they're caught if there will be fines or what but this is a good thing because now they're under scrutiny.
It is interesting as I search the various news outlets and web sites that there's much to do about nothing. The Left is screaming that we're all doomed, is quick to accuse a Republican President along with the FCC Chairman that there is no fair internet anymore which is exactly the opposite of what just happened. --Interesting.
Under Bill Clinton we had a free and open internet, free of regulations and everyone (including the Left) seemed not to mind. Now they're screaming bloody murder that we just took the internet out of federal government control (under Obama) and handed it back to the free market.
I guess they don't like an internet that is by the people and for the people.
I hope this clears some things up. Please feel free to comment, correct or whatever.
1. In economics, utility is a measure of preferences over some set of goods (including services: something that satisfies human wants); it represents satisfaction experienced by the consumer from a good. The concept is an important underpinning of rational choice theory in economics and game theory: since one cannot directly measure benefit, satisfaction or happiness from a good or service, economists instead have devised ways of representing and measuring utility in terms of measurable economic choices. Economists have attempted to perfect highly abstract methods of comparing utilities by observing and calculating economic choices; in the simplest sense, economists consider utility to be revealed in people's willingness to pay different amounts for different goods.Utility is taken to be correlative to Desire or Want. It has been already argued that desires cannot be measured directly, but only indirectly, by the outward phenomena to which they give rise: and that in those cases with which economics is chiefly concerned the measure is found in the price which a person is willing to pay for the fulfillment or satisfaction of his desire.
2. A common carrier in common law countries (corresponding to a public carrier in civil law systems,[1] usually called simply a carrier) is a person or company that transports goods or people for any person or company and that is responsible for any possible loss of the goods during transport.[2] A common carrier offers its services to the general public under license or authority provided by a regulatory body. The regulatory body has usually been granted "ministerial authority" by the legislation that created it. The regulatory body may create, interpret, and enforce its regulations upon the common carrier (subject to judicial review) with independence and finality, as long as it acts within the bounds of the enabling legislation.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
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"Where are we"? |
Picture a giant techno snowball with arms and legs sticking out, tumbling down a hill. Every so often you hear panicked voices but they're ignored as a robotic arm reaches out and hits a kill switch, tuning out the noise.
Here is a list of technological feats that were accomplished beginning with 1939. Links are included for further information:
1. The Complex Number Calculator (CNC), 1939, Bell Labs
2. The Z3 Computer, 1940, Konrad Zuse
3. DNA Revolution: 1953 - (
4. Transhumanism: 1960, The belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
5. Apollo Moon Landing, 1969.
6. Apple Computer, 1976 - (
7. Technological Revolution: 1976 - (
8. Franklin Electronic Publishers, 1981(creator of the Franklin Ace 100 and the Franklin Ace 1000)
9. The World Wide Web, 1989: (
Other events that helped shape humanity:
*The Renaissance: 1347 to 1605 - ( https://
*The Protestant Reformation: 1517 - 1648
*The Industrial Revolution: 1760 to 1840 - (
*The American Revolution: 1765 to 1783 - (
*The French Revolution: 1787 to 1799 - (
We've seen that there are evolutionary steps required in order for civilizations to evolve and advance:
Gutenberg's Printing Press, the discovery of fire, Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin.
Obviously some of the events mentioned above have merit and deserve much credit but there's something missing today in our quest to further improve technology. What is it?
Answer: The spiritual aspect of humanity in all of this.
We seem to have forgotten that human beings are comprised of a soul along with a mind and a body.
We've made some much needed strides and progress in pushing humanity forward (improving work conditions, encouraging liberty and freedom, innovative new machines that go faster and are more efficient and learning about our DNA. These are all important but only make up a portion of the bigger picture.
Are we being purposely programmed by a select few elite gate keepers who now fancy themselves gods and pushing us to believe as they do, that technology is the end product to all of our problems?
Could it be that we've lost our way in that ego and money now trump just about anything and when you have all you need in life you're not concerned with your compassionate, spiritual side but only interested in looking for more proven avenues of revenue such as sex, drugs and violence?
Why don't we ask the other two-thirds of humanity who are struggling with just staying alive for one more day or the mother whose baby is dying from some virulent disease or the millions addicted to pain meds or the homeless invading cities and towns if technology has ever bothered to help them.
It's time to stop hitting the kill switch.
It's time to put our gigantic egos and money aside in favor of our spiritual side for if we don't there surely will be a reckoning and we might be seeing the beginning of this now.
It's time to put the human back into humanity.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Can You Not See?
Urantia, October 8, 2017.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Be Ever Watchful.”
The Beloved One: “Only a soul that trusts Me enough, is willing to be led in the direction I desire for it to go and to garner the experiences needed for soul-growth. Sometimes I lead you into places to assist someone by bringing a smile, to give an encouraging word or to send some loving, healing thoughts when you hear of someone who is ill.
“All things, acts, thoughts and intentions are known in Heaven. Nothing escapes the omniscience of the Creator God of Everything. Only the worthwhile experiences, which have edified and nourished the soul and helped it grow, shall remain.
“Be ever watchful about where you may be of loving service. Be ever aware that you are God’s representative, wherever you find yourself on this earth. Awakening human beings everywhere are beginning to realize their holy calling and are becoming the peacemakers and healers on this sorrowful planet.
“This planet is also a living, breathing child of the Creator, albeit of a different order. However, she is going through much travail at present. Abuse, rape, pilfering and all sorts of other scandalous things are being perpetrated upon her innocent being. Her beautiful face is scarred and burned.
“Even her precious atmosphere, meant for all living things upon her, is being poisoned by thoughtless unenlightened mortals, who have allowed themselves to be led by greed and so have fallen into gross darkness, which a fallen prince from Heaven wrought eons ago.
“This nefarious fog is lifting, for the prince of darkness is no more. Only his death-throws are still being felt and are sadly taking with them many ignorant people, who neither give a thought to the life hereafter, nor to how they can be of loving service assisting their soul-growth.
“Truly, humankind is living through one of its most remarkable and precarious periods in planetary history. People everywhere have a need to wake up and become active as healers and peacemakers for their selves, their surroundings, and for this most precious blue orb in space.
“Think on these My words and lodge them deeply into your being. For this is the holy calling of people everywhere.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Note: I am a member of this group thus able to post these messages.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Be Ever Watchful.”
The Beloved One: “Only a soul that trusts Me enough, is willing to be led in the direction I desire for it to go and to garner the experiences needed for soul-growth. Sometimes I lead you into places to assist someone by bringing a smile, to give an encouraging word or to send some loving, healing thoughts when you hear of someone who is ill.
“All things, acts, thoughts and intentions are known in Heaven. Nothing escapes the omniscience of the Creator God of Everything. Only the worthwhile experiences, which have edified and nourished the soul and helped it grow, shall remain.
“Be ever watchful about where you may be of loving service. Be ever aware that you are God’s representative, wherever you find yourself on this earth. Awakening human beings everywhere are beginning to realize their holy calling and are becoming the peacemakers and healers on this sorrowful planet.
“This planet is also a living, breathing child of the Creator, albeit of a different order. However, she is going through much travail at present. Abuse, rape, pilfering and all sorts of other scandalous things are being perpetrated upon her innocent being. Her beautiful face is scarred and burned.
“Even her precious atmosphere, meant for all living things upon her, is being poisoned by thoughtless unenlightened mortals, who have allowed themselves to be led by greed and so have fallen into gross darkness, which a fallen prince from Heaven wrought eons ago.
“This nefarious fog is lifting, for the prince of darkness is no more. Only his death-throws are still being felt and are sadly taking with them many ignorant people, who neither give a thought to the life hereafter, nor to how they can be of loving service assisting their soul-growth.
“Truly, humankind is living through one of its most remarkable and precarious periods in planetary history. People everywhere have a need to wake up and become active as healers and peacemakers for their selves, their surroundings, and for this most precious blue orb in space.
“Think on these My words and lodge them deeply into your being. For this is the holy calling of people everywhere.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Note: I am a member of this group thus able to post these messages.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Lost and Found
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"Find Yourself then Define Yourself" |
That I wouldn’t be here today
Who will do what I do,
Who will take my place?
We never know
When fate will come calling
It can come without warning
So please stop your stalling
My advice is to figure it out
You’ve wasted enough time
In fear and self doubt
You never know until you try
You are the apple of my eye
So drop from the tree
And land on the ground
Soon you will realize
That was lost is now found
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Friday, December 8, 2017
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Operation "Drain the Swamp"
Today is Pearl Harbor Day in which a surprise attack by the Japanese took place in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii seventy-six years ago which began America’s involvement in World War II.
And, once again, we find that this country is in peril.
Today we’re under attack but, this time, it is by our own politicians
who swore an oath to protect and defend her.
How many years does it take for cancer to metastasize?
We now have a president in office who is unlike any we’ve
had before.
Instead of siding with either party he is siding with the
American People, faithfully fulfilling his campaign promises and executing his
duties as President.
Apparently this isn’t sitting well with a number of hostile Democrats
and Republicans.
Instead of rallying around the president and helping him,
they are in open revolt.
And the President is calling them out, as he should.
Actually they are, collectively, helping him out by doing a
bang up job of exposing themselves as sexual miscreants (no pun intended).
President Trump is the skilled surgeon who was called in to
treat the patient. He knows that in
order for the patient to have a chance of surviving, he first has to excise all
the rot.
The malignant, open sore which is the Swamp is in the
process of being lanced and drained.
And we never would have known the existence of nor the
extent of this corruption if Hillary Clinton had been elected.
The President was called forth by the American People to do
a job and he’s doing it.
His family and administration need our support and our prayers,
not our contempt.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Monday, December 4, 2017
Not Just Your Ordinary Strip Mall
There is a hidden stratum in the universe. We can't see them but every so often they reveal themselves through visions, dreams, intuitive thoughts. This stratum can manifest in shapes, colors patterns and pictures.
As we slowly evolve into a deeper understanding of who we are I believe these intuitive insights will expand, thus opening many doors for us.
As part of the ongoing transmission presently taking place, scientists now admit they really don't have a clue about many of the things they once proclaimed to us as gospel truth. Their ideas and postulations are only theories.
For example they now believe that there are far more planets than previously thought. That mankind may not have originated from the African Continent but elsewhere. That humans have existed on this planet thousands of years earlier than what we've been led to believe. There's even talk about the Big Bang Theory not being the way the universe happened according to science but something else entirely different. Arguments are going back and forth if the earth has a molten core or may be hollow.
This morning I envisioned a beautiful picture for a brief moment and then it disappeared but not before it indelibly left its imprint.
It was a strip mall. All the buildings were painted an antique white, no windows and each had its own front door with a door knob, not the electronic doors we're used to seeing. There was a pale blue sky with a diffused sun which obliquely painted the landscape. The picture reminded me of being in the Mediterranean. In front of the strip mall was a long concrete walkway and an asphalt drive. There was no sound, no cars, no people and no trees. It appeared to be devoid of life.
I somehow felt that the doors on each of the buildings were of significance but didn't know why until I did some research and happened across a philosopher by the name of Emanuel Swedenborg. I recommend you search Amazon or other book stores for more information on this most interesting man whose spiritual insight in general is amazing but the one concerning the meaning of doors is really interesting.
Some of what I found is presented for you, below:
A door and a door-post signify communication and conjunction. Angels and spirits have habitations which appear quite like those which are in the world (AC 1116, 1626-1628, 1631, 4622), and-what is a secret each and all things that appear in their habitations are significant of spiritual things; for they flow forth from the spiritual things which are in heaven, and which are consequently in their minds. Communications of truth with good are there presented to view by means of doors, and conjunctions by means of door-posts, and other things by the rooms themselves, by the courts, by the windows, and by the various adornments. That this is so, a man at this day, especially one who is merely natural, cannot believe, because such things are not manifest to the senses of the body. Nevertheless that such things were seen by the prophets when their interiors had been opened into heaven, is evident from the Word. They have also been perceived and seen by me a thousand times. I have moreover frequently heard them say, when their thoughts were in communication with me, that the doors of their rooms were opened, and when they did not communicate, that they were closed. ~
Merriam Webster Dictionary (Communication): A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour.
Merriam Webster Dictionary (Conjunction): Combination; occurrence together in time or space.
Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688 - 1772
Sunday, December 3, 2017
What is a Super Moon?
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Pass It On
What inheritance will you pass on to your children?
We bring our inheritance with us when we're born: our DNA, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Based on our decisions in life we will choose to add positive notes to our inheritance or negative ones.
If we're born into a loving family chances are our inheritance will be enhanced by positive notes. Born into an uncaring family the chances are the notes will be sour.
Public education and religion also play a big part in shaping our lives.
Have you thought about the many ways you are shaped by who and by what?
There are many influences today on our lives, especially on young people as they are the most easily influenced and vulnerable.
In this lifetime what you allow to influence you will be either positive or negative.
So how do we tell them apart? Well it has to do with how they make us feel. If we feel we've helped someone or settled a dispute that's a good (positive) thing. If, on the other hand, we join a mob to destroy things and hurt others, that's a bad (negative) thing.
Family plays an integral role in shaping our lives especially when it comes to a fork in the road and we're undecided or just can't figure out the best thing to do.
When you reach the point in your life where you can do some soul searching, what will your result be? Your inheritance choices whether negative or positive will have an impact on others and directly result in the direction the world goes.
Do we owe this world anything? Yes, we do.
If on the one hand you just don't care about peace and making the world a better place, then you've wasted your time here.
If on the other hand you choose to promote peace, your small contribution will only multiply as others decide to follow your example.
So what will it be? Will you choose a life of bitterness, resentment, anger and hostility?
Or will it be a life of compassion and love?
~Peace starts with yourself and grows~
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