Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Operation "Drain the Swamp"


Today is Pearl Harbor Day in which a surprise attack by the Japanese took place in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii seventy-six years ago which began America’s involvement in World War II.

And, once again, we find that this country is in peril.    

Today we’re under attack but, this time, it is by our own politicians who swore an oath to protect and defend her.    

How many years does it take for cancer to metastasize? 

We now have a president in office who is unlike any we’ve had before. 

Instead of siding with either party he is siding with the American People, faithfully fulfilling his campaign promises and executing his duties as President.    

Apparently this isn’t sitting well with a number of hostile Democrats and Republicans.

Instead of rallying around the president and helping him, they are in open revolt.
And the President is calling them out, as he should. 

Actually they are, collectively, helping him out by doing a bang up job of exposing themselves as sexual miscreants (no pun intended).

President Trump is the skilled surgeon who was called in to treat the patient.  He knows that in order for the patient to have a chance of surviving, he first has to excise all the rot.        

The malignant, open sore which is the Swamp is in the process of being lanced and drained.
And we never would have known the existence of nor the extent of this corruption if Hillary Clinton had been elected.      

The President was called forth by the American People to do a job and he’s doing it.

His family and administration need our support and our prayers, not our contempt.

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