Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, December 4, 2017

Not Just Your Ordinary Strip Mall

There is a hidden stratum in the universe.  We can't see them but every so often they reveal themselves through visions, dreams, intuitive thoughts.  This stratum can manifest in shapes, colors patterns and pictures.   

As we slowly evolve into a deeper understanding of who we are I believe these intuitive insights will expand, thus opening many doors for us.     

As part of the ongoing transmission presently taking place, scientists now admit they really don't have a clue about many of the things they once proclaimed to us as gospel truth.  Their ideas and postulations are only theories.

For example they now believe that there are far more planets than previously thought.  That mankind may not have originated from the African Continent but elsewhere.  That humans have existed on this planet thousands of years earlier than what we've been led to believe.  There's even talk about the Big Bang Theory not being the way the universe happened according to science but something else entirely different.  Arguments are going back and forth if the earth has a molten core or may be hollow.          

This morning I envisioned a beautiful picture for a brief moment and then it disappeared but not before it indelibly left its imprint.   

It was a strip mall.  All the buildings were painted an antique white, no windows and each had its own front door with a door knob, not the electronic doors we're used to seeing.  There was a pale blue sky with a diffused sun which obliquely painted the landscape.  The picture reminded me of being in the Mediterranean.  In front of the strip mall was a long concrete walkway and an asphalt drive.  There was no sound, no cars, no people and no trees.  It appeared to be devoid of life.   

I somehow felt that the doors on each of the buildings were of significance but didn't know why until I did some research and happened across a philosopher by the name of Emanuel Swedenborg.  I recommend you search Amazon or other book stores for more information on this most interesting man whose spiritual insight in general is amazing but the one concerning the meaning of doors is really interesting. 

Some of what I found is presented for you, below:  

A door and a door-post signify communication and conjunction. Angels and spirits have habitations which appear quite like those which are in the world (AC 1116, 1626-1628, 1631, 4622), and-what is a secret each and all things that appear in their habitations are significant of spiritual things; for they flow forth from the spiritual things which are in heaven, and which are consequently in their minds. Communications of truth with good are there presented to view by means of doors, and conjunctions by means of door-posts, and other things by the rooms themselves, by the courts, by the windows, and by the various adornments. That this is so, a man at this day, especially one who is merely natural, cannot believe, because such things are not manifest to the senses of the body. Nevertheless that such things were seen by the prophets when their interiors had been opened into heaven, is evident from the Word. They have also been perceived and seen by me a thousand times. I have moreover frequently heard them say, when their thoughts were in communication with me, that the doors of their rooms were opened, and when they did not communicate, that they were closed.  ~

Merriam Webster Dictionary (Communication):   A process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour.

Merriam Webster Dictionary (Conjunction):  Combination; occurrence together in time or space. 

Emanuel Swedenborg, 1688 - 1772

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