Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Pass It On

What inheritance will you pass on to your children? 

We bring our inheritance with us when we're born:  our DNA, personality, strengths and weaknesses.  Based on our decisions in life we will choose to add positive notes to our inheritance or negative ones.  

If we're born into a loving family chances are our inheritance will be enhanced by positive notes.  Born into an uncaring family the chances are the notes will be sour.             

Public education and religion also play a big part in shaping our lives. 

Have you thought about the many ways you are shaped by who and by what?      

There are many influences today on our lives, especially on young people as they are the most easily influenced and vulnerable.   

In this lifetime what you allow to influence you will be either positive or negative.

So how do we tell them apart?  Well it has to do with how they make us feel.  If we feel we've helped someone or settled a dispute that's a good (positive) thing.  If, on the other hand, we join a mob to destroy things and hurt others, that's a bad (negative) thing.

Family plays an integral role in shaping our lives especially when it comes to a fork in the road and we're undecided or just can't figure out the best thing to do.

When you reach the point in your life where you can do some soul searching, what will your result be?  Your inheritance choices whether negative or positive will have an impact on others and directly result in the direction the world goes.     

Do we owe this world anything?  Yes, we do.

If on the one hand you just don't care about peace and making the world a better place, then you've wasted your time here.

If on the other hand you choose to promote peace, your small contribution will only multiply as others decide to follow your example.            

So what will it be?  Will you choose a life of bitterness, resentment, anger and hostility? 

Or will it be a life of compassion and love?   

~Peace starts with yourself and grows~

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