Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Maze Runner
Do any of you feel you've got it altogether right now? That you're on the right path? That something has finally clicked inside after all these years and you finally feel you've turned a corner? You did something right and now feel more connected with who you are than at any other time?
Well, if you do, don't let that feeling become a stranger. Learn what makes it grow and nurture it.
Well, I'm feeling this exact thing right now. I post about what I believe Life is all about (an unfolding, like a rose, a labryinth or a maze where we are presented with so many choices in life (and the choice(s) we make point us in a certain direction), stepping stones and learning from our mistakes.
Don't get me wrong, the Train of Life makes stops along the way where we can get off and do a reevaluation if necessary so the original path we chose can be altered.
Anyway, when you feel like this (so positive and so good about yourself) it's almost like coming home you're feeling so exhilarated. It's actually hard to describe this feeling as it feels so good. You instinctively know that all your years of hard work and struggling with things you couldn't make sense of have finally paid off because you didn't give up.
I am feeling so inspired right now, so hopeful and so encouraged. It's like a pat on the back from someone you've admired for a long time and had no idea it was coming.
We all want "quick fixes" in our lives. It's easy to sit back and let somebody else do all the heavy lifting but this is where we make our first serious mistake. If we're really serious about our direction in life we have to realize that the final outcome is going to depend mostly on us, what we do or don't do as we're the one to get us over the finish line.
Anyway, just thought I'd post this to let you know we never, never, never stop growing and never, never stop learning. I should know. I'm approaching 80.
I'm thinking of starting a YT Video on Life and what It's All About. Let me know what you think. Y
And, don't ever listen to or trust someone who tells you, "I have all the answers."
Nobody does. That's why we keep struggling and making mistakes and learning and keep on going (just like the Energizer Bunny).
Hang in there!
~ Blessings,
Monday, May 28, 2018
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Friday, May 25, 2018
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Is It Okay to Give Up?
-Yes. We all do at some point in our lives and it (more than likely ) may be more than once. Then the question is do we want to keep striving forward or are we just way too beat up and tired to even try anymore? The answer is, it's up to us and there's no shame whether it's a yes or a no.
What can I tell you about this thing called Life? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is the word Enigma. Enigma means: Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. (The Free Dictionary).
Okay, I think we can all agree that Life is unpredictable, a roller coaster, complicated, complex, difficult, baffling, and a whole host of other things yet we're all right smack dab in the middle of it. So, do we continue to ignore it or start engaging with it because that's what Life wants you to do.
One thing we need, in order to move forward, is a plan. I cannot emphasize this enough.
When we're haphazard in our approach to things and then it blows up in our faces, we really can't complain or blame others. Leaving things to chance means that things will start to unravel and take on a life of their own and we will find, regrettably, that many will not be to our liking.
A bunch of you just graduated from high school. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Now what? Where do you go from here? Now is a good time to do an assessment of yourselves and put a plan together. Are you off to college or a job or a technical school or are you just hanging out?
What, exactly, do you plan to do with the rest of your life?
Will you continue to be just an observer, sitting on the sidelines, or decide that Life needs your super special qualifications and jump in with both feet?
Will you be in control of your life or continue to leave it up to chance?
Many of you have a passion for something and know where you're going, what you want to do. Many of you are still trying to figure out where you fit in. Each one of us is unique and equipped with our own timetable.
In some cases it takes Humpty Dumpty to fall off the wall in order to put all the pieces back together.
In either case remember this, you are not a throw away, no matter what you've been through, no matter how many stupid things you did.
You are a valuable piece of the puzzle and once you connect with your purpose the pieces will come together and nothing will stop you.
Remember, you're not here by chance but on purpose so get going.
So get going.
I believe in you.
~ Blessings,
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Friday, May 18, 2018
I've Got Your Back, Do You Have Mine?
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Trust: Dependence on something, Hope |
Examples of trust:
1. When your parents let you borrow the car.
2. Confidence in knowing you will do the right thing.
3. Tying the knot.
4. Telling your dog to stay put.
5. Knowing the sun will rise tomorrow.
6. Faith in God.
7. Trust in the future.
8. Trusting yourself.
9. Teamwork.
10. A baby.
Today many people don't know what trust is. Too many broken homes, too many broken lives and too many broken promises are all they've known. How can you trust anyone when all you've been around are only those people who know how to use you for their own selfish purposes? They don't care who they hurt only their egos.
Developing trust is two fold. It is something we learn, over time and something that is teachable.
We can go only so far in this world, on our own, but with support from others we can go further.
Teamwork is a big part of military training because if you can't trust your teammates in the thick of battle to do their jobs then where does that leave the mission and, more importantly, you?
Goes for civilian life, too. If you've been tasked with a project and deadline, you can go it alone for a while but isn't it better to have a group of people around you can count on (trust) to help you get the job done?
What about sports? This is another example of where successful teamwork is required to win the game whether it be basketball, football or baseball.
Do you trust yourself? Do you have friends you can trust?
Has anyone in your life promised you something and then let you down?
Remember, You are creating your future, one day at a time and trust is a big part of it. Without trust you are going to have an even harder time accomplishing things.
So take a moment and reflect on this, "Trust that you have the skills to succeed and that whatever you hope for (trust) and work toward will turn out exactly the way you envisioned it.
~ Blessings,
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
A Positive Move
Monday, May 14, 2018

From the Movie, "Interstellar"
We stare at one another, You and I. I've come to the conclusion that I've always known You because you've always been here, neatly and safely tucked away inside me.
At an early age I learned of your presence but because I wasn't ready to confront the truth of what You had to tell me, I kept you locked up and imprisoned.
In this way I didn't have to experience how You made me feel, how You were able to unearth so many hurtful memories and feelings, bringing them to the surface, that at the time I was unable to, I couldn't and didn't want to deal with.
And yet it was all because of You, because You knew in order for me to heal and become whole, I would eventually have to turn and face them.
This, I learned, after many years of walking this earth. Thank You.
I have found that your persistence, your emergence was all about awakening that part of me that needed awakening in order to heal, that part of me I've kept hidden for so long.
In my feeblest moments, in my darkest moments, in my weakest moments in which I let my guard down with you, You, My Shadow Self, would appear like fine tobacco smoke, slowly turning and twisting through the still air, watching me as I was watching you in my solitary repose, a smokey grey and benign apparition hovering over me.
I would recline in my easy chair and watch You, trying to figure You out, your next move, cigarette in hand and a glass of red wine in the other while you probed me, teased me, challenged me and in an effort to get my attention, flirted and danced over my head.
I never really liked how You made me feel though, as you were capable of dredging up long held, deep seated, repressed and hurtful emotions. And yet, through the years, I came to realize You were not to blame nor to be feared but to be welcomed, as Your emerging presence meant I was finally on the road to healing.
I was no longer afraid to confront my inner demons but eager to do so and to hell with the world! I am who I am and know now I am a masterpiece in the making, as WE All ARE.
I found myself.
I am loved.
I am wanted.
I am worthy.
I have purpose.
I Am Whole.~
Mission Accomplished
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Friday, May 11, 2018
Knot Me!
Do you follow through with things? Another definition for follow though is bringing things to completion. This is an important precursor to learning self discipline and success in life and starts at a young age. If your mother asks you to take out the garbage, do you? Or, are you resentful and resort to making excuses like, "I'll get around to it" and then forget to do what was asked of you?
What about making your bed? Do you get up in the morning leaving it in a disheveled mess or do you take the time to straighten it out?
How do you feel about showing up on time to class or an appointment? Is this important to you? --It should be.
Humans are three things, body, mind and spirit. In society today these are treated as separate parts of us but the truth is the three are intuitively interconnected.
Our mission is to get all three of them to talk to one another and then learn to work together and harmonize in order for us to achieve success in life.
When we realize this, it is the beginning of a turning point in our lives.
The trouble is most of us if not all of us put this discipline off (myself included) and then are faced with untying the knot we've made of our lives.
How much easier and simpler if we just listened to the advice given in the beginning which helps start us off on the right foot.
It's not too late to make a change. If what I've posted here hits home then that's good as the message has successfully resonated with you.
~ Blessings,
What about making your bed? Do you get up in the morning leaving it in a disheveled mess or do you take the time to straighten it out?
How do you feel about showing up on time to class or an appointment? Is this important to you? --It should be.
Humans are three things, body, mind and spirit. In society today these are treated as separate parts of us but the truth is the three are intuitively interconnected.
Our mission is to get all three of them to talk to one another and then learn to work together and harmonize in order for us to achieve success in life.
When we realize this, it is the beginning of a turning point in our lives.
The trouble is most of us if not all of us put this discipline off (myself included) and then are faced with untying the knot we've made of our lives.
How much easier and simpler if we just listened to the advice given in the beginning which helps start us off on the right foot.
It's not too late to make a change. If what I've posted here hits home then that's good as the message has successfully resonated with you.
~ Blessings,
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Richard to Human: "Your Question Requires Some Deep Soul Searching"
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Richard the Gorilla Posing for the Camera |
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Heaven Scent
I’m folding in on myself
This warmth
and love
I’m feeling
is inclusive,
I look back and see
Light and shadow
They are who I am
Light and shadow
They are who I am
Take a
moment and
Embrace both
Bring them
Let them intermingle
To produce a
Of the the finest, rare wine
This sweet and intimate
This quiet interlude
Is the vine clinging
to the trellis
sunshine and without rain
It produces no
Even in the
midst of all
The chaos
and the turmoil
You now know
who you are
For you are the
fruit of the vine
From one to
I love you
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Release Me!
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Light a Candle |
How many of you are crying right now? How many of you are sticking a needle in your vein? How many of you are staggering around drunk and way past caring about anything anymore? How many of you, it's one pill after another? How many of you are so miserable so full of self hate, feeling unwanted, confused, unloved, misunderstood, discouraged and angry that you don't know what to do, who or where to turn to? You've been feeling this way for so long you've lost all faith.
~ ~ ~
Take a minute, step back and center yourself (get your bearings). Light a candle if you wish.
Now repeat this out loud and with conviction: "I release all guilt, anger, remorse, and whatever else is hurting me and preventing me from living my true and purposeful life. I do so now, knowing full well that the universe has heard my affirmation of wanting healthy and meaningful change and is bringing it about. I immediately sever all ties with what is harmful in my life that separates me from my true self of feeling loved, happy and whole. I no longer give power to those hurtful things but consciously move away from them as they no longer serve me. I affirm my new role and place in the universe as a complete human being. This I proclaim with confidence, love and joy. So Mote it Be"!
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Friday, May 4, 2018
The Creature From the Black Lagoon
"Chivalry is Dead and Women Are To Blame."
Are any of you young guys or older guys finding yourselves soundly rebuffed or experiencing resistance as a woman or girl opposes your attempt to open a car door for them, send them flowers, or offer advice (when asked) or saying something nice to them?
There appears to be a new war on men and boys underway today to do away with masculinity and courtesy altogether as Feminists now consider Masculinity as a threat. A movement is taking shape in an attempt to rewrite male history. It appears that, once again, something good is being targeted in favor of someone's distorted view. Feminists have now seized upon and are dominating this conversation in an effort to denounce and demonize the male role in society.
"Could this be part of the fallout from the #Me Too Movement?"
Males have always dominated the scene (known as Male Dominance to Feminists and the Left) and been first The Protectors in society followed by Fighters and Lovers. Their male structure and stature allowing them to stand up to bullies, fight wars but also, lovingly embrace their role as husbands, fathers, providers and nurturers.
Does this new war on men and boys mean that women want what men have and somehow are now deeply jealous of what they possess such as dominance and power?
To set the record straight we all know that men are different from women in appearance, how they think and physical qualities. In addition, men have always been those to whom we first turn to for help.
Women have always been known as the weaker sex but now it appears that some females are pushing back as they defiantly try to rewrite history.
These feminists have their panties in a wad and, together, remind me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon. They have an axe to grind; are angry and vengeful, resentful of their past roles as the weaker sex and are now, out for change and payback.
I'm here to say that I, for one don't give a cr@p about their grievances. I appreciate you guys and the role you play, have played and continue to play in my life.
And, please don't change who you are, what you are, because some lunatic fringe has just gone bonkers.
I honor you, respect you and thank you for all you have done as essential male role models to all of us women and girls as our mentors, guides, protectors, partners, interpreters and helpers.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Robert Mueller
Who art
Son of God?
Or son of frau?
Makes one
Doesn’t it
What I think,
You’re full
of sh!t
Robert Mueller
Hath no
Quick to
To others blame
Robert Mueller
Neglects the
Opting, instead
For rope
with noose
Robert Mueller
But you don’t
It’s prostitution
You’re out
for blood
To hell
and back
finding out
You’re the lead wolf pack
You’re to
Playing with
In which no one
Except of
The Democrats
Who are hell
And on fast
To take Trump down
Anyway they can
And see it played out
On C-Span
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