Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Creature From the Black Lagoon

"Chivalry is Dead and Women Are To Blame."

Are any of you young guys or older guys finding yourselves soundly rebuffed or experiencing resistance as a woman or girl opposes your attempt to open a car door for them, send them flowers, or offer advice (when asked) or saying something nice to them?

There appears to be a new war on men and boys underway today to do away with masculinity and courtesy altogether as Feminists now consider Masculinity as a threat.  A movement is taking shape in an attempt to rewrite male history.  It appears that, once again, something good is being targeted in favor of someone's distorted view.  Feminists have now seized upon and are dominating this conversation in an effort to denounce and demonize the male role in society.

"Could this be part of the fallout from the #Me Too Movement?"

Males have always dominated the scene (known as Male Dominance to Feminists and the Left) and been first The Protectors in society followed by Fighters and Lovers.  Their male structure and stature allowing them to stand up to bullies, fight wars but also, lovingly embrace their role as husbands, fathers, providers and nurturers.

Does this new war on men and boys mean that women want what men have and somehow are now deeply jealous of what they possess such as dominance and power?  

To set the record straight we all know that men are different from women in appearance, how they think and physical qualities.  In addition, men have always been those to whom we first turn to for help.

Women have always been known as the weaker sex but now it appears that some females are pushing back as they defiantly try to rewrite history.   

These feminists have their panties in a wad and, together, remind me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon.  They have an axe to grind; are angry and vengeful, resentful of their past roles as the weaker sex and are now, out for change and payback.

I'm here to say that I, for one don't give a cr@p about their grievances.  I appreciate you guys and the role you play, have played and continue to play in my life. 

And, please don't change who you are, what you are, because some lunatic fringe has just gone bonkers. 

I honor you, respect you and thank you for all you have done as essential male role models to all of us women and girls as our mentors, guides, protectors, partners, interpreters and helpers.   

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