Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Saturday, June 30, 2018
Thursday, June 28, 2018
"Tis a Mistake to think this Fault
[tyranny] is proper only to Monarchies; other Forms of Government are
liable to it, as well as that. For where-ever the Power that is put in
any hands for the Government of the People, and the Preservation of
their Properties, is applied to other ends, and made use of to
impoverish, harass, or subdue them to the Arbitrary and Irregular
Commands of those that have it: There it presently becomes Tyranny,
whether those that thus use it are one or many."
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist John.Locke.Quote.A3DC
-- John Locke
(1632-1704) English philosopher and political theorist
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
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Boy Scout Motto, "Be Prepared" |
Organization, what is it? Well, it's a method by which you get the clutter out of your life, get your act together, your life together and create a baseline from which to start planning for your future. You can't make intelligent decisions when you're head is full of a zillion things and you're tripping over everything. And, being organized can sometimes mean the difference between life and death.
These last few months the urge to go through things, sort things, discard things that I don't need anymore, sell or give away is nagging me. And I'm finding that my friends and neighbors feel the same way I do and are getting rid of stuff.
When these thoughts come at me and won't leave me alone, there's a reason why so I stick with the task until it's done. These days there's no telling what's going to happen anymore, what's just around the corner that will catch us off guard unexpectedly and leave us helpless. So it's best to be cognizant of this and plan accordingly, as best you can. A plan, no matter how small is better than no plan at all.
Keep your gas tank filled, stock up on bottled water, canned goods and other necessities. It doesn't hurt to have a sleeping bag, a small hand held radio, a couple of pillows, a med kit and energy bars in the trunk of your car. Have a map of the roads near your home or apartment and a plan to exit the city or town where you live, if you need to make it to friends or relatives.
Get Prepared. Be Prepared. Stay Prepared.
There's a lot of craziness going on in the world right now.
~ Blessings,
Monday, June 25, 2018
Save a Life (it might just be yours)
Do a small kindness every day
Say, "you're sorry"
Let the person standing behind you in line go first
Compliment someone
Take time to smell the roses
Take a nice, hot shower
Dim the lights, light a candle and pour yourself a drink
Listen to Meditation Music
Take up gardening
Hang a beautiful picture on your wall
Pay for someone's groceries
Make your bed
Visit a nursing home
Feed the homeless
Thank G-d for your blessings
Kiss a baby
Hug your kids
Be faithful
Be honest
Be patient
Be respectful
Praise G-d
Do your homework
Clean your room
Brush your teeth
Strive to be the best you can
Remember birthdays and anniversaries
Save your money
Stay healthy
Surround yourself with positive friends
If you can think of anymore, add them to this list...
~ Blessings,
Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
How many of you are used to completing tasks? How many of you are not? How many of you have been given a school assignment and halfway through decided you didn't like the subject, it was too difficult, something else in your life was more important at the time or you didn't like the teacher?
Follow through on things is an important part of growing up and enables us to achieve some sort of success in life. That's one reason we're in school to, hopefully, learn something of importance, along with structure and discipline.
If you can get away with not completing a basic school assignment, what makes you think you're equipped to handle a marriage, a job or complete basic training?
How does one achieve this discipline? In the majority of cases we start off on the wrong foot because we're stubborn; --"nobody's gonna make me do this", etc., or we're too intimidated to ask what we perceive may be a stupid question. There are a variety of reasons.
The good part is when someone comes along and points this out to us, letting us know we're on the wrong path and that this inability to follow through on things will adversely affect us later on in life.
Now we've been alerted to something that is hindering our life path and our growth.
But the longer we let our stubbornness or our fear (or whatever it happens to be) be the determining factor, we will be unable to make strides toward success.
If this post happens to describe you then it was meant for you. If not, hooray, you apparently don't have this problem. But for you that do, now's the time to take action before this bad habit becomes a permanent one.
Get your act together before life does it for you. The sooner the better.
~ Nightshade
Friday, June 15, 2018
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Monday, June 11, 2018
Deep Dive
There is no rigid definition to Life.
You are the Wanderer, the One who wants answers, the One with so many questions regarding Life's who's, why's, where's and what's.
You've waited so long, desperately trying to figure yourself out and make answers fit questions but nothing adds up. You don't know it yet but you've done your time, completed your homework and are now ready to cross a hidden threshold.
You've climbed up the ladder and are standing on the end of a diving board looking down at the clear blue water below. Now you're wondering what will happen once you leave the safety of this diving board. What awaits me once I surrender myself into moving forward as I take this deep dive?
What awaits you is a clear path, a transfiguration, a transformation, a deeply personal and moving metamorphosis bringing all separate parts of you together. Your long separation over and all your questions answered in this poignant moment of rebirth. You finally come face to face with every inch of you, everything you've ever experienced or thought or done is made known, lifted up to the light and resolved.
You push away your fear and steady yourself on the board, breathing in deeply and then slowly exhaling as you feel your body respond. You sense something extraordinary happening. You are letting go, finally giving yourself permission to release what doesn't work for you anymore and resolve the many issues that have plagued you for so long.
You arch forward and feel yourself falling, falling, falling and then, nothingness.
This deep, dark, pure and limitless void you find yourself in is devoid of boundaries and where you finally have an opportunity to make peace with yourself. It is teeming with possibilities and pregnant with love, forgiveness and compassion providing all the potential needed for creating life. This space is able to receive one tormented soul and turn it around, allowing it to view both its light and dark sides and bring them together. Like hesitantly peering into a foggy mirror and seeing one image superimposed over the other.
Remember the void in which G-d was able to create Heaven and Earth? Remember The Fool Card (No. Zero) in Tarot? The Fool Card is the first step of your journey on earth. It is the void, the empty space, the chamber, the sanctuary, the womb which enabled you to manifest. This void nurtures and protects each one of us as we slowly emerge from our sanctuary and into the role we will play on earth. And, Rebirth can happen at any time during a lifetime and at any age.
You've received the answers to your questions: Life is complex yet simple, light yet dark, strange yet familiar, sorrowful yet joyful. Life is the who, the what, the why and the where of by which we're here. Life is us.
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters". Genesis 1:v.2
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Charles Krauthammer - I Only Have Weeks to Live
Wise Up Before Time's Up
I was at a funeral home last night for a visitation. Family and friends gathered together to honor and remember a loved one.
No matter how many times I have seen death, no matter how many times I've been with a loved one when they took their last breath, it always amazes me how we come into life, are full of life, live our life and then exit our life.
Anne was a neighbor of mine. I saw her on May 23 and was immediately struck by her appearance. She wasn't the Anne I was used to seeing. She was wearing a back brace and using a walker to get around. She was stooped over, gaunt and had lost much weight but she still had that sweet smile on her face like everything's alright with the world. You could tell she was in considerable pain.
I told her I would come by and do some healing massage. She looked up at me and smiled. I didn't know that this would be the last day I would see her. I found out they admitted her to the hospital the next day and did an MRI. Anne had Cancer and it had spread throughout her body. She had only days to live.
She was sent back home and Hospice called in. On Friday, June 1, at 2:00 p.m., Anne died.
I will always remember Anne and that sweet smile and how everything was right with the world.
Every time she answered the phone she would say, "Praise the Lord."
So today think on these things: The miracle you are and how you will spend your time here.
We just never know when our time is up. Spend it wisely.
Praise the Lord.
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
"D" Day also known as Liberation Day - June 6, 1944
Monday, June 4, 2018
You're Grounded!
In our hectic world, who has time to listen to anything soothing and calming? Instead, all we get is noise and we're bombarded with it from morning to night.
To secure our survival in this world, it is imperative we discover our inner self. In order to do this we need to find our sanctuary. A place we turn to when the going gets rough. Where we can pray, unwind, meditate and contemplate.
It could be a small room in your home or apartment, taking the dog out for a walk, doing some gardening or taking a stroll through a forest or park.
Have you ever listened to silence? You'd be surprised just how healing and recuperative this can be. Try it.
There is so much we don't know about this world, the planet we live on and ourselves. Hell, we don't even know why things happen or why things don't happen. They just happen.
What is normal? It seems like we get a sprinkling of normal every so often, otherwise it's abnormal.
And when something does happen that grabs our attention, it takes time for us to grasp its significance because of our limited understanding.
As an example of this, look at the big island of Hawaii and what's happening there today. People are having to evacuate their homes as things are getting way too dangerous. Lava has now flowed into a fresh water lake and the lake no longer exists because the extreme heat has dried it up. Scientists are admitting they don't know what's in store as more unexpected vents are opening up around the volcano Kilauea. And, yesterday, the big island experienced 500 earthquakes.
My sister called today. Yesterday where she is, the temp was 86 degrees and this morning, 46 degrees. Everyone's wearing an overcoat. Livestock, plants and crops are feeling the affect of heavy rains for weeks along with extreme heat and humidity. She's never seen anything like this.
Cracks and sinkholes in the earth's crust are opening up around the world. Some due to heavy rain and others? Volcanoes that have been dormant are now coming to life. Maybe these are signs of something coming (an event of some sort) we're totally unaware of but slowly, we're getting nudged to take notice.
So, it's high time we all get grounded. Below is how it works:
The top wire on a power pole is known as an overhead ground wire (also known as the neutral: the path that completes the electric circuit). It's primary job is to protect the other wires below it from a lightning strike. So, if lightning does strike this top wire it provides a low resistance path to ground (to stop the lightning from shorting out the other three wires.)
The question is, which path will you take?
~ Blessings,
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