Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, June 4, 2018

You're Grounded!

In our hectic world, who has time to listen to anything soothing and calming?  Instead, all we get is noise and we're bombarded with it from morning to night.     

To secure our survival in this world, it is imperative we discover our inner self.  In order to do this we need to find our sanctuary.  A place we turn to when the going gets rough.  Where we can pray, unwind, meditate and contemplate.

It could be a small room in your home or apartment, taking the dog out for a walk, doing some gardening or taking a stroll through a forest or park.

Have you ever listened to silence?  You'd be surprised just how healing and recuperative this can be.  Try it.  

There is so much we don't know about this world, the planet we live on and ourselves.  Hell, we don't even know why things happen or why things don't happen.  They just happen.

What is normal?  It seems like we get a sprinkling of normal every so often, otherwise it's abnormal.

And when something does happen that grabs our attention, it takes time for us to grasp its significance because of our limited understanding.

As an example of this, look at the big island of Hawaii and what's happening there today.  People are having to evacuate their homes as things are getting way too dangerous.  Lava has now flowed into a fresh water lake and the lake no longer exists because the extreme heat has dried it up.   Scientists are admitting they don't know what's in store as more unexpected vents are opening up around the volcano Kilauea.  And, yesterday, the big island experienced 500 earthquakes.

My sister called today.  Yesterday where she is, the temp was 86 degrees and this morning, 46 degrees.  Everyone's wearing an overcoat.  Livestock, plants and crops are feeling the affect of heavy rains for weeks along with extreme heat and humidity.  She's never seen anything like this.

Cracks and sinkholes in the earth's crust are opening up around the world.  Some due to heavy rain  and others?  Volcanoes that have been dormant are now coming to life.  Maybe these are signs of something coming (an event of some sort) we're totally unaware of but slowly, we're getting nudged to take notice. 

So, it's high time we all get grounded.  Below is how it works:   

The top wire on a power pole is known as an overhead ground wire (also known as the neutral:  the path that completes the electric circuit).  It's primary job is to protect the other wires below it from a lightning strike.  So, if lightning does strike this top wire it provides a low resistance path to ground (to stop the lightning from shorting out the other three wires.)

The question is, which path will you take?  
         ~ Blessings,

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