Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Yesterday you were rattled and anxious but today is different. Do you feel more settled and good about yourself?
Envision a whirlpool and how the water flows around the center pulling things in. Sometimes whirlpools are powerful and unforgiving but this one isn't as the water is gently being pulled toward the center.
The water represents the four cardinal elements:
Air (East - Winter); Fire (South - Spring): Earth (North - Autumn) and Water (West - Summer).
So, you see, we're all being pulled together and connecting with one another.
Tomorrow, July 27, is a full moon, total lunar eclipse and a Mars conjunction.
Today (or tomorrow before the eclipse) would be a good day to make a wish and count your blessings.
Think about all the things that make you happy; your accomplishments and achievements; how far you've come and all the kindness you've bestowed on others that gave their lives meaning.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Zero Water
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"No Water, No Life" |
We use water every day, water to drink, brush our teeth with, wash our hands and shower with. What would you do if you turned your faucet on and nothing came out?
You cannot flush a toilet without water. If you have no water in the holding tank there is no water pressure to flush the contents down the drain and into the sewer or septic tank. It doesn't matter whether you live in the city or in a rural community. Doesn't matter if you have a septic tank or city sewer. If the water turns off it will not be accessible to anyone.
Water doesn't just miraculously flow up and out of the ground and into your home. It has to be primed, pumped and plumbed from water sources either large overhead tanks that hold millions of gallons of water (the kind you see on spindly legs in rural communities) or siphoned out of lakes and reservoirs for big city use.
Water is used in baby formula, nuclear power plants, hospitals and hotels, fire departments, restaurants, bars and pubs, agriculture, livestock production and farming, manufacturing, whether it's the steel industry, bottling plants, or cooking the ingredients necessary for processing food.
Water is indispensable. We cannot do without it yet we don't even don't even give it a second thought as to how important and vital it is in our lives until we don't have access to it.
The reason I'm sharing this with you is because, today, I'm up close and personal with not having any water in my house as the main unit on the well, the submersible motor control unit containing the capacitor (both receive and send) and regulator is most likely fried due to heavy cycling of the well pump that occurred last winter.
This post is to acquaint you with where our drinking water comes from, how it is plumbed into our house and how we're able to turn on a faucet in the kitchen or bath and have hot or cold water, on demand.
The well pump (in my case, at the end of a 150' drop) is the device that sucks the water up and out of a water source such as an aquifer and pumps it into a holding tank complete with a bladder, where it is pressurized.
The original problem started this past winter when I found I had a water leak in some underground plumbing I didn't know was there that was going out to an old abandoned well. (The plumbing was never capped off).
I was unaware it was leaching out for days until I happened upon it by accident. During this time I hadn't seen any noticeable drop in water pressure when I turned on the kitchen faucet or flushed the toilet or I would have started to look sooner for any leaks.
It turned out the water had been leaching out for days that turned into weeks and weeks into months before I found it and had caused the well pump to cycle excessively (turning on and off for months) wearing out the motor.
Now I'm having to pour water into toilets to flush them and using bottled water to wash my hands and dishes. I also have livestock that depend on water and will be faced with other alternatives if I can't fix the problem soon.
I've been mulling buying one of those 2500 gal. black holding tanks for extra water supply and now know I'm not putting it off as I don't want to be caught short again. At least I'll have a backup, ready supply of water in the event I'm ever faced with another water crisis.
But you,what would you do? Would you even know where to begin in this type of emergency or even what to do? You would have to be familiar with the workings of a well pump, don't you think?
Do you even know how water is piped into your house? Do you know what a capacitor is and its function? How about a regulator, what exactly does it do?
These might sound like stupid questions but actually if you take the time to learn a little bit about how things work it will help you understand how things that are so vital to our health and well being are constructed, the whos the whys the whats the what fors and begin to realize the complexity involved in order to provide us with those things we can't do without.
This type of knowledge is well worth your time and begs your respect.
Think about how much water you use every day; how plentiful it is, how accessible it is and then think about how your life would change if you didn't have it. How are you going to wash your hands, flush the toilet, take a bath or just turn the faucet on and fill a glass?
Remember this saying, "we never know how much we're gonna miss something until it's gone."
Your water's turned off. You don't have access to it anymore. How long before the grocery store shelves are cleaned out of bottled water? How long before they can even restock it? How long before there is no more bottled water, for anyone, anywhere?
How long before you start to panic?
Think about it. How would you cope? And don't tell me it can't happen. I'm dealing with a water crisis right now.
Suggestion: If you don't have a plan make one. It can be as simple as buying some cases of bottled water and storing them in your house or apartment.
Maybe you'll decide to take a trip to the local water department and ask some really good and relevant questions or, maybe, you'll decide to join the local water board.
In any case your interest has been piqued.
The rest is up to you.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
May the Force Be With You
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Kundalini |
How do you stay spiritual in an evil world? It's difficult but necessary if you want to survive. How do you become spiritual? Becoming spiritual is a learned skill. First you either have a gut wrenching experience that puts you face to face with your Creator or you are just curious about gurus, yoga and Kundalini which is your Life Force or Primal Energy. Maybe it's a deep hunger for another way to live your life as you're fed up with where you are now.
In any case, getting to know yourself, rising above yourself and discovering your role in life is important not only because the information you acquire will center and ground you (enable you to handle what life dishes out) but you will begin to think and act differently, attracting others who want to know "what happened to you?" You will become a "light worker", one of millions of earth ambassadors with uplifting messages for others.
I constantly emphasize to take stock of where you are and where you're going. It's never too late to make the changes necessary. One thing I will point out is hanging out with others who don't have the same mindset you do. They think that by hurting others they empower themselves. They constantly put others down that don't agree with what they do. They don't care about others or the future, just about all the gratification they can get right now.
I can tell you, from experience, it might be great to feel high and it might be great to get high, but these temporary fixes don't last long as they rot out your insides leaving you hollow inside. How many people have you seen, that when you look them in the eyes, you might as well be looking at a zombie. It's almost too late for them.
Being responsible, finding the courage and discipline to make it through life and helping others along the way is a noble quest.
We're here to make a difference on this planet but in order to do this, we must first figure out who we are, where we are and if we want to change. Then we need to start the process.
We can't help mend other souls if we first don't mend our own.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
And The Truth Shall Make You Free
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"Humanity Rising" |
If we were able to look down on humanity, we could see the whole picture. But from where we're at we can't see anything at all. It's hard to distinguish things when it's all a blur.
You're standing quietly in the middle of a crowd. Everyone is oblivious of you and pushing past you, sometimes bumping into you, walking and talking, cell phones in hand. It seems that everyone is going somewhere except you but is this really true?
Well for the short term they're going to work or to a coffee house or to meet someone but what about the long term?
You, somehow, are different. You've never been willing to be part of the microcosm but the entire macrocosm. You know there's something bigger out there and beyond yourself and beyond the planet you live on. And you have a calling--you know the world is in desperate need of help and healing.
You stand out. You refuse to blend in. You are one of those unique individuals who has always questioned everything but nothing has ever added up. You want answers. For you, truth is more important than anything else.
All throughout human history we see where the masses have been ripe for control. If one person, with a certain message is able to appeal to and unite a crowd it is something to behold. But what if constructive dialogue is shoved aside in favor of a message designed only to empower the speaker into inducing the crowd into a frenzy of fear and rage? A speaker who only wants to feed off of the raw emotions now manifesting and infesting the crowd the result of which is certainly going to be disastrous. How does this help anybody? Even more so, how does this fix anything? Answer: It is not designed to fix anything but to keep the cancer of fear and hate circulating on this planet.
We have seen, over and over, hollow people spewing hollow words. They are masters at using words that appeal only to the reptilian part of our brain. They aren't interested in solutions or fostering peace or love but only in keeping the status quo of violence and upheaval intact on this planet.
The world is in a mess and growing worse. We don't see any good going on because the control freaks don't want us to. If we did it would catch on and spread like wildfire as more and more would reject the status quo and embrace the truth. The truth being that human beings were not made to be controlled by any single person or group but to live free, productive and happy.
How about a world where we're not singled out anymore according to skin color or culture or political preference or religion or how smart or dumb we are? We would all recognize that each of us is unique and special and have much to offer the world no matter what qualifications we came with when we entered this world. How about a world where there is decent drinking water and plenty of food for everyone? A cure for cancer. No more war.
It's time to change the world for the better. It's time to choose sides. Are you the one standing in the middle of the crowd or are you the crowd?
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Hang Me Out to Dry
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Hee Haw! |
Well I don't know about you but it's sweltering here. We usually have hot summer days but no humidity. I remember, about 15 years ago putting in a half mile of barb wire fence in 105 deg. weather. No sweat! But now, it actually feels like Florida. If it's 99 degrees the temperature index (what it actually feels like on your skin ) is from 105 to 110. It's up early in the morning to do chores and then later in the afternoon. Yesterday I overdid it with some weeding in a flower garden and ended up with a headache. And we're only in July!
Another interesting thing that is occurring are the t-storms. As a rule the weather comes in from the west and proceeds east. We're all familiar with this. Lately, the storms are doing just the opposite. Forming in the east and heading to the west, northwest. Last night a biggie (tremendous and jaw dropping thunder) was just northeast of us but no rain. It just hung over us.
I'm not a fan of "Climate" Change as I believe that most of it is BS. But I do take note of things we're all used to seeing, that have me puzzled, like storms moving east to west instead of like they used to.
Between the extreme humidity and storms acting weird, maybe we all should be taking notice.
How is it in your neck of the woods?
UPDATE: These are actual temps not the heat index: It was 106 degrees on Wednesday, July 18; 107 degrees on Thursday, July 19; 108 degrees on Friday, July 20th; 106 (instead of the 109 they predicted) degrees on Saturday, July 21st; 102 on Sunday, July 22 and Monday, July 23. Today it's gonna be 99 - 100 degrees and tomorrow 101.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Time Waits for No One
I wish I could accomplish just one heroic feat before I die. I'm constantly reminded of the many screw ups I've made in my life and responsible for. Maybe, just maybe, this one act of heroism would put me in better standing with where I'm going.
I'm down the rabbit hole. I can see bottom. The older I get the more I look back.
It's always tough being human even though I've been to earth many, many times.
I remember being a peasant girl in France; a Templar; a soldier in the American Revolutionary War; a Native American; English royalty; in love with a Samurai Warrior (and still am); a gay; living in Siberia, and a Nun.
We all come from the stars. Each one of us a shooting star, having made the personal decision to take that great leap across the cosmos, blazing brightly across the night sky for all to see, soaring through the heavens on our way to earth in the hopes of making a difference down here.
Interesting, isn't it? I mean, we all came from out there and will return to out there.
There are many, many, many other beings that inhabit the universe, human beings just a small faction. And how much we don't know (about anything even though we profess we do) and how much we would learn if we just opened up our minds to bigger things, extraordinary and beautiful things.
Tonight, look up at the stars. There are some things so much grander, so much bigger than ourselves but, sadly, we don't give them a second thought. Maybe we should.
Have a great week,
Friday, July 6, 2018
What is Wisdom?
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"The Judgement of Solomon", 1617, by Peter Paul Rubens |
The Hebrew King Solomon was aided in his search for Wisdom by an Angel of the L-rd. One of the first instances of the King's Wisdom was when he was a judge and two women approached the court. They had a baby with them and both claimed the baby was theirs. He listened to their pleas, carefully deliberating what was before him. Then he told the woman he had made a decision. "I will split the baby in half." One woman didn't have a problem with this but the other woman did and told the King to give the live baby to the other woman. King Solomon then knew who the true mother was.
Wisdom is here to to help humanity. Wisdom is priceless. It will reveal itself to you if you prayerfully ask for it. Once you do, it will start to manifest in your life. You will begin to notice things you've never noticed before. Your outlook will change as you will now be able to see a deeper meaning.
Today, the world is lacking in this virtue. Wisdom has all but been forgotten. All we're seeing is hatred, chaos, confusion, violence and mayhem. This person turning on that person, whole groups turning on each other. Nobody is happy. Nobody is satisfied. Everyone has an axe to grind.
Wisdom is something a leader needs in order to successfully lead. Presidents need it, spiritual leaders need it, the tech giants need it, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc.
We all need it.
Wisdom is something to strive for as it will make you a better person, more in tune with the cosmos and with who you are.
Wisdom is something you need to acquire if you want to make it through life.
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
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