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"Humanity Rising" |
If we were able to look down on humanity, we could see the whole picture. But from where we're at we can't see anything at all. It's hard to distinguish things when it's all a blur.
You're standing quietly in the middle of a crowd. Everyone is oblivious of you and pushing past you, sometimes bumping into you, walking and talking, cell phones in hand. It seems that everyone is going somewhere except you but is this really true?
Well for the short term they're going to work or to a coffee house or to meet someone but what about the long term?
You, somehow, are different. You've never been willing to be part of the microcosm but the entire macrocosm. You know there's something bigger out there and beyond yourself and beyond the planet you live on. And you have a calling--you know the world is in desperate need of help and healing.
You stand out. You refuse to blend in. You are one of those unique individuals who has always questioned everything but nothing has ever added up. You want answers. For you, truth is more important than anything else.
All throughout human history we see where the masses have been ripe for control. If one person, with a certain message is able to appeal to and unite a crowd it is something to behold. But what if constructive dialogue is shoved aside in favor of a message designed only to empower the speaker into inducing the crowd into a frenzy of fear and rage? A speaker who only wants to feed off of the raw emotions now manifesting and infesting the crowd the result of which is certainly going to be disastrous. How does this help anybody? Even more so, how does this fix anything? Answer: It is not designed to fix anything but to keep the cancer of fear and hate circulating on this planet.
We have seen, over and over, hollow people spewing hollow words. They are masters at using words that appeal only to the reptilian part of our brain. They aren't interested in solutions or fostering peace or love but only in keeping the status quo of violence and upheaval intact on this planet.
The world is in a mess and growing worse. We don't see any good going on because the control freaks don't want us to. If we did it would catch on and spread like wildfire as more and more would reject the status quo and embrace the truth. The truth being that human beings were not made to be controlled by any single person or group but to live free, productive and happy.
How about a world where we're not singled out anymore according to skin color or culture or political preference or religion or how smart or dumb we are? We would all recognize that each of us is unique and special and have much to offer the world no matter what qualifications we came with when we entered this world. How about a world where there is decent drinking water and plenty of food for everyone? A cure for cancer. No more war.
It's time to change the world for the better. It's time to choose sides. Are you the one standing in the middle of the crowd or are you the crowd?
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