Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Are you ready to throw in the towel?  You're determined efforts seem to have failed.  You've  done everything expected of you.  You've even prayed.  But you're totally discouraged.  You've researched, studied, passed your assignments but still nothing makes sense.     

Actually, you don't know it but you're on the cusp of discovering something profound--


You've been working toward this all along but didn't even know it.  You've been trying to figure something out but didn't have the extra information.  Now, a teacher has arrived, providing you with the missing puzzle piece.

Uncanny how this teacher just showed up.   No,  not really.  You actually manifested this teacher into being by all your worthwhile efforts.    

It's only after this helper shows up that you're able to arrive at the answer.

So it is with life.

No one has a clear definition of what life is. 

Picture a gigantic bowl of soup with everybody swimming around in its broth, most helplessly floundering while a few have managed to figure out there's something else in there with them and  were able to access it.                  

But with no clear definition and no direction in our lives it's fair to say that most of us are doomed before we even start.  But those who managed to figure out where they want to go in life and how best to get there, it's a different story.   

Once you understand it's not going to be easy down here, once you know that you will be challenged, encountering setbacks along the way is when you will have begun your journey to understanding.

Understanding is the difference between having a plan or not having a plan.  It's going to be difficult to make it to B when you don't have a Plan A. 

Most of us lack proper training in how to do anything down here and it's only through trial and error, mistakes and an occasional lucky break that we finally are able to muddle our way through but, if you have a plan, that will make all the difference between attainment and failure.

When you look out onto the world today all you see is calamity, confusion, chaos and rebellion.

Everybody is dissatisfied, has a grudge or some axe to grind.  Obviously you don't go to these people for counseling and help.  You, instead, seek out those who have an awareness, a handle on what's going on and based on their own experiences are willing and able to help others.    

If not, you will find yourself stuck on the perpetual wheel of going nowhere.

This new found understanding will confidently propel you down your path as it limits the difficulties and challenges you encounter while further providing experiences and people that will enhance your journey.   

This new found understanding has set you apart from all the others in the soup bowl but what about the others?  --They have a choice as well.

The question is, "will you choose to be a nowhere man or a nowhere woman in that bowl of soup or,  decide you will grab onto that crouton that keeps passing you by?

~ Blessings,

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