Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Learn to Harness the Power of Prayer

Praying Buddha
Over thousands of years, human beings have slowly moved away from using prayer to solve their ailments and manifest solutions to their problems.  

The Ancients that came before us had a natural and personal connection with the earth, the cosmos and Mother Nature and regularly communicated with these entities through prayer. 

As civilization evolved over the years, it lost this ability instead adopted an attitude that what happened back then really doesn't matter or concern us today.

Prayer and meditation were vitally important to ancient peoples to help protect and bring in the harvest, keep evil spirits at bay, cure illnesses and bring people together.  

Powerful shamans and priests, gods and goddesses were spiritually adept at and had a deep understanding of human nature, astrology, planet earth and the healing power of plants and herbs. 

Today we rely on our limited understanding of where we originated from and the powerful gifts we  left behind and have chosen, instead, to rely on our limited intelligence and technology to solve our problems.  Anyone who professes a belief in the spiritual power of prayer is either demonized or shunned. 

We're all familiar with gravity and accept its existence yet we really don't really know how it works, we just know it does.

We've all heard of miraculous healings in which someone literally came back after there was no more hope.  We can't define how prayer was able to manifest the healing we just know that it did.

There are reports in which a group of people have gotten together and prayed for someone to be healed on the other side of the planet.  The results were something the scientists and naysayers weren't expecting. 

Prayer works.  You can call it thought transference, a miracle, a manifestation or whatever you like but it's not going away.  In fact, I predict there is going to be a massive resurgence and outpouring from people wanting to know about it and becoming involved in learning and sharing this spiritual gift for the benefit of humanity.    

There is a saying and it's quite true, "our thoughts create our reality."  Just like praying for someone to get well, so is true of positive thoughts you manifest in order to help yourself reach a goal or overcome something that's holding you back.

There are many schools across the globe that still teach us how to achieve and use this ancient art to benefit all.   

Maybe you have even experienced this yourself.



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