Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Leave No One Behind

Big Bang of Creation ~ Bringing Life Into Existence

I am but one G-d Fragment among many existing in a quadrillion star systems.

So are you.  

G-d Fragments were never meant to be alone but to seek out, realign and return to their Creator. 

His express knowledge was that what He created would be for the good of all.  

He would integrate every living part into a whole symbiotic system that formed the whole cosmos.     

Even if the scientists have some of the data re the Big Bang Theory wrong, they nevertheless have provided us with a visceral and visual picture of just what happened on the day of our birth. 

Millions upon millions of life forms were thrust into existence that very moment, scattering their fragments throughout the universe.

This planet is among one of a handful of special and cherished planets in the Milky Way.

It has a special meaning to many who have come and gone from here, from the Sages of Ancient Greece and Egypt, Native American Elders and other Wisdom Seekers, to our star friends from other galaxies.

We have to stop thinking of ourselves, collectively, as alone in the universe for we are far from that.  .

We are just one of many celestial beings surrounded by many other celestial beings.

What we are witnessing today with all the conflict, confusion and mayhem are the initial changes making it possible to throw out the old to make way for the a New Earth.

One where we will all have a healthy respect for others and for this planet we call home.

One that will encompass all of Humanity, leaving no one behind.   

     ~ Nightshade 

We Are in the Birthing Process


Monday, January 27, 2020

A Fork in the Road

"There are only two Paths in Life.  Which One will You choose?"

Be The Ripple

"One Small Step"

There is much upheaval going on in the world today, from planetary disturbances to outbreaks of deadly diseases and just plain global unrest.         

Each one of us is allotted so many days on earth in which to live and hopefully be of some benefit to this planet and our other fellow human beings. 

Yet very few take this to heart and live their lives out, not caring about what happens to anyone or anything but only themselves.   

This morning I made a call to cancel an appointment.  The lady who answered sounded tired like it was the end of the day, not the beginning.

I tried to act cheerful, wishing her a good Monday, etc., and, at the end of the conversation, there was a notable uptick in her voice.

Just a small thing like cheering someone up is all it takes to start a ripple in a pond.

It not only helps others but helps yourself as well. 

Show your humanity today by being a ripple in someone's pond.   


          ~ Nightshade 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Humans Have No Soul

2020 Humanity's Extinction Level Event (ELE)
http://news.trust.org/item/20200126105121-12mxo (Coronavirus contagious even during incubation period)

Monday, January 20, 2020


Addiction Kills

We live on a planet full of temptations, danger, obstructions and challenges.

Unfortunately, nobody drills this home to us while we're growing up.

How many times have we heard about drug overdoses, alcoholism, pornography and the harm they do?

And how many of us still prefer to ignore these warnings?   

Why is that?  Human nature I suppose but human nature is one of our problems if we keep giving in to it.

When you are strung out, hung over or can't tear yourself away from pornography, it's going to be impossible to get a handle on wanting to do anything worthwhile with your life.

Addiction kills, both spiritually and physically.

We all have free will to make our own choices.  Nobody tells us what to do unless we join the military or wind up in prison.

But I can guarantee you this, if you don't stop your bad habits, you will never really come to know just who you really are in life let alone surviving your journey. 

Some of you will shrug this blog post off because you really don't give a sh*t, so far gone that nothing will bring you back.

But some of you will take to heart what I'm saying because you know I'm talking to You.   

Please, don't be a statistic.  Liberate Yourself.  

     ~ Blessings,

Monday, January 13, 2020

Soft and Cuddly

"Maybe they won't find me"

I'm all alone again.  This can be an especially rewarding time or downright scary if you're not used to it. 

However, even though I relish this time by myself as I'm able to go about my day and my chores with relative ease, I am wondering why I'm feeling like crawling under something and hunkering down.

I am drawn back to a kid that rode the bus with me back in elementary school.  

He'd always sit at the back of the bus and slump down, kinda like he didn't want to be seen.

Nobody else would sit with him.  

He wore dark clothes, a backpack, had dark hair and a pale complexion.

Through the years he'd sink lower and lower into his seat until you almost couldn't see him anymore.

I think he was trying to become invisible.    

I often wonder about him and others on their way to womanhood/manhood and what became of them.

The reason I bring this up is, because, right now, I'm feeling about the same.

I just want to crawl into a hole, a cave, a protective little space where I feel invisible, sheltered and protected. 

Maybe it's because of all the bulls**t in the world.

Sometimes these emerging energies coming through are telling you something is manifesting (even though you don't have any idea what it is).  

So, My advice to All:

Be observant and be prepared.

Thank G-d for what you have, not for what you don't have and keep your family close.

               ~ Nightshade 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Life Can Be a Bummer

Frustration is one of those emotions that enters everyone's life at one ime or another.  Frustration, if handled in the right way, can be beneficial but, if left unchecked, can be harmful.

Today, is one of those days for me.  Everything proceeding as normal and then, out of the blue, frustration enters the picture.

Parents handle their child's frustration either by giving in to them (candy, or something else to shut them up) or actually help them get through their frustration by talking softly, not giving in to their demands, teaching them that it's okay to want something and not get it but it's not okay to have a temper tantrum over it.

Many adults have grown up with not knowing how to handle frustration. They continue to experience it and try dealing with it through unhealthy measures.  And many don't care if their frustration ruins their lives or somebody else's. 

We will not get very far in life if we allow annoyances to continue to rule us.  We must, at some time, acknowledge we need to gain control over our situation.  If not, frustration will continue to wreak havoc on us and others. 

Today, take time out and determine if this is you.


     ~ Nightshade

Friday, January 10, 2020

Thought for the Day ~ January 10, 2020

John 3:16
"For G-d So Loved the World That He Gave His Only Begotten
Son, That Whosoever Believeth in Him 
Should Not Perish, But Have Everlasting

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Lucifer Rebellion

I think it's fair to say that everyone wonders (at one time or another) why they're here on Planet Earth, what their purpose is, when they will find it and how it is that everywhere you turn something bad seems to be happening in the world.

So many obstructions, obstacles and things that get in our way of making any progress in life such as  disease, discrimination, violence, accidents, addiction, war and last, but not least, death.

Earth is known, throughout our solar system, as a rebellious planet (one of many) and with good reason.  

I thought I'd leave a link to something very interesting that may answer a lot of questions you have regarding why there is evil in the world, why we're not taking as good care of our planet as we should and other things.

The link below talks about a man of science (his name is Chester) who didn't believe in G-d.  He wanted proof, not hearsay and the ensuing, remarkable change that took place in his life.

I'm hoping it will, in some way, make sense as to why we're seeing all the upheaval in the world and seemingly, without end.

This makes for very interesting reading, 
