Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Life Can Be a Bummer

Frustration is one of those emotions that enters everyone's life at one ime or another.  Frustration, if handled in the right way, can be beneficial but, if left unchecked, can be harmful.

Today, is one of those days for me.  Everything proceeding as normal and then, out of the blue, frustration enters the picture.

Parents handle their child's frustration either by giving in to them (candy, or something else to shut them up) or actually help them get through their frustration by talking softly, not giving in to their demands, teaching them that it's okay to want something and not get it but it's not okay to have a temper tantrum over it.

Many adults have grown up with not knowing how to handle frustration. They continue to experience it and try dealing with it through unhealthy measures.  And many don't care if their frustration ruins their lives or somebody else's. 

We will not get very far in life if we allow annoyances to continue to rule us.  We must, at some time, acknowledge we need to gain control over our situation.  If not, frustration will continue to wreak havoc on us and others. 

Today, take time out and determine if this is you.


     ~ Nightshade

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