Psalm 132: "I Hope in Your Word"
Look upon me and be merciful to me, as your custom is toward those who love your name. Direct my steps by Your Word and let no iniquity have dominion over me. Redeem me from the oppression of man that I may keep Your precepts. Make your face shine upon your servant and teach me your statues. Rivers of water run down my cheeks because men do not keep your laws.
Native American Tarot Card Deck
SITUATION: XV The Devil PAST: V The Hierophant PRESENT: II The High Priestess FUTURE: XX Judgement HIDDEN: 0 The Fool ADVICE: XXI The World OUTCOME: XIII Death SUMMARY: III The Empress
Reading: "We Dropped the Ball"
Situation represents the evil taking place on earth and the continued mockery of God's laws. Past represents our ancestral roots, those guides and healers who were exalted as spiritual advisors, shamans, guides and healers. Over a period of time we grew increasingly arrogant in that we were the ones with all the answers and purposely ignored their ancient wisdom.
Present reminds us that we all are on a divine journey of self-discovery and knowledge. In order to move forward it is imperative we search ourselves in order to know who we are and where we are headed ensuring we arrive safely at our destination.
Future calls for atonement, a reconciliation with God in which the present cycle ends and we are called to account for our deeds.
Hidden is the Fool and Humanity representing our present state: an arrogant, uncaring feckless individual who refuses to listen to or heed advice, thus continuing the disastrous state we're in. Advice came across as taking responsibility for our actions and making a difference in the world. Because we have chosen to do otherwise, collectively "we all dropped the ball." Beneficial change does not come about without meaningful human intervention.
Outcome represents endings both physical and spiritual. Endings are necessary in order for something new to manifest. (See XX Judgement).
Summation Card represents Creation and the sanctity of Life. Not someone's own personal version of whether it's a "woman's right to choose" but the cycles of life, birth and death, according to the Divine.
The numerical value of this reading is 5: Instability, conflict, loss opportunity for change, new cycle Adding the Summation Card is 8: Movement; action, regeneration, rebirth
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