Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Thursday, March 30, 2023

An Important Tarot Message that Came Through on March 30, 2023


Crow Tarot

1.  Situation:  XVI The Tower
2.  Challenge:  IV The Emperor
3.  Guidance:  V The Hierophant
4.  Focus:  III The Empress
5.  Outcome:  II The High Priestess
6.  Summary:  XVIII The Moon

* Note ~ This was meant to be shared with you today *

~ Reading ~



1.  Situation:  What is Happening Now:  The Tower Card represents Change, a period of intense growth; deep transformational energy resulting in spiritual renewal; a major life event that shakes us to our very core.  (I've been using this term a lot, lately) 

This card also represents "The Lord of Hosts of the Almighty" and the angelic realm, along with those earth warriors, battling on His behalf 

2.  Challenge:  The Emperor represents the Divine Father (God); Jesus Christ establishing order and authority (someone who picks up all the broken pieces and puts them back in their rightful place)  

3.  Guidance: (Advice):  The Hierophant represents wise advice.  Someone you know you can trust who will provide you with the truth you seek and inspire you to courage. 

4.  Focus:  The Empress represents the Divine Mother, The Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Mother Earth and
Divine Will  

Divine Will is under God's control, dominating creation and responsible for the universe's order and harmony:

She is also asking us to focus our attention on this: 
"Learn to Love and Forgive one Another"

Representing Divine Will it is this:  
"My Will Be Done on earth as it is in Heaven"

5.  Outcome:  The High Priestess represents Divine Knowledge and is associated with the Moon Card.  She is active at this time, asking us to pay close attention to our intuition, thoughts and dreams as they are guiding us through this period of great chaos and upheaval 

6.  Summary:  The Moon Card symbolizes unveiling; shadows being lifted and things long hidden being revealed.  It also asks, "what are we (collective) concealing that is holding us back?"  

It is time to realize we must learn to accept all parts of our being (the good, the bad and the ugly being hidden by shame) in order for us to become whole.


Message:  There is a great restoration taking place on this planet.   This planet is under Judgement (XX Judgement).  Restoration and Reconciliation are underway.  Everything is being overturned and nothing will be as it was and, all according to God's plan 

 Many wicked people, governments and organizations are being thrust out of the darkness and into the light.

Good people are finding their footing amidst all the chaos and are starting to take a firm stand on behalf of God's Creation 


We are at the End of an Age and transitioning into a new one (in which more miracles will be seen) being thrust up and out of the abyss and into the light, allowing us all to find our way back to the One who created us all   

We are seeing the Wicked ramping up their efforts to stop this but will not succeed.


Again, this message again asks you to be aware of the weather now manifesting on this planet.  The sun is now spewing solar flares like nothing the scientists have ever witnessed before.

Take stock of where you are and how prepared you are such as food and water, needed medications, sanitary products, dog and cat food, canned goods, make sure you have a full tank of gas; a small generator, 

It's not like the good old days when sunshine meant warmth not the excessive fiery burning heat we're experiencing; a tornado or two but not multiple reports of EF 4s and 5s doing extensive damage and taking many lives; severe drought, large earthquakes and excessive rainfall.    

Like I said before, "we're not in Kansas anymore; everything is changing.


The numerical value of this reading is:  3:  Stability, growth and creativity

Adding the Summary Card is also a 3:   Stability, growth and creativity 

A number of 3's means:  Bringing about that which is desired and envisioned ~ Divine Will  

If you add the 3s together it is 6:  Problem solving, cooperation, compassion, adjustment and social consciousness 


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