Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Tarot Message for Week - March 19, 2023


Crow Tarot

Situation:  IX The Hermit
Challenge:  XII The Hanged Man
Guidance:  IV The Emperor
Focus:  V The Hierophant
Outcome:  I The Magician 
Summary:  XIII Death

Situation:  The Hermit represents isolation
Challenge:  The Hanged Man represents letting go
Guidance:  The Emperor represents a "Father" Figure 
Focus:  The Hierophant represents tradition
Outcome:  The Magician represents transmutation
Summary:  The Death card means change; endings allowing for new beginnings

Hold On

Hold on to what is good,
Even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe,
Even if it's a tree that stands by itself.
Hold on to what you must do,
Even if it's a long way from here.
Hold on to your life,
Even if it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand,
Even if someday, I'll be gone away from you.

A Pueblo Indian Prayer

~ Reading ~ 

"We are in a Period of Great Change" 

~ ~ ~

Situation:  The Hermit:  We are isolating ourselves, hoping to find calm, peace and answers as to what is happening to us:  why there is so much chaos and confusion in the world. 

Challenge:  The Hanged Man:  The world is upside down and we're trying to make sense of it.  We are in a period of decision making.  We are neither here nor there but somewhere in between (in a liminal state) trying to figure things out.    

Guidance:  The Emperor asks us to stand up, reminding us of our ability to withstand and overcome and challenges.  But, in order to do so, we must first make the decision to act in order to proceed forward.  

Focus:  The Hierophant represents the ability to create harmony in the face of crisis.   This card is asking us to turn our attention to our spiritual well-being, praying, seeking answers and solutions to our present state of crisis.   

Outcome:  The Magician represents the ability to transcend problems.  Trusting yourself to make the right decision; confidence in yourself and the courage to follow through.  

Summary:  The Death Card means endings.  It could be physical death or death to a relationship, a job, or your relationship with the world as you knew it.    

The numerical value of this reading is 4:  Manifestation; stability
Adding the Summary Card is:  8:  Movement, action, change

The number 8 is associated with power that comes from within in order to accomplish that which one sets out to do





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