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Michael, The Archangel, "God's Right Hand" |
4/14/2023 (Friday):
I cannot emphasize strongly enough the changes that are coming.
Everything we once knew and relied on is going down.
Many Americans now cannot afford to pay their credit card bills, buy groceries or make mortgage payments.
That's just the tip of the iceberg.
The next thing to fall is the banking industry.
The US dollar will not be recognized as the world's currency anymore.
What does that mean for you and me?
That means the dollar will have lost all its value and will not be accepted for payment by many if not all, countries.
Not to mention that you and I won't be able to use it either.
I have credit card debt, just like you and now only able to make minimum payments.
Two years before no problem but now, look at how things have changed.
I raise livestock and wonder, how I'm going to be able to feed all my animals this winter as feed prices, like everything else, have skyrocketed.
Everyone is going to be affected by these changes.
The wealthy think they are immune, but I've got news for them, they're not.
Because "God is moving over this planet."
We are in the Correcting Time where everything that is wrong, doesn't work or flies in the face of God Almighty is being destroyed.
You ask, "how can I say that? Where are you getting your information from?
Well, first of all I read and watch just about anything I can as to what the "hell" is going on.
I even had a visit from what I now believe, to have been the Holy Spirit, on March 21, 2023.
Nothing, I say, NOTHING in my life could have prepared me for this.
Believe me if I thought about the Holy Spirit once a year it was no big deal.
This Presence on March 21, 2023, was totally unannounced, unexpected, taking me completely by surprise.
I mean, when you're just walking along not thinking about anything in particular, minding your own business and then stopped dead in your tracks (you can't move forward as your legs don't move, your arms don't move and your head doesn't move) and then told you have to go through this, you have no choice) I mean, I'm still recovering from this.
It was like I was going through a car wash, being hosed down and cleansed of all the dirty shit clinging to me and then being wiped clean.
But it was a very, very painful and emotional experience.
That's exactly what's going on now.
All the shit, all the filth, all the lies, all the crap that has accumulated over the centuries is being wiped out.
And things are going to get more intense.
This is a spiritual battle between God and Satan.
Satan's timeline is up and he knows it.
God's Time is now and he knows it.
Old foundations are crumbling leaving room for new ones.
I forgot to mention weather phenomena we've never experienced before from one intensity (extreme) to the other along with massive earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions.
And, during this clean sweep, things are going to plummet like never before seen on earth.
I am not a prophet, or a spokesperson for any industry, corporation or special interest.
I am just a human being sharing with you (and hoping it helps in some way) as to what is now happening across the planet.
Please do this for me:
Look at where you are now and what you need to do in order to survive the coming months because it is not going to be easy for any of us.
I've mentioned this before - shelter, food, water, meds, personal items, cash on hand, silver coins, (things you can barter with) etc.
Only you know your circumstances and what needs to be done.
I am speaking to all of you, no matter your faith.
As I said before, the changes coming are affecting all of us on this planet, not just one group.
And now, prayer is needed more than ever.
And Trust that we will get through what is coming.
I believe a bigger hand is now sweeping over earth; a hand that loves all of us and is making a clean sweep of all the shit we've had to deal with for centuries.
Blessings To Each and Every One of You,
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