Crow Tarot
Situation: XVIII The Moon Challenge: XIV Temperance Guidance: IX The Hermit Focus: VII The Chariot Outcome: XVII The Star Summary: XIII Death
~ Reading ~
Facing Your Fears
Situation: The Moon represents fear and our subconscious and how we allow it to play tricks on us. We're all capable of becoming confused, angry, fearful and disoriented depending on the situation. In order to rise above those things constantly sucking the life blood out of us, rebuke the thought that you are too weak to determine your own destiny.
Fear is the major weapon Satan uses. Start standing up to fear and realize that it has no power over you unless you give it authority. This is vitally important now, in view of the uncertain times happening in the world today.
Challenge: Temperance means self-restraint. Instead of waiting on others to improve take a look at where you can. This card shows a process being harmonized inside of you. Maybe you're quick to judge or resort to violence when it comes to not getting your way. In order for positive change to occur inside you must first feel the pain you inflict on yourself and others that you have no control over. There must be a willingness on your part to want to change in order to set yourself free.
Guidance: The Hermit asks us to take the time to go within (look inside ourselves for the answers we seek through prayer and meditation). For in so doing, we will find the wisdom (answers) we seek to our problems and troubles.
Focus: The Chariot asks us to have a plan in place and focus on a successful outcome. If we are disciplined and determined to see something through, we will succeed. Don't let life's distractions and roadblocks stop you from completing your goal. Start believing in yourself and pursue whatever it is you want out of life. You will succeed if you just put your mind to it.
Outcome: The Outcome is the Star which uplifts us. It means Hope and Faith and the Promise of Better Days to come.
Summary: The Summary Card is Death and stands for endings that herald in new beginnings. It also means "Transformation" what is happening on this planet now.
The numerical value of this reading is 2 - partnership; cooperation; mutual respect and harmony
Adding the Summary card is 6 - compassion; empathy; service to others; hope
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