Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Monday, July 31, 2023

Weekly Tarot Reading for July 30, 2023


The Night Sun Tarot 

1.  Situation:  IX The Hermit
2.  Challenge:  VII The Chariot
3.  Guidance:  VIII Justice
4.  Focus:  X The Wheel of Fortune
5.  Outcome:  XIII Death
6.  Summary:  III The Empress


This is a new tarot deck I'm using called the Night Sun Tarot.  It is of Thoth origin and related to Jungian Psychology.  Thoth was an Egyptian God created from two deities, Horus and Set who represented two opposing energies:  One order the other, Chaos.  Thoth, on the other hand is about equilibrium (mental and emotional balance).  This deck deals with our shadow side, encouraging us to look for the light within in order to help us combat the dark forces at work.   The illustrations are from Oriental, Western, Goetia and Sacred Geometries.  

~ Reading ~


1.  "What Must I Give Up to End the Crisis?":  The Hermit Card came across as "Incubation" which means proper conditions for growth and development; the development of an embryo (a developing organism) undergoing incubation in order to develop properly.  It could be your physical, mental or spiritual self (embryo) and asks you to look at the different areas of your life to find what needs to change (weaknesses, addictions, temper, etc.)  In order for something to grow healthy we must, first get our own lives in order.      
2.  "Where Am I Going and How Am I Getting There?":  VII The Chariot represents balance and control.  It took a lot of effort (discipline, hard work and sacrifice) for you to get to this point and now, the challenge is, continuing to do so.      
3.  "What Must I Regulate and Rebalance in My Life?":  In the Thoth Tarot the Justice Card is VIII (8) instead of XI (11) in the Rider Waite Tarot Deck.  It does not affect the meaning.  This card is asking us to discover what needs to be regulated and rebalanced in our lives.   

4.  "What Changes Should I Make in Order to Move Forward?":  The Wheel of Fortune is the Wheel of Life (constantly turning) reminding us of the cyclical changes, both positive and negative that occur on earth and in our lives.  This card reminds us that life is not stagnant but in a constant state of flux.  Most of the time we can't see the changes taking place as they are very small but other times, such as the one we're in now, the changes happening are extremely challenging.   We need to decide if we're going to change what needs to change or fall by the wayside.  

5.  "What Must I Cut Out of My Life?":  The Death Card is what is presently happening and means endings leading to transformation and renewal.  It relates to the Wheel of Fortune and the changes necessary for us to move forward.  Something new is coming in, being born (rebirth).

6.  "What is Being Born Within Me and What Experience Will it Leave Me?":  The Empress Card is Mother Earth (Gaia).  Earth along with Humanity is transforming into a fertile oasis, expanding abundance across the planet affecting all life.  We and She are morphing and emerging into a new creation.  


The numerical value of this reading is 2:  Assimilation; balance; reconciliation

Adding the Summary Card is:  5:  Instability; conflict; loss; new cycle; change and expansion 



Saturday, July 29, 2023

Gathering the Flock

Israel (Jacob) 

This morning I heard another word, "remnant":  "Something left over, a remainder; a surviving trace or vestige".

Then I looked further and found this:  Remnant of Israel (jewishvirtuallibrary.org):  

Micah 2:12: (AMP Version)

“I shall most certainly assemble all of you, O Jacob; I shall surely gather the remnant of Israel.  I shall bring them together like sheep in the fold multiplying the nation; Like a flock in the midst of its pasture.  The place will swarm with many people and hum loudly with noise".


Friday, July 28, 2023

Full Stop

This morning I heard the word "reversal."

I looked up the definition as any time I receive these subliminal messages or words I check them out:  "the act or an instance of reversing; the state of being reversed; usually, an adverse change in fortune".

I investigated further as I believe this word to have some spiritual significance and this is what I found:  

God's Great Reversal: Key to the Gospel of Luke | Franciscan Media

I am sure you will have no problem interpreting what this bible passage is describing as it is happening now, in our lifetime:

Luke 6:24:26:  "But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.  But woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry.  Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep.  Woe to you when all speak well of you, for their ancestors treated the false prophets in this way." 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Finally - "The Law is Coming" ~ Redemption

 The Law Is Coming - YouTube

You Know What, Google - FUCK YOU

The Truth Is Viral (bobpowell.blogspot.com)

Folks:  It is Time to Rise Up just as the last Oracle Reading Demonstrated

Who does Earth (our Home ) belong to?

Yeah, I thought you'd say that

Then Rise Up and Reclaim What is Rightully Yours!



Nancy Lieder and the Zeta's

 Zetatalk's Nancy Lieder's Last Interview Before "The End Of The World" (Part 1 of 3) - YouTube

A friend sent this information to me and I felt it worthy enough to post even though this video was made 10 years ago.  As always, it is up to you to discern whether it hits home or not.  

Massive "Win" for Humanity!

Sound of Freedom expected to break $100 million in gross receipts in second box office weekend | Washington Examiner

Oracle Card Reading for July 23, 2023

Native Spirit Oracle Cards

1.  Message from your Higher Self: 
Thunder Drum

2.  Message from Heavenly Beings: 
Spirit Keeper of the North

3.  Message from Grandmother Earth (Gaia): 
Circle of Life

4.  Message from Your Ancestors: 

5.  Message from your Future Self: 
Smudging Ceremony

6.  Summary:  A Message from the Creator: 
Eagle Medicine

~ Reading ~

"Don't Be Afraid of the Dark"

1.  Thunder Drum represents courage and is asking you to stand up and be counted; to stand up in life for what truly matters to you.

2.  Spirit Keeper of the North represents endings, an expanse and fear of the unknown.  It is asking, "which way do you want to go"?  You'll never get anywhere if you don't overcome the fear inside of you in order to take the first step. 

Don't fear what you cannot see.    

3.  Circle of Life:  Take a deep breath and silently let the breath of Life fill your nostrils.  Contemplate on where you are, who you are and your purpose here on earth.   

Make peace with your past and prepare for the future.

4.  The Elder Oracle Card is a message from your Ancestors.  Be confident in your abilities as you are a born leader; shine your light wherever you go; step into the role you were meant to play and share your wisdom with others.

5.  The Smudging Ceremony represents purification and transition.  Let go of the Past in order to live in the Present; purify and detox as necessary as a clearing (cleansing) needs to take place (in your life) in preparation for the Great Transformation now taking place on Planet Earth.

6.  Eagle Medicine means a profound connection with the Creator and other heavenly beings.  You soar above the earth and are able to see things that might have been overlooked.   This ability provides you with a different view as you are now able to truly see life from a rarified vantage point.    

You are morphing into a formidable opponent to evil as the breath of life fills your nostrils and you gear up to fight injustice.  



Monday, July 17, 2023

Oracle Card Message for July 16, 2023


Native Spirit Oracle Cards

1.  Middle Card (Message from Your Higher Self):  Spirit of Water
2.  Top Card (Message from Grandfather Sky - Heavenly Beings):  Spirit of Earth
3.  Bottom Card (Message from Grandmother Earth):  Eagle Medicine
4.  Left Card (Message from Your Ancestors):  Ancestors
5.  Right Card (Message from the Future):  Spirit of Fire

~ Reading ~

"Earth and Humanity are Undergoing Transformation"


1.  Spirit of Water represents Purification
The act of freeing something from impurities; cleansing

2.  Spirit of Earth is a message from our heavenly guides.  They want us to pay close attention to our body and health, what we eat and drink.  This is a requirement help us manage stress and anxiety. They also recommend a detox if necessary. 
Pay attention to the rhythms of earth and the messages she has for us:  The changing weather patterns; signs from the skies (meteors, asteroids, solar flares, planetary conjunctions, changes to earth's magnetic field.) 

Provide a safe haven in your home and fill it with pine boughs, fragrant herbs or flowers; maybe a special picture or photo in a corner would give a feeling of comfort; fill it with peace and love; gather family members together and pray for wisdom, strength and guidance.  

3.  Eagle Medicine tells us, "it is time to face our fears."  Fear is the one major tool the Devil uses to keep us in bondage.  Understand that he has no hold over you only if you grant it to him.    
The truth is:  Start believing in yourself as You have the strength to overcome any adversity.  

4.  The Ancestors Card asks us to look to our "ancestors," the Ancients, the Wise Ones who have passed over.  Their journey was fraught with the same perils, fears and failures we are experiencing.  They learned to walk the walk and overcome (get through, rise above) whatever it was hindering them and are here to help if we just ask for it.
They have much wisdom to pass on to us.

 5.  Spirit of Fire is a message from the Future.  "Face your Fears" (see the Eagle Medicine Card); reach out and spread your wings and learn to trust yourself; feel the Thunderbird rising in you and remember that out of the ashes of our lives comes new growth enabling new beginnings. 


The Tarot Card XIII Death represents Transformation

The Number IV in Tarot represents The Emperor; structure; foundation; stability and security; a father figure defending and protecting his loved ones  


James 4:10 - Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up 


Something BIG is Coming


Sunday, July 16, 2023

Folks - Pay Attention! More Info Re the Coming Chaos

New Benjamin Fulford & David Rodriguez: The Battlefront! Trump Intel! Sleepy Joe! Cocaine at the White House! Latest Updates for July 2023 | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

God Thought

What is "Pure Thought"?

It is Thought but with no Sin  

Psalm 119:11 

"We must hide the pureness of God's words securely in our hearts to keep from sinning against Him" 

To Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

Learning to think, meditate and pray without distractions    

Learning to focus on the positive and not the negative  

Centering (grounding) ourselves in God's Promises    

Praising and thanking Him for all His Blessings 

Practicing Faith (the ability to trust  God even when you can't see what's coming)     

Shedding the ego in order to surrender to His Infinite Protection and Love

Learning to Forgive    

The Fallen Angel, Satan, is Evil manifesting as The Great Destroyer  

Good represents spiritual Restoration through God's Holiness and Righteousness

We are presently in a spiritual battle to end all battles

God's Restoration of His creation is underway but not before we witness many casualties.  

Center/ground yourselves in order to withstand the hurricane force of Winds of Change currently blowing across this planet.

We are living in unprecedented times

Prepare for battle


It's Going to be Biblical

Bo Polny: I Will Shake All Nations, Super Shemita! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Movie, "Sound of Freedom" is All About Human Trafficing (Mostly Children)

Mel Gibson & Trump Hold Private Meeting - Trump Standing Ovation - Donald Embraces Joe Rogan | Prophecy | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)

Weekly Tarot Message for July 9, 2023

Medicine Woman Tarot Deck 

SITUATION:  V The Hierophant (Peace Maker)
CHALLENGE:  VI The Lovers (Ecstasy)
GUIDANCE:  XVIII The Moon (Grandmothers)
FOCUS:  VIII Strength (Healing)
OUTCOME:  X Wheel of Fortune (Harvest)
SUMMARY:  IV The Emperor (Command)

~ Reading ~

"These are the Times That Try Men's Souls"

The Hierophant represents wisdom and wise counsel.  Someone to seek out when you are confused, fearful and in need of guidance.  Now, more than ever, he is telling us we need to keep our heads screwed on straight, our minds intact and take care of our bodies.  The times we're in require we do all three.    

The Lovers Card represents physical and emotional healing.  Learning to return to the Creator in order to spiritually find our true selves.  The question is how do we go about this?  Haphazardly (drugs/alcohol) or do we have a worthy plan in mind?  Life is a series of lessons in which we come to terms with who we are.   There's a right way to approach enlightenment and a destructive way.  This card asks us, "make the right choice."   

The Moon represents Wisdom, clarity and guidance.  Now is the time to seek help from those who are able to answer your questions, quiet your fears and set you on the right path.  I think it safe to say that all of us are now finding out "we can't go it alone anymore."

The Strength Card asks you to focus on learning to subdue your fears in order to keep going.  We are stronger than we think we are.  Not only will you be helping yourself but setting an example for others as well.  

The Wheel of Fortune represents the cyclical nature of life.  Times of famine and times of plenty.  Ups and downs.  It also means that a harvest of souls is underway as we find we are being pushed to our limits, undergoing one challenge after the other.   Throughout all this we have to continue to lean on God, not being able to see the big picture but knowing that He is going to get us through. 
Lean on Him.

The Emperor represents an authority figure; law and order.  The real authority in the world is Jesus as we're all going to find out.  Not not some arrogant politician, bankster or billionaire.  This card provides hope letting us know that He is in control even in the midst of the whirlwind.  

"Take heart, for I am with you"


The numerical value of this reading is 2:  Balance; a crossroad or a choice; partnership
Adding the Summary Card is 6:  Problem solving, cooperation, compassion 

Adding the two together is 8:  Action, change, rebirth, spiritual fortitude, success  



April 8, 2024 - Solar Eclipse

 Everything You Need to Know About the 2024 Total Solar Eclipse | Science| Smithsonian Magazine

Must Watch - Glenn Beck's Warning to Us

 Glenn’s most powerful speech yet– “I’m DONE warning people” - TheBlaze

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Another Prophetic Word


The Prince of Peace and King of Kings

Matthew 25: 31
"When the Son of Man Comes in His Glory 
and All the Angels with Him
He Will Sit On His Glorious Throne"

Sunday:  7/2/2023, Today was an "off" day for me..  

Nothing felt "right"; the energy felt weird, all day.    

It made you feel like something wasn't right (maybe a world in chaos) making you feel "on edge."

Interestingly, after a talk with my sister, she also admitted to feeling the same thing.   

This unknown energy was with me until early evening on Sunday when it finally started to go away.  

Then is when I immediately detected another energy making its way in.

It was late afternoon and I was outside playing with my new puppy. 

You could feel the heat of the day dissapating, the constant drone of the bees and chatter of birds starting to taper off as everything was now getting ready for nightfall.

I was looking southeast and started to detect something that felt like it was bending.  

Def. of bending:  arching, bowing, curving.

It was a soft and very gentle feeling and very comforting.   

In my mind's eye I could see the earth from a long way off as a beautiful, luminescent, whispy golden white haze of color started arching over its top.  

See:  Feminine Energy - The Power of the Sacred Feminine 

The sensation of seeing and experiencing this reminded me of a crown or a "crowning" of some sort.

I believe this was a spiritual portal opening up, heralding something in that was very significant. 

Letting us know that a big change is currently underway on this planet, that a Prince or a King is being crowned and will soon manifest in His glory for all to see.

And so it is.  



Monday, July 3, 2023

4th of July 2023 - "Celebrating 247 Years of American Independence"

You cannot put a price tag on what's priceless
The Fight for Liberty
America's Independence Day, July 4, 1776 

"I am a Daughter of the Revolution. My blood has stained the ground. In this cherished land my boots have trod. In this cherished land my fears have gnawed- but I've thrown them off with a guffaw. With musket, powder, cloak and dagger, I am unlike polities swagger, for I am honour bound. The trees, my cover, the babbling brook, await the line I bait with hook. For up ahead opposition lies. And I am one and they are five. Covert and silent, I know the drill, as I creep across yon silent hill. I push aside locks grazing brow and grasp my musket more firmly now. My heart is steady as stealthily, I approach the enemy. Blood, sweat and loss is all I've known. For father, mother, children gone. And country on verge of collapse. I cannot bare hear dirge of Taps. What drives me is it courage, duty? Or is it liberty's proclivity? We must accomplish task at hand--restoration of this great land. All else is worthless if freedom lost and unresolved at any cost".

Saturday, July 1, 2023

The Buck Supermoon on July 3, 2023

July's Full Buck Moon is the 1st of 4 supermoons this summer | Space

The meaning of this full moon represents growth.  In order for new antlers to appear the old ones have to be discarded.    


Weekly Tarot Message for July 2, 2023


Medicine Woman Tarot

SITUATION:  I The Magician (Resources)
CHALLENGE:  IV The Emperor (Command)
GUIDANCE:  XVIII The Moon (The Grandmothers)
FOCUS:  XI Justice (Balance)
OUTCOME:  XV The Devil (Trickster)
SUMMARY:  XII The Hanged Man (Vision)

While shuffling and praying these two words came through:  Birth, earth
and a prayer:  

Take me to that sacred place
Where all around is sacred space
Help me learn to walk in grace

God is moving over this earth  

This reading was done, yesterday, June 30th but felt it important enough to post today, July 1.

~ Reading ~

"And, We Have Liftoff" 

SITUATION:  The Magician reminds us of our potential; those inner resources available to us if we'd just slow down a bit and listen to the messages coming through.  Tap into your potential.  You are more than you know.

CHALLENGE:  The Emperor reminds us, in times of trouble, to trust ourselves, that we are capable of overcoming just about anything but won't get to first base if we don't have something solid (foundation) to start from.  It is challenging you to form a baseline in order to harness your inner strength and resolve. 

Take command of your life.    

GUIDANCE:  The Moon represents illumination.  A silent and wondrous luminescent milky white orb whose soul purpose is to illuminate our path in times of darkness.   Look to the ancients for wisdom and knowledge; go to the Creator in prayer and ask for understanding and help.  You have tremendous spiritual gifts available to you. 

Start tapping into them.  

FOCUS:  Divine Justice is at work.  It is all about healing and restoring balance in our lives and in the world.   

Restoration and Atonement.      

OUTCOME:  The Devil has been on a maurading expedition, sucker punching all who oppose him for thousands of years.  His pride knows no boundaries as he just couldn't help himself but show up, one more time, to inform us he's still here by giving us the finger.

SUMMARY:  The Hanged Man represents transcendence and transformation.  The person gazing into the water is seeing his reflection in a new light.  He realizes he is now able to tap into the energy allowing him to envision the wondrous changes taking place within himself and in the world.
This card represents spiritual vision and the veil between the material world and spiritual world thinning.  We are beginning to see the other side of our world (the divine side) and human nature, as our bodies and minds undergo a shift in consciousness allowing for unfiltered spiritual insights and messages to come through.  

"Truth comes to light"  

Note:  There's a great movie clip on Fandango Movie Clips, a 2018 Film entitled, "First Man" and represents what is happening to Humanity and Consciousness.  Unfortunately I have not been able to provide the link as each time I do, an error message comes up, "nothing to see here."


The numerical value of this reading is:  4 - Structure, Foundation, Manifestation

Addint the Summary Card is:  7 - Reflection, assessment, spirituality, wisdom Divine Order