Medicine Woman Tarot
SITUATION: I The Magician (Resources) CHALLENGE: IV The Emperor (Command) GUIDANCE: XVIII The Moon (The Grandmothers) FOCUS: XI Justice (Balance) OUTCOME: XV The Devil (Trickster) SUMMARY: XII The Hanged Man (Vision)
***** While shuffling and praying these two words came through: Birth, earth and a prayer:
Take me to that sacred place Where all around is sacred space Help me learn to walk in grace Amen
God is moving over this earth
This reading was done, yesterday, June 30th but felt it important enough to post today, July 1.
~ Reading ~
"And, We Have Liftoff"
SITUATION: The Magician reminds us of our potential; those inner resources available to us if we'd just slow down a bit and listen to the messages coming through. Tap into your potential. You are more than you know.
CHALLENGE: The Emperor reminds us, in times of trouble, to trust ourselves, that we are capable of overcoming just about anything but won't get to first base if we don't have something solid (foundation) to start from. It is challenging you to form a baseline in order to harness your inner strength and resolve.
Take command of your life.
GUIDANCE: The Moon represents illumination. A silent and wondrous luminescent milky white orb whose soul purpose is to illuminate our path in times of darkness. Look to the ancients for wisdom and knowledge; go to the Creator in prayer and ask for understanding and help. You have tremendous spiritual gifts available to you.
Start tapping into them.
FOCUS: Divine Justice is at work. It is all about healing and restoring balance in our lives and in the world.
Restoration and Atonement.
OUTCOME: The Devil has been on a maurading expedition, sucker punching all who oppose him for thousands of years. His pride knows no boundaries as he just couldn't help himself but show up, one more time, to inform us he's still here by giving us the finger.
SUMMARY: The Hanged Man represents transcendence and transformation. The person gazing into the water is seeing his reflection in a new light. He realizes he is now able to tap into the energy allowing him to envision the wondrous changes taking place within himself and in the world. . This card represents spiritual vision and the veil between the material world and spiritual world thinning. We are beginning to see the other side of our world (the divine side) and human nature, as our bodies and minds undergo a shift in consciousness allowing for unfiltered spiritual insights and messages to come through.
"Truth comes to light"
Note: There's a great movie clip on Fandango Movie Clips, a 2018 Film entitled, "First Man" and represents what is happening to Humanity and Consciousness. Unfortunately I have not been able to provide the link as each time I do, an error message comes up, "nothing to see here."
The numerical value of this reading is: 4 - Structure, Foundation, ManifestationAddint the Summary Card is: 7 - Reflection, assessment, spirituality, wisdom Divine Order
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