Down here it's hard to separate things as we're in the fray; up there we get a View from Above as to what is really going on down here.
Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for October 22, 2023
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Monday, October 16, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for October 15, 2023
Friday, October 13, 2023
We Have Two Astronomical Events this Month in October 2023
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"Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse |
What the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in October 2023 Mean for You, Astrologically | Allure
Eclipses are markers that can bring about abrupt (unexpected) deep, transformative change.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Be a Star Trek Trooper and Boldly Go, Shining Your Beacon of Light
Much is unfolding on this planet, right now.
So much so that it is getting harder and harder to keep up with the events.
The inhumane attack on Israel on October 7, 2023 happened on the last day of Yom Kippur a High Jewish Holiday meaning "Atonement", a day on which you acknowledge your sins and ask to be forgiven.
This attack was a wake up call to Humanity.
No longer was this just an isolated event, but one in which I believe has opened millions of peoples' eyes to the evil that exists in the world today.
There is a gray pall hanging over earth.
This is just the beginning of an onslaught of attacks going to occur in other countries, the United States being one of them.
We are living through Revelation.
It is one thing to read about it in the bible but another thing, entirely, to finally understand you're actually living it.
This is the time the Destroyer (Satan) is going to pull out all the stops.
We just saw what happened to the innocents in Israel.
This is his last hurrah as rises up and gathers his demonic minions together for one last battle on Planet Earth.
All of this is designed to confuse, distract and cause fear.
Don't let this happen to you.
You are in control, not Him.
Stand up, rise up and be fearless in all that you do.
Be vigilant, in prayer, as you go about your days.
The one thing that you need to understand is that Satan uses Fear as his primary weapon.
Don't fall into his trap.
You are a Star Trek Trooper and it's time to: "Boldly Go".
~ Blessings,
Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Monday, October 9, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for October 8, 2023
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Friday, October 6, 2023
The Time is Upon Us
In the Intelligence Community, the use of optics and analytics is crucial. When scrutinizing hundreds of papers, documents, maps, and data after a while you can see a "road map" an actual field of data telling you where it's all headed.
It takes an inordinate amount of time to finally arrive at an answer but sometimes you get surprised.
The internet is the world's radar.
It's a dome covering the earth and is in our homes, out on the street, in restaurants and businesses and no one can escape its eagle eyes no matter it be the military, clandestine organizations, governments, terror cells, or just the ordinary citizen at home tapping out letters on their keyboard.
When an unusual and immense amount of data of one particular kind starts showing up, and, importantly, all pointing to the same subject, the analyst knows that something is, indeed, "up" and has a duty to report the findings.
This just happened, yesterday on October 5, 2023.
The amount of downloads (data, information) I was experiencing was, in my opinion, "off the chart" and the first time I've seen anything like this.
Most of the data was of a spiritual nature, that God is in control and moving in our midst, letting us know He is aware of what is going on down here and I do believe this to be true, but most importantly, the data all points to something happening, occurring, coming in, manifesting but the problem is, who is behind it, what is it and when?
These are questions that just will not be answered at this time because we simply don't know.
I, along with most of you are tired of seeing information where we all get whipped into a frenzy by "it's coming, get ready, heads down", but nothing ever happens.
My own personal take, this time, though, because of what I just experienced is, yes, and yes, and yes.
Some Thing is coming and it's going to be massive.
I'm unsure if whatever it is will be a celestial event or something else.
In either case Humanity is on its own Timeline for events happening and that's for sure.
We are all moving toward a point where, whatever it is, will be something the Human Race will never be able to forget.
I wish I could believe it will be something good for all Mankind, which will happen but God will move according to His own Timeline, not ours, so considering the amount of evil intact in this world, at this particular time, I am thinking it's going to be anything but good because Evil's "back" is now pinned up against a wall.
If something is cornered and they can't escape, what are they going to do?
Pull out all the stops.
Again, if you know something is coming but you don't know what it is and you have a sneaky feeling that it might be something bad or worrisome then, again, it is up to you to prepare.
We've touched on this before: Food, Water, Shelter, Meds, Animal Food, safety items, flashlights, batteries, charging devices, candles, get the drill and, one thing more and this is the important one it's called PRAYER.
We are in a war between Good and Evil, a war to end all wars.
It's time for all of us to put on our suit of armor and gear up.
Ephesians 6:10 - 18
~ Nightshade
History of the Octagon
The Octagon Symbol & How To Use It In Daily Life (
Used with permission:
Thursday, October 5, 2023
God Post
Powerful messages coming in today, folks for all of us. Please take the time to watch and share as many of these spiritual videos/messages as you can.
You will not only be helping yourself, spiritually, but many more thousands as well.
God Bless,
A Dire Warning
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Start figuring out how to handle Turbulence |
I'm not trying to instill fear, but something I think you all need to hear as I believe we are close to "something" (call it an event, I don't know) coming.
Could this be God's Judgement on Humanity - well, I believe the signs are all there that it is.
I've been thinking alot about Humanity, lately, in view of the deeply visceral dream I had and posted what I experienced.
I was brought down to depths so dark that I was able to feel the unfathomable suffering of many people who had been subjected to torture, starvation and poisonous gases.
I am still deeply disturbed and haunted by the feelings I went through.
And, I believe, (my own personal feeling) is that this was some "sort" of warning or a "heads up" that another "holocaust" may be or already is, on its way for Humanity.
I encourage you to look up the history of The Holocaust that occurred during WWII and Adolph Hitler and the Nazis and just how wicked human beings can become when it comes to getting what they want.
And the Russians weren't much better as I think the amount of people they ended up murdering exceeded what the Nazis did.
We humans are so far from Home, so far from where we need to be and we just keep falling further and further into the abyss.
We just can't help ourselves as we are hopelessly addicted to further fanning the flames of our own demise.
From the moment we first stepped on earth its all been about power and control, conquest and plunder: who could make and amass the biggest weapons, put together the biggest armies and deciding what nation to target next.
It didn't matter if men, women and children were massacred - no problem - they were just in the way.
Nothing has changed.
Short of some type of spiritual intervention (which I believe is close, I hope I'm right) or some type of off planet intervention in which our so-called leaders (what a joke) are grabbed by the throat and told to "grow up" or else, we will fail in our mission of Ascension.
Instead of our political/military/corporate/health and agricultural leaders working toward peace, improving our health and the food we eat, setting examples of how to get along with one another and treating life with respect (and that goes for animals, as well) all they can focus on is this:
Dividing and conquering people and countries in order to gain more power and control, amassing as much money they can in order to make more lethal military weapons, creating biolabs where poisonous and harmful toxins are concocted in order to murder innocent people (COVID-19) polluting our air and water, putting shit in the food we eat (I just read that the mRNA vaccine was used on cattle herds here in the United States and when I contacted the national beef industry about this I didn't receive any calls back). What does that tell you?
Injecting poisons in our bodies (Chemo) when there are proven other beneficial and less harmful solutions to treating cancer; continuing the murder of little babies, wouldn't you say that we have already pretty much sealed our own fate?
Because we have consented to letting our lives and our world continue to spiral out of control, I believe we are all coming to a planetary, "COME TO JESUS MOMENT.
Whatever is coming is going to affect ALL of us whether we call ourselves Christians, Buddhists, Muslims or whatever.
It's one thing to share these thoughts with you but the really important meaning of why I'm doing this is to get you to take the blinders off and for once in your life look at the situation that is quickly unfolding on this planet and right before our eyes.
This is the time to get real and start figuring out how you and your family are going to survive whatever is coming.
I'm not trying to be dramatic here.
It's no secret we are living in chaotic and turbulent times and the future is something we cannot see but is manifesting now, in some form or another and we're going to be stuck with the outcome whether we like it or not.
Please, for your sake, for your family and children's sake, start thinking deeply on what I just posted here because you and I do not have much time left.
I hope I'm wrong.
I Love You All,
~ Nightshade
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Maybe it's time we all took a good look in the mirror
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Is this Humanity's ELE? (Extinction Level Event) If so, we brought it upon ourselves |
This morning I had a dream about a European country but couldn't tell which one it was.
From where I was standing I could see a haze laying across (on top of) the entire length and breadth of a deep and dark pine forest.
I was then able to discern the colors, deep red, pale pumpkin orange and yellow: (1: see added information at bottom of page).
The haze (or fog) appeared to be wet (as if some chemical had been sprayed over the top of the trees).
I felt like I was looking back to a time at least 100 + years ago and could feel the deep, dark anguish of the area and all the souls who were either still living nearby or who had died.
Maybe this was a large, unknown cemetery, I don't know.
The depth of darkness surrounding this place, was palpable, the fear, the pain, the loss and sorrow that had been experienced by those who had passed on and those still living.
I could feel them looking up from their deep, dark silent catacombs and writhing their hands in futility, trying to get our attention.
Were they trying to convey a message?
That maybe some other terror was coming, AGAIN, for Humanity and soon?
That holocausts and wars, bloody battles, torture and brutality would not stop but continue?
And that we were to blame for all the carnage continuing to happen?.
The more I pondered this message the more it started to feel like the European Country was, Germany.
Then this poem started to form in my head:
"If I could leave Earth, now
It wouldn't raise a brow
I've had my fill of earthly swill,
Of fervent cries and blood curdling shrills,
When is Humanity going to oppose
A part of its History and foreclose
Instead of continuing to overdose?
Our time is short
We are the key
To everlasting sanity
But, continue
embracing Calamity"
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Mustard Gas |
Update: 10/4/23
Monday, October 2, 2023
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Weekly Tarot Message for October 1, 2023