Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Weekly Tarot Message for October 1, 2023


Night Sun Tarot Card Deck

SITUATION:  XV The Devil - Capricorn/Ayn
CHALLENGE:  II The High Priestess - Moon/Gimel
GUIDANCE:  XIV Temperance - Saggitarius/Samekh
FOCUS:  XVIII The Moon - Pisces/Qoph
OUTCOME:  0 The Fool - Water/Aleph
SUMMARY CARD 1:  VII The Chariot - Cancer/Heth

~ Reading ~

"God Will Not Be Mocked"

Galatians 6:7

Situation is what is happening now
Challenge is the Challenge Facing Us
Guidance is What We Need to Do/Not Do
Focus is what is happening in the background (spiritually we cannot see)
Outcome is additional information regarding who we are, where we are and our Path to Enlightenment
The two Summary Cards are just extra added information resulting in further information and clarification

SITUATION:  The Devil represents the dark side of God, The Destroyer; Baphomet, also God's Wrath, found in both the old and new Testament, Fire and Brimstone, the Fate of the Unfaithful and Divine Punishment. 

The Prince of Darkness is a malevolent force ruling over earth, standing for rulership; profaning God's laws; idolatry; smugness; arrogance; ambition; bestiality; fornication and temptation

The two fingers up and two fingers down form a bridge between Heaven and Hell.  The Tarot Card, V The Hierophant, also shows this same hand gesture.  

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CHALLENGE:  The High Priestess is associated with our intuition and secret information, dark and arcane knowledge that will only be revealed (to us) when we're ready to receive it, after a period of gestation also known as a period of development.      

Notice the Goddess Symbol behind her, representing the Egyptian Goddess, Mehet-Weret, meaning "Great Flood." 

She is also associated with the sun and wears a solar disk with two cow horns upon her head.   The reason for the cow is that she apparently looked like one.  

The French Cross Pattee's on her garment mean a "footed" cross, literally representing an animal.  

It is also believed she was part of the night sky represenative of Isis, the Egyptian Deity who cured the sick and brought the dead back to life.   

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GUIDANCE:  The Temperance Angel represents one of the 3 virtues the other 2 being Justice and Strength; it highlights the need for balance in our lives; sobriety; practicing restraint and cultivating patience 

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FOCUS:  The Moon is pregnant with new life.  She looks a lot like the II The High Priestess meaning, "secrets are about to be revealed."

She is the opposite of XIX the Sun's meaning and represents our dark, inner world, a dark womb (the self) and our outer world (our environment) where we are gestating (developing) into a new beginning, struggling to overcome and understand our paths to enlightenment. 

Our earthly paths are filled with uncertainty, fear and confusion, represented by The Moon Card and the Devil Card, until we come to a point where we assert ourselves and start taking control of our lives. 

The universe then recognizes the progress we've made in searching for the Light of Truth and rewards us with a new sense of "Being" also known as Renewal.  

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OUTCOME:  The Fool represents a void ("In the Beginning the earth was without form and Void"...) see Genesis 1 and 2, resulting in Liberation allowing for Manifestation - a new beginning. 

A period of solitude, introspection and learning in which the egg (The Fool)  addresses and decides who it is and what it wants to accomplish in life.

He wears a vestment with what is known as the "Cross of Chaos" or the "Chaos Cross" emblazoned on it.   

There is also a very interesting saying associated with this symbol, "Obdo Ab Chaos", Latin for, "Order out of Chaos."

Zero is where we begin (an embryo) and represents choices:  We can opt for a life where nothing makes sense, we're constantly weighed down, by our own self doubts and lack of confidence or grab our butts with both hands and start leading the life we were meant to have.   You have the whole world in your hands.  

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SUMMARY CARD 1:  The Chariot says we're on the cusp of overcoming.  We have a new sense of identity, (see the Fool Card) and a new sense of who we are and where we are going, resulting in triumph over our difficulties.  It reminds us, though, to continue to,"STAY THE COURSE".

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SUMMARY CARD 2:  The Sun Card represents renewed optimism and a renewed sense of purpose, after a long "Dark Night of the Soul."  The curved lights on this card represent our enthusiasm and excitement as we move forward and into the Light. 

 However it is the Present moment we need to concern ourselves with -what is happening in the world and the events to come.  There's is much talk about a cataclysmic event that will happen soon.  Nobody really knows what it will be, where it will happen or if it's all a bunch of hype.

I, however, believe that the wicked are not known for backing down.  Keep your powder dry, trust in God and His ability to protect us.  

All the cards point to a Great Restoration occurring on this planet.  God is reclaiming what was originally ours and giving it back to us.

I urge all of you to seek and you will find, to put God first in your lives and Trust Him to direct your paths. 

I have a feeling we're going to be seeing Him in the not so distant future.

The numerical value of this reading is:  4 Manifestation, Stable Foundation,
Adding Summary Card 1 is:  5 Instability, Conflict and Loss resulting in a New Cycle
Adding Summary Card 2 is:  6 Spirituality, Wisdom and a new Perfect Order 





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