Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, June 29, 2024

A Natural Born Psychic, ~ Ingo Swann, The "Father of Remote Viewing"

 One Of The Most Famous Remote Viewer Ingo Swann On Art Bell Radio (youtube.com)


 PLANET X FAQ No. 2 - What is Planet 9? (odysee.com)

Cell Phone Outages Across Europe, Hack Attacks on Car Dealerships and Much More!

 BBN, June 28, 2024 – Joe Biden self-immolates on CNN stage as world watches in horror (rumble.com)



"Humanity is in a Liminal Space, Transitioning from the Dark and
    the Light" 

Folks, Our Sun is Doing "Its" Thing and We Better Start Paying Attention

 Unexpected Solar Storm - Another Bad Sign - YouTube

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Psychic Medium Matt Fraser is Put to the Test

 LIVE Test: Can Psychic Medium Matt Fraser Prove His Abilities on LIVE TV? (youtube.com)

Weekly Oracle Card Message for June 23, 2024

Hecate's Oracle Card Deck

Card Positions

Middle Card - Situation (World Soul #28)
Middle to the Left Card - Challenge (The Guide #13)
Top Card - Guidance (Night Wanderer #8)
Middle to the Right Card - Hidden (Saviour #21)
Bottom Card - Outcome (Maiden #18)

~ Reading ~

"And, Life Goes On"


Completion:  You're almost at the end of your journey.  You know, the one "you signed up for?"  You are here to help people in need, shed light on the Truth, unmask those people and organizations responsible for the world's problems and helping others find their true power and ultimate destinies.



Look for Divine Signs:  Listen Up!  It is time to get serious with your life.  Time to start invoking the Divine's messages, signs and synchronicities.   A closed mind will close off any door trying to open for you and, further delay, any progress in understanding just who you are and where you are going.  

Make your intentions known by asking for help.  You will, when spirit deems you are ready, receive the information you need.  


Stand up for your beliefs:  Do not fear the darkness as you are the light illuminating it.  This is the time to take control of your journey (see Challenge).  Know what it is you want and need in order to move forward confidently.  This does not mean, however, you won't run into obstacles or challenges as they are an important ingredient in setting you on the right path.


Kindness and Compassion lead to Liberation:  Let Your journey be guided by a sense of justice and protecting the innocent.  You will be setting a much meeded example for the rest of us as we wearily continue our own life path journeys.     

Let your light shine by volunteering at a food bank or giving to charity or whatever other endeavour you feel drawn to.  This is why you are here, to make a difference in the world.


Renewal and Regeneration:  You are going to experience a fresh outlook on life as a new beginning is manifesting for you.  You've put in the long hours and effort, sacrificed your time and money searching for answers. 

It's important to remember not to be too hard on yourself.    Very important to take time out to nurture the inner you.  

You came, you saw you responded to Divine Counsel, allowing for a personal transformation to take place, instructing and guiding you to precisely where you need to be, right now. 

But, remember, there's always room for improvement!  lol

The numerical value of this reading is:  6 - Communication, problem solving, cooperation, adjustment

I've provided this link below to help you on your journey:  




Californians, Pay Attention!! Especially Those of You Who Live in the San Francisco Area


Monday, June 17, 2024

Oracle Card Reading for June 16, 2024


Hecate's Oracle Card Deck

Card Positions

1.  Situation (Middle Card):   #5 Of the Earth
2.  Challenge (Middle Left):  #2 Queen of Witches
3.  Guidance (Top Card):  #14 The Veil
4.  Hidden (Middle Right):  #21 Saviour
5.  Outcome (Bottom):  #22 Release

~ Reading ~ 


1.  Of the Earth deals with your body's needs.  Your body is a vessel and responds to how you treat it.  You know, more than anyone else, what your body needs and doesn't need.  It's time to address the addictions, distractions and become an active participant in guiding and sustaining your own life.

2.  Queen of Witches says, "it is time to step into your own personal power and make some magik happen."  You are brimming with potential so learn to tap into it!  Examine those situations or (situation) that have caused you to doubt yourself in the past and still influencing you, now.   

It is time to give yourself permission to walk away from what no longer serves you.

3.  The Veil can be protection but also something you're hiding from the rest of the world, including yourself.    This card is asking you to walk away from that person or situation that doesn't serve you anymore.  Only in the privacy of separation (darkness) can one find the space to heal.  

This card also stands for Endings.  Know that Endings are inevitable and we must make our peace with them.  Allow yoursef to grieve and experience the sorrow that follows, knowing that, whatever it is, "This Too Shall Pass."  

4.  The Saviour Card is about tolerance, protecting the innocent and seeking Justice.  This card encourages us to offer help to others including yourself.  This card also speaks to action you can do that will benefit the greater good. 

It is also time for your own personal liberation, as well.  

Understand that we are not isolated beings but part of the same tapestry, interwoven together. 

We are here to help one another.  

5.  Release means - Letting go of the past.  Stop handing over your perrsonal power to people or things that are beyond your control. 

Do Not let your Past dictate your Future.

This is also time for Forgiveness, not only for those who have wronged you, but forgiving yourself. 

Releasing your old baggage will bring about much needed healing.

The numerical value of this reading is:  10 Completion; End of a Cycle and Renewal

CALLING IN POWER || Awaken Your Inner Strength || Powerful Shamanic Drumming Meditation || (youtube.com)


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Powerful Video That Makes You Think - Are We or Aren't We?

 THE LAST DAYS (youtube.com)

Weekly Oracle Card Reading for June 9, 2024


Hecate's Oracle Card Deck

Card Positions

Middle Card (Situation):  #26 Endurance 
Left Card (Challenge):  #4 Of the Sea
Top Card (Guidance):  #7 Bearer of Love
Right Card (Hidden):  #25 Fallow
Bottom (Outcome):  #16 Serpent

~ Reading ~

"Be All That You Can Be" 

* The Situation Card says, "the only way Out is Through".    

We are living in extremely challenging times.  None of us like things that can leave us reeling, confused and suffering.  We'd rather avoid them.  But only in experiencing difficulties can we truly expand our knowledge and awareness.  
Sometimes, it is not until we are tested that we come to understand what we are truly made of.

So keep shining your light as facing your fears robs them of the power they once had over you.  


* The Challenge for us is to slow down and take a deep breath.  This is the time to turn inwards in order to replenish our spiritual side. 

This card reminds us we need to replenish our own energy stores by examining how much we are giving away to others. 

Now is the time to examine both your physical and and emotional needs leading to self awareness of what is most important in order for you to thrive.


* The Guidance Card reminds us this is the time for Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness and Love. 

We are all connected on this planet and this is the time for us to strive to make positive and healing changes necessary, for all.     


* The Hidden Card means Fallow:   Important inner work needs to take place in order to blossom into the long term.  Think of lying on a cold and barren field in the middle of winter. 

All you see is a lifeless gray field.  There is nothing growing on the outside but you cannot see what is growing on the inside.

This card asks you to embrace stillness and draw closer to your inner self as important work is needed in order for you to grow into who you truly are.    

Vital processes are taking place inside of you but when you continue to ignore them, nothing of any great value will sprout. 

Stop fearing what you cannot see and, instead, give yourself permission to get in touch with them. 

It is only through this process that you will emerge on the other side as the bright light you were meant to be.  


* The Outcome Card is Serpent meaning knowledge.  Because you are striving to be more than you can be, hidden knowledge is coming to you that you very much deserve to know. 

This knowledge will offer a new perspective to you (one you hadn't considered before) and a new lease on life. 


The numerical value of this reading is 6:  Communication and problem solving; cooperation and balance leading to harmony

Note:  Go to Youtube and watch the video from Kryon Lee Carroll entitled, "Is there really a battle of dark and light going on? - Destiny of Mastery, Part 3

This video will tell you exactly what is happening on planet earth, now  


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chicken and Beef Under Attack


Folks Another "null" from Google/Blogger this a.m.  meaning they won't let me post this video. 

It's important information regarding our food supply and ongoing attacks on it.

Go to YT:  Chicken and Beef are the Target Here's What I Found.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Night Crawlers

"And the Wicked Shall Inherit the Earth" 

All the nations on this earth should be united in bringing about one thing on this planet and it's called PEACE.   

Instead we have groups of terrorist organizations, lunatics, psychopaths and sociopaths, powerful and ruthless people and governments who don't want peace but continued suffering because they thrive on it.

What's it going to take to get all of us on the same page?

Will it be Jesus' Second Coming in which case we don't know how long we have to wait for that?

Will it be some type of horrific incident, something so catastrophic where we all will finally say, "enough is enough"?  

Why do we continue to care and have hope when the care-less could care less?  

What's it gonna take to get this planet on the right path?


Thursday, June 6, 2024

June 6, 2024 is a New Moon in Gemini

"It's Time"

The Countdown has begun.    

Rebirth is Imminent.

This is the perfect day to think on those things you'd like to change in your life or get rid of altogether.

New Moons stand for deep and personal introspection, coming to grips with those things that don't serve us anymore, allowing for positive change to occur in our lives.  

Stop stalling and start taking charge of your life.  

You are the one who has to make the first move as you are the main catalyst in charge of the positive changes you are looking for.   

Today, June 6, 2024, is the Anniversary of "D Day", That Took Place Eighty Years Ago on June 6, 1944

Never forget those who lost their lives so you could have one.  

Why is this day so important?  

Because it is part of history.  

The largest air, land and sea invasion ever attempted.

An important day in history in which Allied Troops (those countries fighting against Nazi Germany in WWII - The United Kingdom; The Soviet Union; The United States; China and France) were part of a secret invasion through Normandy, France in an all out, last ditch effort to end the War on June 6, 1944.    

Were they successful?


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/06/what-is-d-day-anniversary/73936892007/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/06/06/what-is-d-day-anniversary/73936892007/

"A Very Good Site to Keep up on What's Happening in the World"

 PSYCHIC Predictions Events ⚠️ Collapsing Infrastructures? (Psychic Predictions) (youtube.com)

So Now They Want to Get Rid of Livestock

Bill Gates Invests Millions in ‘Climate Vaccines’ to Reduce Methane Emissions From Cows – Era of Light

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

You Might Want to Look Into This ~ BQH - "Beyond Quantum Healing"

 What is BQH? By Candace Craw-Goldman - YouTube

Oracle Card Reading for Week of June 2, 2024


Hekate's Oracle

Card Positions:

Middle (SITUATION):  #14 The Veil
Middle Left (CHALLENGE):  #12 Gatekeeper
Top (GUIDANCE/HELP):  #22 Release
Lower Right ( HIDDEN):  #13 The Guide
Bottom (OUTCOME):   #2 Queen of Witches

* Reading *

"This One's For You!"
~ Empowerment ~ 

Note:  This is a new card deck I am using.  Each new deck has a different twist on card meanings, maybe a different way of interpreting them or bringing to light something you missed.  

I hope you enjoy this deck as much as I am.     


Hecate or Hekate is an ancient Goddess.  The Witches of Witches; an Herbalist and Healer; a devoted friend and helper to those whom society has kicked to the curb.  Don't get me wrong, she has a gentle side but also a side you don't want to come in contact with.  

When she connects with you it's for Life and consider yourself very fortunate to have her Guidance and Wisdom.  

I'm attaching a short video on who and what she was.  Hope you enjoy!  


SITUATION:  The veil can act two ways - both as concealment and as protection.  What this card is asking you is, "what is holding you back"?  What are you afraid of?  Isn't it time to come to grips with what's stopping you from moving forward?  -  It's time for an internal cleansing, a deep dive into the deep, dark recesses of your soul, ferreting out those things that do not serve you anymore in order for your healing to begin.

CHALLENGE:  The Gatekeeper is telling you it's time to set some boundaries in your life but first you must be clear about what they are as this is for your own protection.   

Boundaries are good for they prevent us from falling off a cliff.

GUIDANCE/HELP:  The Release Card is asking you to "let go of the Past".  Now is the time to assess what is holding you back, preventing you from becoming your "Authentic" self.  Is it a relationship, or maybe a toxic friend that can only see the negative side of things?   If so, it is time to release this negativity from your life.  

This is also a card of Forgiveness not only forgiving others for the wrongs they've done to you but also learning to forgive yourself.  There is so much more to life to be enjoyed and cherished but you continue turning your back on them.  

HIDDEN:  The Guide represents Divine Help.  It is there for the asking.  This help is always available to us, but first me must ask for it.

OUTCOME:  The Queen of Witches Card represents Hecate herself.  This is a direct message to you from her:


It is Time to Step in to Your Own Personal Power and make some changes!   It is time to walk away from what no longer serves you!

💗Make some magic of your own, happen!💗

The numerical value of this reading is 9: 

Fruition; attainment; bringing things to a conclusion and completion   

A Tribute to Hekate - YouTube

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"You are a Planetary Healer"

 Exclusive Premiere - Luminous Warrior Documentary (thefourwinds.com)

"Melanie Beckler and An Angelic Message for You"


"Humanity's Journey Continues Toward Spiritual Awakening"

An outstanding video of what is occurring now on Planet Earth and to Humanity:

*Go to the Youtube Channel "Awaken Awareness 2024" and watch the video "2024 The End of the World as We Know It by Dolores Cannon".

I believe the information in this video will help many of you start to piece missing information in your lives together, helping set you on your own personal spiritual path.

Folks, we need all the help we can get!  

Monday, June 3, 2024

Inhale, Exhale

" Healing" 

"The entire world needs to take a step back and inhale a deep breath of Healing while exhaling a deep breath of Intolerance"

Saturday, June 1, 2024

I Am Not Surprised

EXPOSED: Vatican REMOVED & BANNED This From the BIBLE! (Book of Enoch & More) | Paul Wallis (youtube.com)

Were the Inuit (Eskimoes) Correct Back in 2010 or earlier Earth's Axis Tilted Causing the Extreme Weather We're Seeing Now?

I tried posting a very interesting article re the above subject this morning and, not to my surprise, Google/Blogger refused my doing this.    

Folks, we are being lied to all over the place and its been going on for years by organizations, governments and very powerful people.

Start questioning things, not taking them at face value, when something doesn't seem right or bothering you jump in and start asking questions and more importantly, start demanding answers.    

If you want to view the article I'm referring to, regarding earth's axis has tilted please go to https://www.theglobeandmail.com and read the article the Inuits posted years ago.    

This is just one of many articles involving this subject.  

I also have other, follow up links that talk about earth's axis changing and noticed by the Inuits if you're interested.

You can find several articles re this subject yourselves, just look for information re Inuits (Eskimoes) and earth's axis and how it has affected their weather (not to mention the rest of us).

They even contacted NASA regarding this but, of course, the information they shared was "taken with a grain of salt".  

BTW, changes in earth's climate are not bizare or anything to be afraid of.  They are natural cycles and should be presented as such.

But that doesn't mean you don't prepare for them.

For example 10 years worth of "normal" weather we're all used to and the 11th year being upside down (the weather) wouldn't you like to know, in advance, of the change, why the change and how to prepare for it?