Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Were the Inuit (Eskimoes) Correct Back in 2010 or earlier Earth's Axis Tilted Causing the Extreme Weather We're Seeing Now?

I tried posting a very interesting article re the above subject this morning and, not to my surprise, Google/Blogger refused my doing this.    

Folks, we are being lied to all over the place and its been going on for years by organizations, governments and very powerful people.

Start questioning things, not taking them at face value, when something doesn't seem right or bothering you jump in and start asking questions and more importantly, start demanding answers.    

If you want to view the article I'm referring to, regarding earth's axis has tilted please go to https://www.theglobeandmail.com and read the article the Inuits posted years ago.    

This is just one of many articles involving this subject.  

I also have other, follow up links that talk about earth's axis changing and noticed by the Inuits if you're interested.

You can find several articles re this subject yourselves, just look for information re Inuits (Eskimoes) and earth's axis and how it has affected their weather (not to mention the rest of us).

They even contacted NASA regarding this but, of course, the information they shared was "taken with a grain of salt".  

BTW, changes in earth's climate are not bizare or anything to be afraid of.  They are natural cycles and should be presented as such.

But that doesn't mean you don't prepare for them.

For example 10 years worth of "normal" weather we're all used to and the 11th year being upside down (the weather) wouldn't you like to know, in advance, of the change, why the change and how to prepare for it?


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