Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Weekly Oracle Card Reading for June 9, 2024


Hecate's Oracle Card Deck

Card Positions

Middle Card (Situation):  #26 Endurance 
Left Card (Challenge):  #4 Of the Sea
Top Card (Guidance):  #7 Bearer of Love
Right Card (Hidden):  #25 Fallow
Bottom (Outcome):  #16 Serpent

~ Reading ~

"Be All That You Can Be" 

* The Situation Card says, "the only way Out is Through".    

We are living in extremely challenging times.  None of us like things that can leave us reeling, confused and suffering.  We'd rather avoid them.  But only in experiencing difficulties can we truly expand our knowledge and awareness.  
Sometimes, it is not until we are tested that we come to understand what we are truly made of.

So keep shining your light as facing your fears robs them of the power they once had over you.  


* The Challenge for us is to slow down and take a deep breath.  This is the time to turn inwards in order to replenish our spiritual side. 

This card reminds us we need to replenish our own energy stores by examining how much we are giving away to others. 

Now is the time to examine both your physical and and emotional needs leading to self awareness of what is most important in order for you to thrive.


* The Guidance Card reminds us this is the time for Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness and Love. 

We are all connected on this planet and this is the time for us to strive to make positive and healing changes necessary, for all.     


* The Hidden Card means Fallow:   Important inner work needs to take place in order to blossom into the long term.  Think of lying on a cold and barren field in the middle of winter. 

All you see is a lifeless gray field.  There is nothing growing on the outside but you cannot see what is growing on the inside.

This card asks you to embrace stillness and draw closer to your inner self as important work is needed in order for you to grow into who you truly are.    

Vital processes are taking place inside of you but when you continue to ignore them, nothing of any great value will sprout. 

Stop fearing what you cannot see and, instead, give yourself permission to get in touch with them. 

It is only through this process that you will emerge on the other side as the bright light you were meant to be.  


* The Outcome Card is Serpent meaning knowledge.  Because you are striving to be more than you can be, hidden knowledge is coming to you that you very much deserve to know. 

This knowledge will offer a new perspective to you (one you hadn't considered before) and a new lease on life. 


The numerical value of this reading is 6:  Communication and problem solving; cooperation and balance leading to harmony

Note:  Go to Youtube and watch the video from Kryon Lee Carroll entitled, "Is there really a battle of dark and light going on? - Destiny of Mastery, Part 3

This video will tell you exactly what is happening on planet earth, now  


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