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Hecate's Oracle Card Deck Card Positions 1. Situation (Middle Card): #5 Of the Earth 2. Challenge (Middle Left): #2 Queen of Witches 3. Guidance (Top Card): #14 The Veil 4. Hidden (Middle Right): #21 Saviour 5. Outcome (Bottom): #22 Release ~ Reading ~ Surrender 1. Of the Earth deals with your body's needs. Your body is a vessel and responds to how you treat it. You know, more than anyone else, what your body needs and doesn't need. It's time to address the addictions, distractions and become an active participant in guiding and sustaining your own life. 2. Queen of Witches says, "it is time to step into your own personal power and make some magik happen." You are brimming with potential so learn to tap into it! Examine those situations or (situation) that have caused you to doubt yourself in the past and still influencing you, now. It is time to give yourself permission to walk away from what no longer serves you. 3. The Veil can be protection but also something you're hiding from the rest of the world, including yourself. This card is asking you to walk away from that person or situation that doesn't serve you anymore. Only in the privacy of separation (darkness) can one find the space to heal. This card also stands for Endings. Know that Endings are inevitable and we must make our peace with them. Allow yoursef to grieve and experience the sorrow that follows, knowing that, whatever it is, "This Too Shall Pass." 4. The Saviour Card is about tolerance, protecting the innocent and seeking Justice. This card encourages us to offer help to others including yourself. This card also speaks to action you can do that will benefit the greater good. It is also time for your own personal liberation, as well. Understand that we are not isolated beings but part of the same tapestry, interwoven together. We are here to help one another. 5. Release means - Letting go of the past. Stop handing over your perrsonal power to people or things that are beyond your control. Do Not let your Past dictate your Future. This is also time for Forgiveness, not only for those who have wronged you, but forgiving yourself. Releasing your old baggage will bring about much needed healing. The numerical value of this reading is: 10 Completion; End of a Cycle and Renewal ***** CALLING IN POWER || Awaken Your Inner Strength || Powerful Shamanic Drumming Meditation || (youtube.com) |
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