Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Hekate Oracle Card Reading for October 13, 2024


Hekate's Oracle Cards


Middle (SITUATION):  Release #22
Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  Of the Road #6
Top (GUIDANCE):  Empowerment #27
Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Night Wanderer #8
Bottom (OUTCOME):  Of the Sea #4
Far Left Bottom (SUMMARY):  As Above, So Below #24


I see pine trees flocked with snow, a whole mountainside covered with snow and a train chugging along, starting to have a hard time making it up the tracks.    

~ Reading ~

"The Little Engine That Could"

1.  SITUATION:  Let Go of Your Past.

The Release Card is asking you to let go of your past.  Stop letting your past dictate your future.  

It's time to break your chains:  A boss you can't please; an in-law from hell, etc.  

Surrender to the elements and allow yourself to go through this transitory period as you will uncover the hidden path that lies before you.

2.  CHALLENGE:  Walk the Way with Courage.

The Of the Road Card is telling you that in order to get through obstacles and challeenges, you have to learn to "walk the way with courage."

3.  GUIDANCE:  Welcome the Shadow.

The Empowerment Card tells us it's time to "welcome" our shadow.  That part of us we keep hiding from, keep running away from.  We cannot have dark without light; we cannot have light without the dark.  

We cannot expect to expand in consciousness and wisdom without gaining the courage to deal with those things that we fear that keep standing in our way.

In order to overcome we must first make peace with ourselves

It's time to clean out your closet.  

4.  HIDDEN:  Stand By Your Beliefs.  The Night Wanderer encourages you to "stand by your beliefs."  Start standing up for what you believe in.  

The times we are presently in are activating this, demanding that more and more of us start standing up, exposing the lies and the hypocrisies that have dominated our lives.  

This is all part of the Great Awakening (Ascension) Humanity is currently undergoing, a healing process in which planetary cleansing can occur in order for the New Earth to manifest.

5.  OUTCOME:  Bathe in Nurturing Waters.

Of the Sea represents our emotions.  Water is a cleansing agent.  Too much of it can harm but just the right amount can heal.  

This card asks you to keep a check on your emotions, before you fly off the handle or want to tell someone off, please, take a step back and reconsider there might be a better way to handle the situation. 

6.  SUMMARY:  Nurture Your Inner World.

As Above, So Below is an interesting card.  It represents the "interconnectedness" of all things.  It challenges us to see the universe in ourselves as well as ourselves in the universe.

In other words, any action or thought you do here (on earth) is reflected/manifested in the universe (cosmos).  

It is important to realize that there are unseen forces guiding all of our lives and not just what happens to us while here on earth (meaning the consequences of our decisions and choices, etc.) but also what is happening over our heads.

Understand you have a specific role to play while here.  Pay attention to your dreams, your intutition as your spirit guides have been wanting to contact you for a very long time but you've either ignored their attempts to resisted them altogether.

Now is the time to invite them in as this is the role they were destined for, helping guide you toward the purpose you came to earth to fulfill.  

The numerical value of this reading is:  4 Structure, stability, manifestation, application

Adding the Summary Card is:  10 or 1 (same thing) New Beginnings, That Which is About to Take Form) 




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