Fulfillment ~ "2023, a Year of Goodbyes"

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Hekate's Oracle Card Reading for September 29, 2024


Hekate's Oracle 

Card Positions:

1.  Middle (SITUATION):  Crossroads #1

2.  Upper Left (CHALLENGE):  Of the Sea #4

3.  Top (GUIDANCE):   Release #22

4.  Upper Right (HIDDEN):  Fallow #25

5.  Bottom (OUTCOME):  Crone  #20

6.  Far Left (SUMMARY):  Bearer of Love #7

Reading:  "Be Still and Know"
Psalm 46:10

NOTE:  While meditating I saw a full moon and the background having hues of dark and light blue.  I heard an owl hooting.   Clouds were racing actoss the moon as if a stiff wind were pushing them.

Also saw a woman wearing a long dark skirt (I believe to be black) slowly walking near the edge of a forest.    

The world is in shambles between weather disasters and wars.  There's a lot of fear porn out there as human parasites feed off of the pictures of dead and tortured bodies and widespread devastation around the world as bombs and missiles target buildings and ammo depots.            

We can easily get sucked in by all of this and if we allow ourselves to become fearful or paralyzed by what we see happening, it's going to be very hard to get back up on our feet again.  The challenge is to find our footing in order to stay calm and trust that in Divine intervention.     


The full moon represents mystery and magic and illuminates a time of heightened emotions and potent activity.  The colors of dark and light blue represent (dark - Spirituality and the Higher Realms; light - Faith and Trust).  

The hooting owl can either be guidance or a warning.  It actually felt like when I heard the sound that it was a combination of the two.   

The woman who was hard to see because it was dark I felt was the Goddess Hekate even though I could not make out her features or what else she was wearing other than a black skirt.

 Also felt that there were dogs nearby even though I could not hear them.    Hekate is noted as having dogs around her so I'm thinking this might have been her out for an evening stroll.  

The color black represents concealment; hibernation (so healing can occur) instead of ignoring your weaknesses it is time to address your hidden phobias and problems.      


1.  SITUATION:  Crossroads (A new Path awaits Humanity).  We are crossing over from the old earth to the new earth.    

2.  CHALLENGE:  Of the Sea (Bathe in Nurturing Waters).  This is not the time to let your emotions get the best of you.   We are all being challenged to stand our ground and trust in our abilities to get through whatever is coming our way.    

3.  GUIDANCE:  Release (Let Go of the Past).  You can't move forward if you continue to allow the things that don't serve you anymore (a harmful relationship, a job you hate, a drinking problem, etc.) to keep getting in your way.

This is the time to get down to business and take stock of who you are and where you want to go in life.

4.  HIDDEN:  Fallow (Peace in Stillness).  There is so much going on in the world, so many distractions, destruction, pain and sorrow.  This is the time to nurture that part of you that requires it, turn off youtube along with your cell phone, realize that you need to make time to hibernate (get away from all the noise) (pray) meditate and heal.  

5.  OUTCOME:  Crone (Success and Transformation).  The Crone represents Wisdom.  This card is telling you that you've come far on your earthly journey, learning from past mistakes, forgiving others, taking time to help those in need and searching for the truth in all things.   

6.  SUMMARY:  Bearer of Love (Compassion and Kindness).   Practice Temperance and Tolerance.

This card is letting us know that this is what the world needs now.  I believe a lot of folks are catching on to this, also.  They say there is strength in numbers and power in prayer.  The more of us who take the time to gather together to shed the light on darkness and pray for peace and healing in the world the more this is actually going to manifest.  

The numerical value of this reading is 7:  Reflection; Assessment; Spirituality and Wisdom
Mastering Emotions Amid Chaos (visit veilofreality.com)

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